Day 5 of COP28: Saudi Green Initiative Forum begins

Saudi Green Initiative Forum will highlight Saudi Arabia’s projects and initiatives to promote sustainability and mitigate climate action. (AN Photo: Philip Ekladyous)
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Updated 06 December 2023

Day 5 of COP28: Saudi Green Initiative Forum begins

  • The 3rd edition of the forum discussed critical sustainability, primarily energy transition, protecting the seas, and unlocking climate finance

DUBAI: The Saudi Green Initiative Forum kicked off on Monday as COP28 continues to mobilize world leaders towards serious action against climate change.

Held under the slogan “From Ambition to Action”, the third edition of the forum discussed critical sustainability, primarily energy transition, protecting the seas, and unlocking climate finance to enable climate action at the UN climate summit.

READ MORE: Click here for our coverage of COP28


15.10 GMT

That concludes over coverage of the first day of the SGI Forum. There were many talking points, including how Riyadh is set to transform into a global sustainability hub thanks to substantial investments earmarked to prepare the Saudi capital for the upcoming Expo 2030.  

There was also a warning from the Aramco CEO that not enough renewable energy is being produced to meet global demand.

14:50 GMT

David Edmond, CEO of NEOM Green Hydrogen, told Arab News the first phase of his company is focused on exports, as there is not yet a sufficient demand for the fuel in Saudi Arabia. However, he said the Kingdom is at a “turning point” and the next phase will be centered on the local market. 

12:50 GMT

Amin Nasser, CEO of Aramco, said the demand for hydrogen power is still not there as it is still an expensive source of energy. He added that there still needed to be investment in oil and gas because there is more demand for those fuels.

Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of TotalEnergies, echoed this by saying that the demand for oil and gas is tied to the global population growth.

12.15 GMT

The success of COP gatherings is often measured, initially at least, in dollars and cents. The Dubai event has so far seen pledges of around $57 billion from various sectors, with commitments covering finance, health, food, nature and energy.

These include:

  • $3.5 billion to replenish the Green Climate Fund 
  • $2.7 billion pledged for health
  • $2.6 billion for food systems transformation
  • $2.6 billion to protect nature
  • $467 million for urban climate action
  • $1.2 billion has been committed for relief, recovery and peace.

Read more about the pledges here.

11:45 GMT

Ziyad Al-Shiha, CEO of the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, tells Arab News that vision is not enough. Execution is key to achieve tangible results in the battle against climate change.

11:36 GMT

Dilma Rousseff, President, New Development Bank

“There is a problem in the global south countries: The burden of public death. The public death is rising too much and too fast.”

“Deforestation is a question of will and resources.”

11:30 GMT

Faisal Alibrahim, Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning

“The challenge or the complication is that climate action will require a lot of funding from now until 2050.”

“What we did in Saudi Arabia, to put it simply is Vision 2030. Vision 2030 was our blueprint to diversify our economy, empower the youth and build stronger institutions.”

“Our non-oil economy has grown 20 percent since the start of Vision 2030, which is higher than the EU and the US that stand at around 14 and 10 percent.”

“We’re very experimental. We’re very humble about learning from others experiences including our own experiences immediately after we decide to take an action so I'd say step one is looking inwards, upgrading our institutional capabilities, unlocking the potential that we have in all sectors.”

“We need stable growing economies in order to achieve climate action.”

“I think, from our point of view, the thing that we don’t regret doing is building institutional capabilities and educating people. The more educated people are, the stronger our institutions are in terms of their ability to push the right policy.”

“We have the cleanest oil in the world, being produced in Saudi Arabia. and we still want to be the most reliable and cleanest conventional hydrocarbon energy producer, but also, we have the cheapest wind and solar energy. In Saudi Arabia, we have the largest green hydrogen project in NEOM.”

“Let’ not forget most of the innovation that happened globally came from countries where there was a young population that was serious about making a difference. I think the windfall in our battle against climate change could be coming from these countries.”

11:06 GMT

“In recent years there has been a major transformation to enable investments to be able to de-risk investors investing in IPP projects, particularly renewable projects. This year alone, we have signed 15 power purchase agreements, which would not have been possible without providing the right de-risking mechanisms for investors to feel comfortable that their investments are safe, secure and stable.”

“We do not really have to subsidize renewable energy; it is actually competitive. We achieved the lowest renewable energy prices in the world with Shuaibah at 1.04 cents per kilowatt-hour.”

11:00 GMT


“Ultimately our business of developing renewable energy is you look at projects and attempt to de-risk it as much as possible so you can reach a point where you can pass on the savings to the end user, and you can make these projects affordable and reliable. It is very easy to talk about markets like Saudi Arabia, but if you want renewable energy to be available in many more countries price becomes very, very important. And price is a function of risk, and availability of credit.”

10:36 GMT

Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Governor of the Public Investment Fund

“The Public Investment Fund is the main engine of the Saudi economy.”

“Saudi Arabia last year was the fastest growing in GDP among the G20 member states. We had grown by 8.7 per cent.”

“By the first quarter of next year, we are designing a net zero transition plan. So, we will start to see how we are going to go from the current status quo to the net zero emission.”

“PIF moved from rank 73 to the seventh, among all the other sovereign wealth funds.”

“On the India-Middle East-Europe corridor announced by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US President Joe Biden earlier during the G20 Summit: “One of the things that we get to have in the corridor, in addition to the railways and the communication lines, is green hydrogen and renewable energy.”

“We are doing our part, and I hope the rest of the world will do theirs.”

“I think the world should start being more practical to look into the solutions that will make us live a happier and healthier life, not for us only, but for our children and their children and their children's children.”

10:09 GMT

“Sixty percent of the critical variables of climate information come from space. There is a lot of discussion today on how to protect our planet, but also let us think about how to protect critical infrastructure where we get the data to protect our planet.”

“There is also a problem of space debris… these debris moving between around 20,000 and 30,000 kilometers per hour. If we have to protect our investments, we have to address the space debris issue.”

“In Saudi Arabia, we stand with all nations thinking about harnessing the power of space technology to combat the problem of space debris. Realizing the urgency of this global challenge, we have embarked on an ambitious journey to develop and deploy innovative space solutions that will encourage a better sustainable future.”

“We are planning a workshop in the first quarter of next year tackling specifically space debris because we believe this is a global problem and this needs global coordination to fix it.”

