Pregnant women and newborns face trauma, infection, malnutrition in Gaza under Israeli assault

An injured child is brought to the Al-Aqsa Hospital after the Israeli attack. (Getty Images)
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Updated 20 November 2023

Pregnant women and newborns face trauma, infection, malnutrition in Gaza under Israeli assault

  • Even if they survive childbirth, mothers and babies are not out of danger as shortages threaten health and development
  • The siege of hospitals and blocking of aid deprive women in labor of pain relief and premature newborns of incubators

LONDON: What should have been a time of great joy and excitement has become a living nightmare for thousands of new and expectant mothers living under siege and constant Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip.

For Layla, 28, whose name has been changed for her safety, bringing a new life into the world at a time of so much death and destruction fills her with dread. “What worries me most is falling in love with life, amid all the death, once I hold my baby,” she told Arab News.

Like 5,500 other pregnant women in the Gaza Strip, Layla is due to give birth very soon amid a conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas that has devastated healthcare infrastructure and deprived the population of access to nutritious food, clean water and public sanitation.

The closure of hospitals and clinics under the intense bombardment and chronic shortages of electricity, fuel and medicine are among the biggest challenges faced by the roughly 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza.

Prematurely born Palestinian babies in Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. (Dr. Marawan Abu Saada via AP)

As of Nov. 10, some 18 hospitals and 51 primary care centers across the embattled enclave are no longer operational, meaning fewer than 60 percent of hospitals and 30 percent of public health centers are operating to some degree.

Fikr Shalltoot, Gaza director for Medical Aid for Palestinians, or MAP, a British charity operating in the Palestinian enclave, said that pregnant women in Gaza “face a dire reality, with limited access to essential health services amid a near-total humanitarian disaster.”

“With over 180 births daily and a staggering 235 attacks on healthcare infrastructure since Oct. 7, the situation is critical,” Shalltoot told Arab News. This leaves women deprived of emergency obstetric services and forces many to give birth in unsafe conditions.

“Closed hospitals force births in shelters, homes and streets amid rubble, raising infection risks,” she said. “Maternity hospitals, like Al-Hilo, face attacks.”

Hospitals in Gaza have been on the frontline of the conflict, overwhelmed by wounded civilians since the start of Israel’s military campaign, which came in retaliation for the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7, which killed 1,200 and saw more than 200 people, both Israelis and foreigners, taken hostage.

Some 135 health facilities across Gaza have been damaged or destroyed. Although these facilities are protected under international humanitarian law, Israel claims Hamas has been using hospitals, particularly Gaza’s largest, Al-Shifa, to host underground command centers.

The aftermath of an explosion at the Ahli Arab hospital in central Gaza. (AFP)

Hamas and medical staff deny these facilities are being used to store weaponry, conceal hostages, or move fighters along a sophisticated network of tunnels. Israeli forces who took control of Al-Shifa on Wednesday are yet to provide evidence to support their claim.

There are at least 650 patients, including 22 in intensive care and 36 premature babies, at Al-Shifa, according to local media, in addition to some 400 medical staff. More than 2,000 Gazans have also taken refuge within the facility.

Amid the destruction and shortages, made worse by Israel’s restrictions on the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza via the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, physicians have been forced to take extreme measures, such as performing cesareans without anesthetic or pain relief.

“Some women face complications while giving birth, and to stop the problem and because there are no (capabilities), tools, (or) time, (physicians) are faced with the extreme option to take out the uterus,” Soraida Hussein-Sabbah, gender and advocacy specialist at ActionAid Spain, told Arab News.

At Al-Awda Hospital, the only provider of maternity services in northern Gaza, doctors performed 16 cesarean C-sections last weekend under extremely challenging circumstances, according to local media.

Hussein-Sabbah said that although there are many trained and specialized obstetrics physicians and nurses in the Gaza Strip, as well as private and public maternity hospitals, “these cannot operate normally right now.”


• 50,000 Pregnant women in Gaza.

• 5,500 Women due to give birth soon.

• 180 Average number of births daily.

Despite this, “any specialized person found in a shelter, or any place … will continue serving as much as possible,” she added.