“People right now are talking about a new space era, a huge shift from a government-centric space sector to commercialization. Over the last 30 years, we have been tracking over $37 billion direct funding to the private sector, 60 percent of these coming in the last three to four years. There is a huge shift to the private sector to fund and participate in space activities.”

“We understand space economy is a growing economy, 80 percent of that economy would be coming from the downstream [segment] which is easy in capex so the appetite for the private sector and entrepreneurs will be higher. The third thing is the cost of launch: 10 years ago it cost $37,000 to send a kilo into space, now it costs only $1,500 is expected that by 2040 it will be $10 only.”

“There should be innovative regulation, meaning there is cooperation between there regulator and the private sector as well as between the regulator and other agencies. Any ICT regulator should not work independently by itself, in isolation of the private sector or in isolation of another national regulator. There should be a concept of innovative regulation.”

08:47 GMT

Angela Wilkinson, CEO of the World Energy Council, tells Arab News about the impact of Saudi Arabia’s initiatives.

08:34 GMT

Ray Dalio, founder and mentor CIO of Bridgewater Associates, who also founded an ocean exploration organization called OceanX:

“We have discovered in the Red Sea a coral that is estimated to be a thousand years old, we discovered species, remnants of other civilizations. That kind of discovery in the Red Sea, the way it is being done, to work with scientists, it is exciting to see these discoveries. The Red Sea is such a treasured environment that has been underutilized and it will be handed in the most pristine way.”

“The ocean is 72 percent of the world’s surface and twice the size of all continents combined but it remains unexplored. It is the biggest natural resource that we have, it has the biggest effect on our lives, but it is totally ignored. As much as 120 percent times as much money is being spent for space exploration that to ocean exploration. It is much cost effective to go there, ocean exploration.”

 “My mission is not only to show [ocean exploration], but to make it infectious. And it is becoming an infectious thing in Saudi Arabia, there will be amazing things that would be done in Saudi Arabia. And then it will be done globally. So my aspiration is to discover and think about the ocean.”

“I want to emphasize that [being custodians of the ocean] do not happen without great partnership. I would say could not getter partnership than in Saudi Arabia in the ways that we are doing it. I think you have to have an excellent leadership of a government to say: how do you make it pervasive?”

08:23 GMT

Dr. Lisa Levin, Distinguished Professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography

“Deep-sea is as diverse as ecosystems on land. Each one of this high species diversity. There is a lot of evolutionary novelty down there, that we may be able to benefit from in the form of medicines and pharmaceuticals.”

“In terms of the animal life, the ecology of the deep see, we probably have seen less than five percent after about 150 years or more of exploration. So, there is a lot of exploration left to do.”

“The UN High Seas Treaty to the Rescue of Marine Biodiversity could be a very powerful treaty if nations could be behind it and use it to its full capacity. It creates the opportunity to create vast protected areas. It creates marine resources as the common heritage of mankind, and gives benefit sharing to all nations of the world.”

“So much of the deep sea is pristine, and this treaty will help us keep it that way and prevent it from being a dumping ground or a resource extraction site.”

07:42 GMT

Mohammad Al Tayyar, Program Director, Oil Sustainability Program

“If you focus on the four R’s - reduce, reuse, recycle and remove - you can achieve a lot of your mitigation and abatement activities.”

07:36 GMT

Bandar Alkhorayef, Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, reaffirms to Arab News the Kingdom’s commitment towards energy transition.  

07:24 GMT

Nadhmi Al-Nasr, CEO of NEOM

“We are starting from zero. We have no legacy. We have nothing to undo. And that’s a blessing, but a big responsibility.”

“First, we want the nature reserve to govern how NEOM will be done. We then immediately decided to make 95% of this whole region untouched nature reserve, which left us only 5% of the whole area to build on to house 9 to 10 million people in it.”

“We need to build the city or this NEOM by having it all energized by renewable energy, which is the base of NEOM.”

“We have hundreds of nationalities in NEOM.

Basically, we have the world in NEOM and I see many of them here. They are scientists, they are engineers, they are here because they are passionate about it. It's not just a job, it's a responsibility.”


07:20 GMT

Princess Haifa bint Muhammad Al-Saud, Saudi Vice Minister of Tourism

“International arrivals grew from around 680 million international arrivals to 1.5 billion, and that number is only going to increase to 1.8 billion by 2030.”

“Those are the types of commitments that we need to start proactively doing, and it starts from a role as individuals, all the way to the rules of the communities, to the roles of government and the roles of private sector alike.”

“Today the world is suffering from over tourism, $1 trillion spent annually is the cost of over tourism. So definitely preserving heritage sites is critical.”

A statement from the SGI team later elaborated on her comments, saying that the Riyadh Sustainability Strategy will see carbon emissions in the city reduced by 50 percent. In addition, there will be SR 346 billion ($92 billion) invested in sustainability initiatives and projects, stimulating the private sector.


07:00 GMT

Khalid Al-Falih, Saudi Minister of Investment

“My key point about sustainability is economic sustainability, and that’s where I think investment comes in.”

“We have global policies, and we’re at COP. This is where global policies are being written and architected.”

“The future is about responsible climate action in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

“We’re building the world's largest and most ambitious and cleanest green hydrogen project in Neon with a partnership from our leading renewable company, ACWA Power.”

“The Ministry of Energy is keeping Aramco and its trajectory of being the world's lowest emitting company.”

“The Saudi government is a top three on every metric that allows industries and consumers to be as efficient and least emitting as possible.”

“We are under no illusion that that fossil fuels will be switched off, constraining it and allowing us to preserve our hydrocarbons for the future, I think is a gift for us.”

“The kingdom has great endowments. One of them is our hydrocarbon endowment. The next is our location solar wind renewables converging together. Being able to produce green hydrogen blue hydrogen at a fraction of what would it cost at high consumption rates. The third endowment is our young great people who are the most innovative, the most productive, the most loyal, the most patriotic people and the fourth endowment is our private sector.”

“As we move forward, we believe that scaling would be more economical. This is why we have already announced that we are planning to get to 44 megatons of CO2 by 2035, which is almost equivalent to the total capacity in existence today.”

6:53 GMT

Mohammed Alibrahim, Saudi Arabia’s Assistant Minister for Oil and Gas

On balancing out carbon management: “What dictates what solution takes place depends a lot on the circumstances because at the end of the day when you select a solution it has to be the most economical for this location. There is no one path for every one.”

“When you are planning your power sector, you need a baseload and sometimes renewable energy could not provide that baseload and we have to be realistic about it what we’re planning moving forward. We do not see any competition, we believe that all these solutions are necessary moving forward, but what dictates the mix would be different from on country to another.”

On carbon capture scaling: “We understand that different technologies are in different stages of their life right now, but we believe also in paving a level playing field in these technologies. We do not play favorites; we do not say one technology is better than the other. We understand what we need to solve for, and it reduces emissions regardless what technology works.”

6:45 GMT

Adel Aljubeir, Saudi Minister of State and Envoy for Climate

“I believe we can work in terms of carbon capture and sequestration. I believe we can do a lot in terms of how we manage our lives and how we live, how we design our cities to reduce commuting time and to reduce pollution.”

“I believe our approach has to be comprehensive, not just in specific areas, there is room for reducing waste.”

“There is room for increasing efficiencies there is room for planting trees. There is room for combating desertification, there is room for combating plastics, there is room for carbon capture and sequestration.”

“I would say that the approach that we have used in Saudi Arabia is a whole of government all of society approach we don't believe that you can segment different areas we have to work, so to speak on all cylinders.”

“I believe that there's a need to provide resources to countries that have a lack of resources, and also providing them with expertise.”

“I believe we have the financial resources, I believe we're developing the political will in order to put in place ambitious policies and ambitious pathways towards achieving the objectives that we all aspire towards.”

“We have launched more than 80 programs and committed almost $200 billion, 186 to be precise on programs this far. We will continue to see what else we can do.”

“I would say the key elements are open dialogue and trust. And if we have an open dialogue and we have trust, and we can have a rational conversation about how they solve the problems and how we tackle the challenges that we're facing. We can come up with credible pathways forward.”

“The key is to express different opinions and the key is to see how we can all combine our collective wisdom to move forward.”

6:00 GMT


- “I want to celebrate the fact that Saudi Arabia put it on the G7 agenda. Desertification and land degradation is an issue that is affecting millions of people and billions of hectares of land.”

- “It is a real issue and we have to also accept that we need land to have agriculture to have urbanization etc. So how are we going to ensure that our lands are as fertile as possible.”

“The Middle East green initiative that is also Saudi-led is something to celebrate. There are resources, obviously, from the GCF, the Green Climate Fund, etc. But these are small resources, the bigger resources will come from communities themselves.”

05:48 GMT

Dr. Khaled Alabulqader, CEO, National Center For Vegetation Cover Development And Combating Desertification, said Saudi Arabia is taking climate change “very importantly and seriously”.

“The Kingdom has taken big initiatives in the world stage and the local stage and on the regional stage.”

“We have done a very good job in the Kingdom in the last few years, where we reduced the [climate] impacts, especially in the coastal areas, vegetation cover and the rangelands. And now we have a policy to also manage the grazelands where we can convert to organized grazing practices with some incentives given to the local community and people.”

“We encourage the development of NGOs. NGOs are really increasing in numbers in the kingdom. For example, when we started the initiative for a plantation in the Kingdom, in the last two years, we have reached to a number 150,000 volunteers.”

“Land degradation is responsible for the 40 percent of global emissions.”
“We just finished the study and the roadmap for the Kingdom to take on the initiative of planting 10 billion trees from 2024 to 2100.”

05:34 GMT

Jukka Petteri Taalas, Secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, said this year would be the warmest year on record, and we have also broken records of main greenhouse gas concentrations of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.

Taalas added that sea level rise is affecting this part of the world. “We are seeing more weather extremes, more droughts. This part of the world is very sensitive, people are facing more risks in this part of the world.”

“We know that the biggest problem with climate mitigation is consumption of fossil fuels. That’s two thirds of the problem. Then about 20 percent of the problems related to release of methane, especially from tropical wetlands, from rice paddies and from cattle. And about 10 percent of the problem that we have having in climate is related to deforestation, especially deforestation of the tropical rain forests in Africa, and sub parts of Southern Asia.”

“And we should stop this deforestation and instead, plant more trees is a way to absorb carbon dioxide from the from the atmosphere.”

“Then there’s a second challenge that we are having. It’s the fact that we have started seeing growing amount of dust and sand storms also in your parts of the world and these tree plantation to be one positive act against this growing amount of sand and dust storms. And this as you all know, sand and dust storms are having negative impacts on human health.”


5:00 GMT

Saudi Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman

During his opening speech, the Saudi Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said the Kingdom will work with international partners to develop tech-based initiatives to advance the implementation of effective climate action.

He said the Kingdom’s concrete action on implementing renewables are reflected by its ability to quadruple its capacity from 700 megawatts last year to two gigawatt with more than eight gigawatts of renewable under construction and around 13 gigawatts in various development stages.

“We are also planning to tender an additional 20 gigawatt by 2024 as part of our commitment to accelerate the development to renewable energy project.”

The Kingdom, the minister said, aims to become a key exporter of green hydrogen.

The NEOM green hydrogen project, he said, has successfully completed its initial phase securing investments of about $8.5 billion to produce 1.2 million tonnes per annum.

Through panel discussions, the forum highlighted Saudi Arabia’s projects and initiatives to promote sustainability and mitigate climate action under SGI, which was launched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in 2021.  

More than 80 initiatives are being implemented to contribute to achieving the SGI’s goals of the Saudi Green Initiative.

SGI Forum is an annual platform convening policy makers, thought leaders and climate experts from around the world to share insights, and discuss the best solutions to reach a more sustainable regional and global future.

It comes this year as the UN climate summit continues with key pledges from world leaders to mobilize efforts to combat the rising threats.

The annual UN Conference of the Parties, known as COP28, in the UAE featured about 150 presidents, prime ministers, royals and other leaders who are presenting their plans to cut heat-trapping emissions and mostly seek unity with other nations to avert climate catastrophe that seemed to draw closer than ever in 2023.

Monsha’at revolutionizing SME landscape in Saudi Arabia

Updated 31 August 2024

Monsha’at revolutionizing SME landscape in Saudi Arabia

  • Strengthening the SME sector is crucial for Saudi Arabia, as the Kingdom is currently pursuing its economic diversification journey
  • Monsha’at aims to increase the SME contribution to Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product to 35 percent by the end of this decade

RIYADH: As Saudi Arabia continues its economic diversification journey, the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises continues to spearhead several initiatives designed to propel the growth of the Kingdom’s private sector.

The authority, also known as Monsha’at, ushered in a wave of initiatives this year, including strong efforts to boost financing for small and medium enterprises in the Kingdom, along with other programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurship culture among Saudi citizens.