Elaborating on the dangers of conducting cesareans under such extreme circumstances, Zaher Sahloul, head of MedGlobal, a US-based medical NGO, said that while “doctors typically try to deliver as fast as possible,” performing such surgery requires them to “cut through multiple layers” and then “suture multiple layers.”

Performing such an operation without anesthetic, or even a partial dosage of pain relief, would be agonizing.

“It is, as you can imagine, an extremely traumatic experience, something that would be associated with PTSD,” Sahloul told Arab News. Medical professionals are also forced to discharge new mothers within three hours, which poses additional risks.

New mothers are typically monitored for a minimum of 24 hours because the postpartum period is associated with various complications, including hemorrhage. Even before the latest outbreak of violence in Gaza, “the two biggest causes of (maternal) deaths were bleeding and sepsis,” said Sahloul.

“The lack of water and sanitation puts them at an even higher risk of infection and sepsis. (Hospitals) do not (even) have any blood to transfuse these patients if they start to have complications.”

Even if they survive the ordeal of childbirth in these conditions, mother and baby are not out of danger. The lack of hygiene facilities, nutritious food, clean drinking water, safe sleeping spaces, and other basic comforts and necessities threaten health and development.

A Protester holds a placard at The Hague in support of Palestinian children. (Getty Images)

Fatty acid and vitamin deficiencies in lactating mothers can compromise newborns’ immune systems, putting them at risk of communicable diseases as well as cognitive development challenges, said Sahloul.

Fatema, another woman trapped inside Gaza, has resorted to using clean clothes to manage discharge as she lacks access to sanitary towels. Embarrassed, and with limited privacy, she has then buried those clothes, she told ActionAid.

More than 1.4 million Palestinians have been displaced since Oct. 7, according to the UN’s humanitarian office, OCHA. Many have set up makeshift tents outside hospitals, while others have squeezed into the corridors of schools or have slept out in the open.

MedGlobal’s Sahloul warned that with limited access to food and water, malnourished women face the risk of “preterm delivery,” which is also associated with fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Shalltoot of MAP, meanwhile, cautioned that as access to obstetrics services becomes increasingly difficult, “maternal deaths will rise, stress-induced complications soar, and malnutrition worsen, affecting childhood survival.” Moreover, “without fuel, premature babies relying on neonatal care face a life-threatening crisis.”

She added: “Maternity care at Al-Awda Hospital hangs in the balance. Doctors report a surge in premature births due to the bombing of homes, a heartbreaking crisis where premature deliveries are performed while mothers lay dying.”

Three premature babies at Al-Shifa died on Tuesday after the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit was knocked out of operation. The lives of at least 36 others are in danger amid a lack of electricity and fuel for incubators, according to the facility’s director.

With women and children making up more than 70 percent of the casualties — one in four of them women of reproductive age — access to maternal health services is critical, said Shalltoot.

Palestinians queue as they wait to buy bread from a bakery, amid shortages of food supplies and fuel. (Reuters)

“Gaza is in urgent need of support to protect the lives of mothers and newborns,” she said, adding that “a ceasefire is imperative for pregnant women and infants.”

She said: “Without immediate access to fuel, aid, and medical experts, we face the looming threat of infectious diseases. Mass starvation, treatable deaths and a healthcare system in ruins are imminent unless swift action is taken.

“Opening multiple crossings is crucial to prevent a humanitarian freefall. Our plea is clear — act now to avert a catastrophic crisis.”

MAP has delivered a range of items, including medications and medical disposables that can be used to support delivery and the treatment of women and babies. “With our partner in Gaza, Ard El Insan, we have released all of our medications and food items for malnourished children and their families,” Shalltoot added.

Save the Children and ActionAid have also called for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of a humanitarian aid corridor.

“For this to happen, there is a need for a unified and coordinated call and pressure for the Rafah crossing to open, and the Israeli occupation forces to comply with international humanitarian law and allow for aid to come and civilians to be saved,” said ActionAid’s Hussein-Sabbah.