In February, a report released by the authority revealed that the number of SMEs in Saudi Arabia reached 1.3 million by the end of 2023, representing a quarter-on-quarter rise of 3.1 percent.

Monsha’at, at that time, said that this growth in the number of SMEs was driven by robust public investment, strong entrepreneurial drive, and the region’s leading venture capital investments.

Strengthening the SME sector is crucial for Saudi Arabia, as the Kingdom is currently pursuing its economic diversification journey by reducing its dependence on oil.

With its various initiatives, Monsha’at aims to increase the SME contribution to Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product to 35 percent by the end of this decade. The report also added that the Riyadh Expo in 2030 is also expected to be a major boon for Saudi SMEs.

“SMEs across the ecosystem will also benefit from nearly $1 trillion being invested in Riyadh over the next seven years, especially firms that prioritize sustainability, innovation, and creativity in sync with broader diversification efforts led by Vision 2030,” said Monsha’at in the report.

Here are some of the significant developments and initiatives undertaken by Monsha’at this year.

Financing initiatives

In May, Monsha’at signed a memorandum of understanding with Saudi Arabia’s Social Development Bank, allowing the authority to join the bank’s Entrepreneurs Program – a financing product aimed at supporting the assets and operating costs of new business entities in the Kingdom.

According to a Saudi Press Agency report published at that time, Monsha’at will work to provide training and advisory services to further empower entrepreneurs who benefit from the bank’s entrepreneurs program through support centers in Riyadh, Madinah, Jeddah, and Alkhobar.

Under the terms of the agreement, SDB will work to process the submitted lending applications and make the appropriate decisions regarding them.

In July, another report by Saudi Arabia’s SME Bank noted that it provided SR1 billion ($270 billion) to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the Kingdom from its launch in December 2022 until January 2024.

“The leadership of Saudi Arabia acknowledges the vital role that SMEs play, as they constitute 99 percent of the Kingdom’s businesses. Various initiatives have been put in place to further catalyze their growth,” said Abdulrahman bin Mohammed bin Mansour, acting CEO of the SME Bank at that time.

Another report released by the Saudi Central Bank in June revealed that credit facilities provided by SMEs in the Kingdom surged by 16 percent in the first three months of this year to SR293.43 billion, compared to the same period in 2023.

Supporting entrepreneurship

In 2024, Monsha’at also conducted various programs aimed at strengthening entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.

In January, the authority said that it concluded an e-commerce tour across 14 cities and provinces across different regions of the Kingdom, which witnessed the signing of multiple agreements to foster entrepreneurial culture in the e-commerce sector.

In a press statement, Monsha’at revealed that it aimed to support and empower entrepreneurs to benefit from the services and facilities provided by relevant entities, along with promoting the culture of entrepreneurship in the e-commerce sector.

“The tour provided exclusive services and offers to entrepreneurs in all targeted regions to support their entrepreneurial projects and encourage growth by leveraging the opportunities and potentials offered in the field of e-commerce,” said the authority in a statement.

During the tour, Monsha’at signed two cooperation agreements with the M5azn e-store platform and Paydo company, with the goal of supporting and developing the entrepreneurial environment in the e-commerce sector.

“The challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the e-commerce field were addressed, and suitable solutions were provided to overcome them. Furthermore, the tour included diverse training programs on various fields and topics related to the world of e-commerce,” said the authority in a statement at that time.

In the same month, Monsha’at also launched the University Entrepreneurship Council, an initiative aimed at promoting entrepreneurship in Saudi universities.

“The Council aims to promote entrepreneurship in Saudi universities, by analyzing and studying the current situation and discussing ways to spread the culture of entrepreneurship in the university environment and exchanging ideas and experiences that will support university entrepreneurship projects and activate their role in shaping and building the local economic system,” said Monsha’at.

The authority added that this initiative comes within the framework of its efforts to “support and emphasize the entrepreneurial environment in the university sector in the Kingdom, with the aim of enabling and developing the Kingdom’s economy, promoting sustainability in entrepreneurial projects, and addressing all the challenges that entrepreneurs may encounter.”

In January, Monsha’at also launched a guide for establishing commercial innovation centers in Saudi Arabia.

Through this guide, the authority aims to support entrepreneurs and SMEs owners in understanding the necessary steps to establish innovation centers in the Kingdom.

“The guide includes a collection of success stories from local and international entities in the field of establishing innovation centers. These stories have contributed to the establishment and market entry of startups, thus creating new jobs in the market by offering tools, necessary technologies, training, development, and providing consultations and guidance,” said Monsha’at.

In February, the authority organized “Tomoh Wednesday” in collaboration with energy giant Saudi Aramco, aimed at establishing an entrepreneurial environment and building professional relationships, as well as identifying the most prominent challenges that “Tomoh” enterprises may encounter.

VC funding continues to flow for Saudi startups

A report from Magnitt indicated that venture capital funding continued to flow for startups in Saudi Arabia, despite the Middle East and North Africa region witnessing a dip in this sector.

According to this report, Saudi Arabia ranked first in the MENA region for total venture capital funding at $1.33 billion in 2023, representing a rise of 33 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

This trend continued in the first quarter of this year, as venture capital funding to startups in Saudi Arabia hit $240 million.

Monsha’at, in its February report, noted that investment-friendly public policies have played a crucial role in attracting start-ups to establish their bases in the Kingdom.

The authority also added that significant deals involving Tabby, Tamara, Nana, and Floward have propelled fintech and e-commerce to the forefront, with these sectors experiencing 170 percent year-on-year funding growth.

Pharmaceutical industry growth proving just the pill for Saudi Arabia’s healthcare goals

Updated 31 August 2024

Pharmaceutical industry growth proving just the pill for Saudi Arabia’s healthcare goals

  • According to Statista, the pharmaceuticals market in the Kingdom is anticipated to achieve a revenue of $5.53 billion by 2024
  • Saudi Arabia is set to see a compound annual growth rate of 4.62 percent, resulting in a market volume of $6.93 billion by 2029

RIYADH: As the Saudi government makes substantial investments in healthcare infrastructure, there is a notable increase in the demand for pharmaceuticals in the country.

According to Statista, a German online platform that specializes in data gathering and visualization, the pharmaceuticals market in the Kingdom is anticipated to achieve a revenue of $5.53 billion by 2024.

While significantly lower than the global leader the US – poised to generate $630.3 billion in revenue in 2024 – Saudi Arabia is set to see a compound annual growth rate of 4.62 percent, resulting in a market volume of $6.93 billion by 2029.

A key factor in fueling this increase is the increasing localization of the pharmaceutical industry – a strategy which plays into the Kingdom’s economic diversification strategy Vision 2030.

“While we will have to ascertain the quantified impact of localization on the pharmaceutical industry in Saudi Arabia, we definitely expect it to increase access, reduce cost and make the local pharmaceutical industry more resilient and innovative,” Partha Basumatary, principal in Oliver Wyman’s India, Middle East and Africa Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice told Arab News.

“Localization initiatives have laid the foundation for the Kingdom to become a regional hub of manufacturing for biotech products for the entire Middle East region,” Basumatary added, noting that the Kingdom’s focus on localization for NCD drugs, particularly those targeting type-2 diabetes, is a strong start.    

“To truly maximize its impact, however, the Kingdom needs to expand these initiatives beyond NCDs and encompass other critical areas like cancer, infectious diseases, and auto-immune disorders,” Basumatary said.

According to Matthew Lawrence, director of Pharma and Life Sciences, Operations Transformation Lead at PwC Middle East, the Kingdom’s access to, cost of, and standard of healthcare services have all significantly improved thanks to Saudi Arabia’s transformation of the industry.

As a result of these current localization actions, the pharmaceutical industry in Saudi Arabia will continue to see significant change towards accessibility, quality, and economic impact, Lawrence disclosed.

In terms of accessibility, he told Arab News: “Local production ensures a sustainable economy, reducing reliance on imports, therefore, a stable supply of medications, and faster response time during health crises.”

As for quality, he explained that the Saudi Food and Drug Authority ensures that locally manufactured pharmaceuticals meet high quality standards, which leads to improved healthcare services.

With regard to economic impact, Lawrence noted that the industry’s growth has spurred job creation and attracted investments, aiding in economic diversification.

“According to the Kingdom’s National Biotechnology Strategy, there will be 11,000 job opportunities by 2030, and contribute $34.6 billion to the non-oil GDP, by 2040 - potentially positioning Saudi Arabia as one of the leading global hubs for pharmaceutical manufacturing, research, and innovation,” he said.

“This is a clear testament to the major impact Vision 2030 has created in order to improve the healthcare sector across the Kingdom,” the PwC partner added.

Key steps taken by Saudi Arabia to localize the pharmaceutical industry

In keeping with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 drive, Saudi Arabia has taken important steps to incentivize local manufacturing.

“First and foremost, it (Saudi Arabia) has offered various incentives to the pharma companies to drive localization, including lower minimum capital requirement, tax incentives, customs duties exemptions etc,” Basumatary said.

“It has also taken steps to improve regulatory approvals for drugs in the country with the introduction of abridged verification and registration processes,” he added, before going on to explain how the Kingdom has also developed a framework to favor locally manufactured products for tenders.

The Oliver Wyman principal highlighted successful examples of localization, such as Boehringer Ingelheim’s partnership with Alpha Pharma for localization of a Type-2 diabetes product in Saudi Arabia.

“Other notable examples include MSD’s partnership with Jamjoom Pharma to localize another Type-2 diabetes drug sitagliptin phosphate. Such initiatives will help the industry to become more resilient when it comes to future outbreaks such as COVID-19,” Basumatary said, adding: “It would also sow the seeds for future innovation and growth of the domestic pharma industry, including potentially giving a positive push to the Kingdom’s aspirations of becoming a regional biotech hub.”

Government support

As expected, the Saudi government plays a pivotal role in accelerating the localisation of the pharmaceutical industry and is already investing in driving strategic programs to advance the healthcare system:

From Oliver Wyman’s perspective, Basumatary said: “As observed in other geographies, Singapore government’s stable policy framework, favorable incentives, and access to knowledge/talent motivated BionTech to establish a state-of-the-art mRNA manufacturing facility in the country.”

The principal further noted that the pharmaceutical industry expects enhanced market accessibility, support for localization, and strong IP protection when it comes to making localization decisions.

“Saudi Arabia’s involvement and support has delivered an impact as we have seen from the recent pharma localization initiatives. It will, however, be critical to continue innovating on that front, as the competition for such localization initiatives continues to increase globally and regionally,” he underlined.

PwC Middle East’s Lawrence revealed that some of the notable government efforts include favorable policies like tax incentives and labor laws to incentivize research and development as well as manufacturing.

They also entail enabling regulatory frameworks to drive life science sector growth, with measures around strong intellectual property laws, patent protection, mutual recognition agreements to facilitate market access, and competition laws.

Other initiatives include not-for-profit funding, such as targeted grants, to incentivize research, as well as public financing such as subsidies or incentives to enable long-term growth of the healthcare ecosystem.   

“The government's ongoing commitment to localization is a clear long-term strategic plan, building on Vision 2030. The alignment of government policies with Vision 2030 goals underscores their influence in driving the progress of pharmaceutical localization across the Kingdom,” Lawrence said.

“These policies and initiatives will not only attract future investment but also foster innovation, build local capabilities, and ultimately contribute to the sustainable growth of the healthcare sector,” he added.

Looking to the future

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has intensified its focus on life sciences and has made substantial advancements to align with the objectives of Vision 2030.

This has involved endeavors to enhance the overall health and well-being of individuals, promote economic expansion and diversity, reinforce the Kingdom's global leadership in the sector, stimulate innovation, and enhance patient outcomes and quality of life.

According to Lawrence, one of the key initiatives contributing to the advancements of the life science industry is national biotechnology strategy.

“This helps to develop end-to-end vaccine manufacturing, establish biotechnology platform for biologics and biosimilars, and expands genomics programs for preventative medicine,” Lawrence told Arab News.

The PwC partner also shed light on the Healthcare Sector Transformation Program, explaining that it is responsible for strategizing the Kingdom’s resilient supply chain through different initiatives that help in enabling the localization of the pharmaceutical industry.

Other key players include the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority, which works on enhancing awareness and participation in local content and provides knowledge-based policies and tools, as well as the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program which focuses on expanding the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector.

It also includes incentives for local and international companies to establish production facilities in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Food Drug Administration is also playing a pivotal role as it enhances regulatory frameworks to help speed up the approval process for new drugs and encourage innovation in local pharmaceutical production.