As of Nov. 14, at least 11,320 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, of whom over 4,650 are children and more than 3,145 are women, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. A total of 198 medics have also died.

Earlier this month, Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary-general, described Gaza as “a graveyard for children” and “a crisis of humanity.”

A mother covers her child's face to protect from the smoke as Palestinians leave from the northern part of the Gaza. (Getty Images)

In a statement to Arab News, Save the Children said: “During this humanitarian catastrophe, civilians, especially children, continue to pay the heaviest price for the ongoing violence.

“Children are being killed at a devastating rate, whole families are being wiped from the registry, and a growing number of people, including children, are being left with no surviving family members.”

Attacks on schools and hospitals are considered “a grave violation against children by the UN and may amount to violations of international humanitarian law.”

Calling for an end to “the continued, systematic assaults,” the NGO said that “hospitals and schools cannot be battlegrounds, and children cannot be targets. Yet in Gaza, all three are attacked on a daily basis.

“Even during wartime, basic elements of humanity must prevail.”

‘Biden is our only hope’: Thousands of Israelis urge hostage deal

Updated 11 sec ago

‘Biden is our only hope’: Thousands of Israelis urge hostage deal

  • Netanyahu was more concerned about his own political future: protestor

Tel Aviv: Thousands of Israelis rallied in Tel Aviv Saturday to demand acceptance of a ceasefire and hostage release deal outlined by US President Joe Biden, with many fearing the premier would reject the proposal.
Israeli and US flags dotted the crowd in the central plaza they have dubbed Hostages Square, alongside banners urging: “Bring them home!“
“Biden is our only hope,” protester Abigail Zur, 34, told AFP.
The US president said on Friday that Israel was offering a new three-stage roadmap toward a full ceasefire, including the release of hostages held by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.
Demonstrators told AFP they were worried that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would disown the deal.
“Biden cares about our hostages more than Netanyahu does,” said Karen, a protester in her early fifties, as others chanted: “Now, Now.”
Netanyahu was more concerned about his own political future, said protester Diti Kapuano, 46.
“I hope that somehow Biden puts enough pressure so the government and Netanyahu will take the deal,” she said.
Campaign group the Hostages and Missing Families Forum said in a statement: “In light of President Biden’s speech last night, we will demand that the Israeli government immediately approve the (hostage release deal) and bring all the hostages home at once.
“We will also call on all government ministers and coalition members to publicly commit to supporting the deal and not to allow the possibility of torpedoing it and endangering the hostages,” the group said, adding that it had contacted various embassies to urge them to support the plan.
Netanyahu insisted on Saturday that the plan laid out by Biden did not preclude fighting on until Hamas’s ability to rule Gaza and pose a threat to Israel had been destroyed.
Hamas said it “views positively” the plan laid out by Biden.
The Gaza war was sparked by Hamas’s unprecedented October 7 attack, which resulted in the deaths of 1,189 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.
Militants also took 252 hostages, 121 of whom remain in Gaza, including 37 the army says are dead.
Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed at least 36,379 people in Gaza, mostly civilians, according to the Hamas-run territory’s health ministry.

Israel’s Smotrich: press Gaza offensive until Hamas destroyed, hostages returned

Updated 8 min 50 sec ago

Israel’s Smotrich: press Gaza offensive until Hamas destroyed, hostages returned

JERUSALEM: Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich demanded on Saturday that the Gaza offensive be pursued until Hamas is destroyed and all hostages held by the Palestinian militants are rescued, saying he would not stay in government otherwise.
In a post on X, Smotrich, head of the far-right Religious Zionism party, said he also opposed any interim truce measures like a withdrawal of Israeli troops, return of Palestinians to northern Gaza or a large-scale release of security prisoners.