Pharmaceuticals and Vision 2030

The strategic initiatives of the pharmaceutical industry are closely aligned with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 goals, echoing ambitions in economic diversification, job creation, and innovation, as well as technology transfer and self-sufficiency.

“Life science sector expansion is expected to create thousands of jobs, helping to reduce unemployment rates among Saudis, particularly in high-skilled areas. Encouraging partnerships and collaboration leads to technology transfer and innovation,” Lawrence said.

With regards to self-sufficiency, the PwC partner noted that localizing pharmaceutical production ensures a stable supply of essential medicines and reduces the health sector's vulnerability to global supply chain disruptions.

“These initiatives are aligned with Vision 2030 goals as they contribute to the Kingdom’s economic growth, job creation and localization initiatives for Saudi nationals, as well as the enhancement of healthcare services across the country,” he said.

“By localizing the pharmaceutical industry and expanding these initiatives, Saudi Arabia can further improve healthcare accessibility, reduce healthcare costs, and ensure sustainability in the healthcare demands of its growing population,” Lawrence said.

Reforms to Saudi legal sector set to attract foreign law firms to the Kingdom

Updated 31 August 2024

Reforms to Saudi legal sector set to attract foreign law firms to the Kingdom

  • This initiative is part of a broader strategy to attract foreign investment and enhance the Kingdom’s business environment

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia is on the brink of a transformative policy shift that would permit licensed foreign law firms to establish companies fully owned by non-Saudis.

This initiative, announced by the National Competitiveness Center, is part of a broader strategy to attract foreign investment and enhance the Kingdom’s business environment.

The NCC has solicited public feedback on a Ministry of Justice proposal through its official account on X, which could fundamentally reshape the legal landscape in Saudi Arabia.

A progressive legal reform

The proposal seeks to amend the first paragraph of Article 50 of the Kingdom’s Code of Law Practice. If enacted, it would allow non-Saudi law firms to set up wholly foreign-owned professional companies.

These firms would offer legal advice on the Kingdom’s regulations and represent clients in court through registered Saudi lawyers.

Details posted on the Istitlaa platform reveal that this project aims to advance the legal profession, improve the quality and efficiency of the industry, and integrate global expertise into the local context.

Furthermore, it is designed to bolster the Kingdom’s competitiveness, enhance its business climate, and elevate the efficiency of the justice system by increasing professionalism within the legal sector.

The proposed amendment signifies a progressive step in Saudi Arabia’s legal reforms.

By allowing foreign law firms to operate independently, the Kingdom aims to develop its legal profession by introducing international standards and practices.

Lebanon-based attorney Jihad Chidiac told Arab News that permitting foreign law firms to set up offices in Saudi Arabia enhances the quality of legal services by combining global expertise and experience with local knowledge and specificities.

He added: “These firms operating according to international legal standards may encourage the development of a more solid legal framework and regulatory environment, which is essential for attracting foreign investment and fostering a transparent business environment.”

Jihad Chidiac, Attorney at Law, Lebanon, said permitting foreign law firms to set up offices in Saudi Arabia enhances the quality of legal services. (Supplied)

Homam Khoshaim, a partner in corporate finance at London-based law firm Addleshaw Goddard, echoed this sentiment, and told Arab News: “The entry of additional international law firms in the Kingdom indicates a growing legal sector, healthy competition among legal services providers, and a growing economy that demands its legal needs be met.”

He added: “Clients stand to benefit from a more diverse legal market offering a wider range of services, deeper expertise, and international networks. This is especially advantageous for Saudi-based clients that operate globally.”

Homam Khoshaim, a partner in corporate finance at London-based law firm Addleshaw Goddard, says entry of international law firms in Saudi Arabia indicates a growing legal sector. (Supplied)

Boosting competitiveness and investment

This initiative aligns with Saudi Arabia’s broader goals of stimulating foreign investment and encouraging international companies to relocate their regional headquarters to the Kingdom.

By creating a more attractive legal environment, the Kingdom hopes to draw significant foreign capital, which will, in turn, fuel economic growth and diversification.

Talat Hafiz, a Saudi-based economist, highlighted to Arab News believes there will “definitely” be “more foreign investments” in Saudi Arabia as a result of the changes, adding: “It will help localize some industries, transfer know-how, and create thousands of job opportunities for Saudi nationals.”

Talat Hafiz, Economist, Saudi Arabia, predicted increased investments in Saudi Arabia. (Supplied)

The ability for foreign law firms to operate independently is expected to improve the ease of doing business in the Kingdom, making it a more attractive destination for international firms.

The legal reforms are seen as a critical component of this effort, aiming to create a robust legal infrastructure that supports economic activities and offers high-quality legal services to both local and foreign entities.

Supporting Vision 2030 goals

The initiative is also in line with Saudi Arabia’s ambitious Vision 2030 objectives, aimed at reducing the Kingdom’s dependence on oil, diversifying its economy, and developing public service sectors.

Chidiac pointed out that this policy could “support several objectives of Vision 2030, particularly in terms of attracting more foreign investors and multinational corporations that seek international, modern, and innovative legal infrastructure in business and commercial transactions.”

Foreign legal firms can support economic diversification by providing legal services in finance, energy, infrastructure, and technology.

Chidiac said: “The Saudi legal market is increasingly significant on both a regional and global scale, largely due to the country's ambitious economic diversification plans under Vision 2030.”

He added: “The legal market in Saudi Arabia is directly impacted by these expansive projects, which necessitate a wide range of legal services, from corporate and finance to energy, projects, and infrastructure, as well as dispute resolution.”

Creating employment opportunities

One of the key benefits of this proposed change is the potential for job creation.

By attracting foreign law firms, the initiative is expected to generate a range of employment opportunities for Saudi citizens, both directly and indirectly. This includes roles within the legal profession as well as ancillary services that support legal firms.

Chidiac added that “the establishment of foreign legal firms will create job opportunities, most importantly in the legal sector, by providing direct employment opportunities for local lawyers, paralegals, and administrative staff.”

He explained that foreign legal firms can create indirect employment opportunities by helping companies operate more effectively, stimulating economic growth, and fostering entrepreneurship, thus creating a favorable ecosystem for business development in Saudi Arabia.

The influx of foreign law firms is expected to stimulate the local job market by providing new career paths for Saudi nationals. This aligns with the government’s efforts to reduce unemployment and increase the participation of Saudi citizens in the workforce.

The unemployment rate in Saudi Arabia fell to 7.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, compared to 7.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the General Authority for Statistics’ labor force survey.

By offering competitive salaries and professional development opportunities, foreign law firms can attract and retain top legal talent in the Kingdom.

“Investing in local talent is crucial for gaining insights into the legal system and ensuring cultural alignment. Firms must commit to continuous learning to adapt to rapid legal changes, ensuring the team is well-versed in new laws and regulations,” Khoshaim said.

A new era for the Saudi legal sector

This proposed amendment represents a significant step forward for the Saudi legal sector. By opening the doors to foreign law firms, Saudi Arabia is signaling its commitment to modernizing its legal framework and aligning it with international standards.

This move is expected to not only enhance the quality of legal services available in the Kingdom but also to make Saudi Arabia a more competitive and attractive destination for global businesses.

In order to ensure the proposed changes are well-received and able to be successfully implemented, the Ministry of Justice has initiated a public consultation, seeking opinions from lawyers, foreign law firms, specialists, academics, businesses, and the general public.

As Saudi Arabia moves forward with this proposed amendment, the legal community is watching closely. The successful implementation of these reforms could serve as a model for other countries in the region, showcasing the benefits of a modern and open legal market.

By embracing international standards and practices, Saudi Arabia has the potential to become a leading legal center in the Middle East, attracting top legal talent and fostering a dynamic business environment.

Saudi Arabia records 21% surge in credit card loans to reach $8bn

Updated 30 August 2024

Saudi Arabia records 21% surge in credit card loans to reach $8bn

RIYADH: Saudi banks recorded a 21 percent annual surge in credit card loans in the second quarter of 2024, reaching SR30.04 billion ($8.01 billion), according to official data.

Figures from the Saudi Central Bank, also known as SAMA, showed that this is the highest quarterly figure reported, and the most substantial annual growth seen in a year.

Consumer loans – typically paid back in installment, used for significant purchases and often featuring lower fixed interest rates than credit cards – rose by a modest 2 percent to reach SR452.32 billion during this period.

According to SAMA, these loans exclude real estate financing, finance leasing and margin lending.

In their Critical Consumer 2024 report, consultancy firm AlixPartners stated that Saudi Arabia’s preference for digital and credit card payments matches that of Switzerland and surpasses Germany.

Payment cards are dominating Saudi Arabia’s financing ecosystem, driven by government-led economic inclusion initiatives under Vision 2030. This strategy focuses on digital transformation and reducing cash transactions in favor of electronic payments.

The adoption of contactless transactions, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has fueled the growth of card usage. Additionally, rising banking penetration, improved infrastructure, and increased retailer acceptance, are driving the market’s development.

The government’s push to reduce cash reliance and promote fintech innovation under Vision 2030 is further advancing the payment card market.

According to a July report by Global Data, key players in Saudi Arabia’s cards and payments market include Al Rajhi Bank, Saudi National Bank, and SAB, as well as Alinma Bank, and Visa.

To boost card penetration, banks are tailoring credit cards to different customer segments. 

A Titanium Mastercard is Shariah compliant, and provides perks including free VIP lounge access, purchase protection, and installment options.

Some banks target students with a Visa Signature credit card, designed for those enrolled in accredited Saudi universities, and offering installment payment options along with reward points through the Akthr Program.

According to Global Data, recent developments in Saudi Arabia’s cards and payments market include the launch of pilot digital banking services by two of the three licensed digital banks – STC Bank and D360 – in 2023, as noted in the Financial Sector Development Program annual report.

Additionally, Buy Now Pay Later services are growing in popularity, especially among Generation Z consumers. 

To regulate this emerging market, the Saudi Central Bank introduced new rules for regulating BNPL companies in December 2023.

These included establishing licensing requirements for such firms and setting minimum standards for offering these services, focusing on consumer protection, sector growth, and sustainability.

Rules also focused on provisions on licensing, internal regulatory measures, information security, and financial crime prevention, along with guidelines for supervision and compliance. 

BNPL services can contribute to a more dynamic, inclusive, and innovative payment market in Saudi Arabia, supporting both consumer needs and business growth.

Consumer spending in Saudi Arabia is expected to remain strong in the coming year, despite global economic uncertainties, according to a study by management consulting firm AlixPartners.

This resilience stands in contrast to the broader Europe, the Middle East and Africa region, where 37 percent of consumers plan to cut back on spending in 2024 compared to the previous year, according to the study.

Saudi Arabia’s stable spending environment persists amid global challenges like persistent inflation and geopolitical instability, with some sectors still grappling with post-pandemic recovery.

In contrast, Saudi consumers are increasingly embracing online shopping, with e-commerce growing in popularity. The study showed that while international companies currently dominate this retail landscape, there is a noticeable shift toward homegrown businesses.

The AlixPartners study showed that Saudi Arabia is at the forefront of artificial intelligence adoption for shopping research, with consumers showing strong enthusiasm for innovative solutions like AI-powered tools for holiday bookings.

According to TechSci Research, Saudi Arabia’s AI market in retail and e-commerce was valued at $245 million in 2023 and is expected to experience substantial growth from 2025 to 2029.

According to the study, the sector is evolving rapidly as technology reshape customer experiences, streamline operations, and improve business decision-making.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly common, offering personalized customer support and enhancing engagement, while recommendation engines use advanced algorithms to analyze consumer preferences and provide customized product suggestions, boosting sales and satisfaction.

Additionally, AI optimizes supply chain management through predictive analytics and machine learning, reducing costs and ensuring product availability.

Startup Wrap – Regional venture activity sees mix of funding, acquisitions, and accelerator graduations 

Updated 30 August 2024

Startup Wrap – Regional venture activity sees mix of funding, acquisitions, and accelerator graduations 

RIYADH: The startup ecosystem in the Middle East continues to evolve, marked by significant funding rounds, strategic acquisitions, and new investment initiatives. 

An alliance of investors and family offices based in the Gulf Cooperation Council has launched Waad Investment, a firm with a targeted value of SR750 million ($200 million), making it the largest such private entity dedicated to supporting growth-stage startups in the region, according to a release.

The alliance, led by Saudi businessman Yaser Al-Ghamdi, founder and chief investment operations officer of Waad Investment, involves a collaboration with the AlMajed and AlMisfer family offices to create a platform for entrepreneurial growth. 

Waad Investment is designed to foster the private sector’s role in driving innovation and economic development, with a particular focus on providing not only financial investments but also a network of connections, mentorship, and guidance to startups. 

“The company will bridge the financial gap many startups face and will offer comprehensive support that includes financial investment, mentorship, and guidance,” said Al-Ghamdi. 