Mediators urge Israel, Hamas to finalize truce outlined by Biden

Updated 16 min 43 sec ago

Mediators urge Israel, Hamas to finalize truce outlined by Biden

  • The three governments have been engaged in months of talks aimed at securing a truce between Israel and Hamas
  • The US president said on Friday that Israel was offering a new three-stage roadmap toward a full ceasefire

DOHA: Gaza mediators Qatar, the United States and Egypt called on Israel and Hamas Saturday to finalize a truce and hostage release deal based on the framework set out by US President Joe Biden.
“As mediators in the ongoing discussions to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages and detainees, Qatar, the United States and Egypt jointly call on both Hamas and Israel to finalize the agreement embodying the principles outlined by (US) President Joe Biden,” said a joint statement released by the Qatari foreign ministry.

Kuwait’s Emir makes Sabah Khalid Al-Sabah crown prince

Updated 23 min 58 sec ago

Kuwait’s Emir makes Sabah Khalid Al-Sabah crown prince

LONDON: Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah issued a decree on Saturday appointing Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah as crown prince, the state news agency KUNA said.
The Emiri order was issued after reviewing the constitution, taking into account Law No. 4 of 1964 regarding the inheritance of the emirate, the Emiri order issued on May 15, 2024 appointing the prime minister, the Emiri order issued on May 10, 2024, and Decree No. 73 issued on May 12, 2024 forming the ministry.
“We ordered the following: Article (1): Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah shall be approved as Crown Prince,” KUNA said, citing the the order.
“Article (2): The Prime Minister must present this matter to the Council of Ministers to take appropriate constitutional measures,” it added.
“Article (3): This order of ours shall be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette,” it also said.
Sheikh Meshal issued the order at Seif Palace.

Hopes rise on Sudan as Egypt pushes peace talks

Updated 01 June 2024

Hopes rise on Sudan as Egypt pushes peace talks

  • Al-Burhan government urged to ease demands over forum set for June

CAIRO: Egypt’s plans to host a conference in coming weeks that will bring together rival Sudanese political forces has raised hopes of restoring peace in the conflict-racked country, according to analysts.

The government of Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan has already welcomed the Egyptian initiative, according to Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Masad Faiez, an Egyptian political analyst, said the Sudanese statement tried to set “some conditions” for the participation of the state’s representative.

“I think these are tough conditions,” he told Arab News. “But from what I know, Egypt is currently trying to unify all parties to ensure lasting and ongoing peace.”

Faiez said Egypt “believes that the conflict is a Sudanese issue and is inviting all active national factions to participate in a future political process.”

Cairo will exert all possible efforts to help Sudan overcome the crisis it faces, and end the conflict’s damaging effects on the Sudanese people, and the security and stability of the region, he said.

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the conference will seek to reach a consensus on building comprehensive and lasting peace in Sudan.

Regional and international partners will attend the forum, which will rely on “a national dialogue based on a purely Sudanese vision,” the ministry said.

The Sudanese statement specifically opposed the participation of three parties referred to as “patrons” of the Rapid Support Forces.

Sudan also claimed that regional and international organizations had remained silent about the “crimes of the Rapid Support Forces,” and insisted on the African Union’s non-participation unless steps were taken to lift the suspension of Sudan’s activities in the organization.

Akmal Ziyada, a political expert on African affairs, said the Sudanese regime will likely ease its demands in order to achieve peace and unity.

Egypt looks forward to “active participation from all Sudanese civil political forces, and concerned regional and international partners, working together to ensure the conference’s success in achieving the aspirations of the brotherly Sudanese people,” he said.

The Sudanese Unionist Democratic Party, led by Mohammed Osman Al-Mirghani, also welcomed the Egyptian initiative.

Hatem Al-Sir, a political adviser to Al-Mirghani, said the importance of the Egyptian initiative stems from the historical and fraternal ties between the two peoples, and a “firm belief that the solution to the Sudanese crisis must be purely Sudanese,” and include all national factions.

Hassan Al-Mir, a member of the Egyptian parliament, told Arab News that Egypt has a vision for “resolving the crisis in Sudan, primarily because the stability of this country and the African region is one of the mainstays of Egypt’s national security.”

Cairo had led many efforts to contain the Sudan crisis, he said.

Egypt “respects the will of the Sudanese people, opposes foreign interventions in Sudan’s crisis, emphasizes the protection of institutions, and coordinates with neighboring countries to lessen the humanitarian impact,” Al-Mir said.