The firm is part of a broader vision to enhance the innovation landscape in the GCC, with family offices and investors aiming to generate a diverse and sustainable economy based on knowledge and technology. 

15 startups graduate from the first cohort of TDF’s Grow Accelerator program 

The Tourism Development Fund, a national enabler of the sector in Saudi Arabia, showcased the progress of 15 startups, which have collectively attracted investments worth over SR18 million to date, in its latest demo day. 

The exhibition was for the graduates of the inaugural cohort of its “TDF Grow Accelerator” program at the King Abdullah Financial District Conference Center in Riyadh. 

The event attracted investment pioneers, entrepreneurs, media representatives, and key stakeholders within the tourism sector. 

Qusai Al-Fakhri, CEO of TDF, highlighted the critical role of the fund’s programs in promoting innovation and sustainable growth in the Kingdom’s tourism industry. 

In a speech delivered on his behalf by Prince Saud Bin Mohammed, executive director of TDF Grow, Al-Fakhri expressed pride in the achievements of the startups, and said: “This success reflects our ongoing commitment to supporting entrepreneurial ideas and promising initiatives that contribute to efficiently implementing the national tourism strategy and reinforcing the Kingdom’s standing as a global tourism destination.” 

KBW Ventures invests in Saudi Arabia’s KASO 

KASO co-founders Manar Al-Kassar and Ahmed Soliman. KASO

KBW Ventures, led by Prince Khaled bin Al-Waleed, has announced an investment in Saudi business-to-business food tech startup KASO.  

The company specializes in streamlining procurement processes for the food and beverage sector by digitizing and automating the logistics between restaurants and suppliers. 

Prince Khaled noted that KASO had been under KBW Ventures’ consideration for some time before the investment was made.  

“We want to grow our allocation into B2B SaaS. KASO not only checks the boxes on return parameters; we also like to see visibility of 10x return for early stage opportunities,” Prince Al-Waleed said.  

This investment aligns with KBW Ventures’ broader strategy of supporting sustainability-driven sectors, including food security, alternative proteins, carbon capture, and agricultural technology.

UAE’s Powder Beauty secures pre-series A funding to scale in Saudi Arabia 

Powder Beauty founders Ayat Toufeeq, Amina Grimen, and Marriam Mossall. Powder Beauty

UAE-based e-commerce platform Powder Beauty has successfully closed its pre-series A funding round, led by Sophia Collective and NKEHL, Nithin and Nikhil Kamath. 

The round also saw participation from several regional angel investors, including Maha Taibah. The specific value of the funding was not disclosed. 

Founded in 2018 by Ayat Toufeeq, Amina Grimen, and Marriam Mossall, Powder Beauty focuses on offering eco-conscious beauty products to its customers. 

“With this funding round, we’re driven to build on our leading position in this largely untapped but fast-growing market,” Toufeeq, CEO of Powder Beauty, said. 

“We’re delighted to have received this support from investors like the Sophia Collective, a platform whose vision aligns strongly with ours,” she added. 

The newly secured funds will be used to scale the company’s operations in Saudi Arabia, furthering its growth in the region. 

UAE’s Verofax secures $3m in a bridge round 

UAE-based Web3 services provider Verofax has secured $3 million in a bridge funding round, led by King Abdullah University for Science and Technology, Plug & Play Tech Center, Navig8 Group, and Trove Capital UK.

Additional participants included Jawa Brothers Advisory, Alzamil Pedco CVC, and Tracecore CVC. 

Founded in 2018 by Wassim Merheby and Jamil Zablah, Verofax leverages Web3 technologies like augmented reality, blockchain, and artificial intelligence to enhance marketing experiences. 

The new funding will support Verofax’s expansion in the Middle East and Europe, including AI-powered guides for the GCC and sports fan guides in the EU and North America. 

In 2022, Verofax raised $1.5 million in a pre-Series A round, led by Benson Oak Ventures, with participation from 500 Global, Wami Capital, and Vernalis Capital. 

Kuwait’s Sakan acquires Qatari proptech Hapondo 

Abdullah Al Saleh, CEO of Sakan and Ahmad Al-Khanji, co-founder and CEO of Hapondo. Sakan

Kuwait-based proptech company Sakan has acquired Hapondo, a Qatari real estate marketing platform, for an undisclosed amount. 

Sakan, established in 2016 by Abdullah Al-Saleh, operates as a real estate marketplace across several GCC countries, including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Bahrain. 

Hapondo, founded in 2019 by Ahmad Al-Khanji, specializes in providing a comprehensive map and photo search for residential units in Qatar. 

The acquisition is aimed at expanding Sakan’s services in Qatar by leveraging Hapondo’s existing network and relationships with clients and real estate developers. 

Web3 streaming platform myco raises $10 million in Series A 

UAE-based Web3 streaming platform myco has completed the first closing of its Series A funding round, raising $10 million at a post-money valuation of $80 million. 

The round was backed by Daman Investments, Aptos Labs, B Digital, Mocha Ventures, Art3 Foundation, Ghaf Capital Partners, Mix Media Network, Factor6 Capital Partners, and Enjinstarter, alongside 88 accredited investors who participated through 

Founded in 2021 by Umair Masoom and Somair Rizvi, myco is a content streaming application that integrates ad-based and subscription video on demand within a decentralized environment. 

The fresh funds will support myco’s expansion into new markets and partnerships, following its recent growth into North America and Egypt. The company plans to conclude a second closing of their series A by early 2025. 

“Myco has already demonstrated our ability to scale in key markets, achieving exceptional metrics in user growth, retention, revenue, and community building. With this new capital, we plan to replicate our success by expanding into markets with similar demographics and strong regional partnerships.” said Masoom, managing director of the firm. 

Bahrain’s Tenmou invests in two local startups 

Nawaf Al-Kooheji, CEO of Tenmou. Tenmou

Bahrain-based angel investment company Tenmou has invested in two Bahraini startups – Tajweed and Travilege. 

Founded in 2021 by Salman Al-Marzooq, Travilege is an enterprise resource planning software designed for travel agencies, while Tajweed, founded by Khalil Alqaheri, is a digital platform focused on teaching the Holy Qur’an and Arabic language. 

Tenmou’s investment aligns with its strategy to promote angel investing in technology startups that have rapid expansion potential. 

The company is focused on fostering a robust ecosystem for tech-driven businesses in Bahrain and the wider region.