Grandmother of slain French teenager calls for end to riots

Protestors flee from an exploding firework on a street in Nice, France early July 2. (AFP)
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Updated 02 July 2023

Grandmother of slain French teenager calls for end to riots

  • ‘Let them not destroy the schools, the buses,’ Nadia Merzouk says
  • Nahel Merzouk was shot dead by police during traffic stop

LONDON: The grandmother of Nahel Merzouk, the French teenager who was killed by a police officer on Tuesday, has appealed for the violent protests staged in his name to end, the Metro reported.

France has been hit by a wave of rioting since the 17-year-old, who came from an Algerian family, was shot dead at point-blank range during a traffic stop in Nanterre.

The killing, which was captured on video, has unleashed rage about police treatment of minorities.

Curfews were imposed and tens of thousands of officers deployed as angry rioters destroyed buildings and vehicles.

“I want it to stop everywhere,” Merzouk’s grandmother Nadia told French news channel BFM TV on Sunday.

“The people who are destroying, I tell them to stop! Let them not destroy the schools, the buses,” she said.

Nadia said she did not attend the march led by Merzouk’s mother Mounia on Thursday, because she did not want to leave the place where her grandson had died.

The procession sparked further violence on the streets of Nanterre, with several cars being overturned and set on fire.

Speaking of her family’s suffering over the past week, Nadia said: “It’s over, my daughter no longer has a life.”

Mounia earlier expressed her sorrow at the killing of her son, who she said loved playing rugby and worked as a pizza delivery boy.

Nadia said did not harbor any resentment toward the police as a whole and blamed only the officer who fired the shot for Merzouk’s death.

“I trust in justice,” she said.

In a rare criticism of law enforcement, French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday described the shooting as “inexcusable.”

French opposition parties on the left and right seek alliances ahead of snap elections

Updated 28 sec ago

French opposition parties on the left and right seek alliances ahead of snap elections

  • A win for the National Rally in the national elections could result in the French far right leading a government for the first time since World War II

NICE, France: Empowered by a stunning triumph at the European elections, France’s far-right National Rally on Tuesday hit the national campaign trail with its star leader, Jordan Bardella, promising supporters “the largest possible majority” at the upcoming parliamentary vote.
Opposition parties on the left and right have been scrambling to form alliances and field candidates in the snap national elections called by President Emmanuel Macron after his party suffered a crushing defeat by the far right in the European Parliament vote on Sunday.
A win for the National Rally in the national elections could result in the French far right leading a government for the first time since World War II.
While sharp differences between parties remain on either side of the political spectrum, prominent figures calling for a united front appear to have one thing in common: They don’t want to cooperate with Macron.
Despite their divisions, left-wing parties agreed late Monday to form an alliance that includes the Greens, the Socialists, the Communists and the far-left France Unbowed of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Leaders have not agreed on who will head the coalition nor on its program.
In light of the European polls, politicians on the left are focused on closing ranks to prevent a win for the National Rally. For now, they have also vowed not to join forces with Macron’s centrists.
In a joint statement, the alliance called on all forces on the left, including the influential labor unions, to unite behind a “new popular front” to form an “alternative to Emmanuel Macron and to fight against the racist project of the far right.”
National Rally leader Marine Le Pen is working to consolidate power on the right ahead of the two-round elections on June 30 and July 7. Le Pen’s niece, Marion Maréchal, who won a seat in the European Parliament on Sunday as a member of the rival Reconquer! party of Eric Zemmour, on Monday visited National Rally headquarters in Paris to negotiate a far-right alliance.
Family ties aside, Maréchal said Tuesday that Bardella informed her of a change of heart in the National Rally regarding a pact with the Reconquer! party. Bardella offered “a regrettable explanation against an agreement by saying that (Le Pen’s party) does not want to be associated directly or indirectly with Eric Zemmour,” Maréchal said in a statement.
Le Pen also met with members of the conservative Republicans party to discuss a united front. Some conservative lawmakers have supported some of Macron’s bills in the National Assembly since the president lost a majority in the lower house of the French parliament following the 2022 general election.
“We have a historic chance to allow the national camp to put France back on track,” Le Pen said in an interview with the French public broadcaster on Monday evening. She said the National Rally and the conservatives could agree on several policy goals, including an economic recovery plan, boosting purchasing power and curbing immigration.
The Republicans’ President Éric Ciotti said he wants an agreement with Le Pen, prompting several prominent members of his party to call for his resignation. Ciotti insisted the conservatives need the alliance for their political survival.
“I want my political family to move in this direction,” he said in an interview with the French public broadcaster on Tuesday. He blasted what he said was Macron’s bloc within the conservative party, “which has led the country to where it is today — with more violence, more insecurity.”
“A right-wing bloc, a national bloc … is what the vast majority of our voters want,” Ciotti said.
Bardella, Le Pen’s 28-year-old protégé and the face of the far right’s European triumph, also urged French conservatives to ride the wave of popularity with the National Rally. He urged the conservatives to “stop being Emmanuel Macron’s political crutch” and ”come and work alongside us.”
French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire called on Macron’s Renaissance party members to “make room” in their ranks for those conservatives who refuse to cooperate with the far right at the election.
Earlier Tuesday, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal met with the outgoing Renaissance lawmakers still reeling from their defeat by the far right and the president’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly.
Attal acknowledged that the dissolution was “a brutal decision” for the lawmakers, but he urged them to prepare for “the new fight.”
“You embody stability against chaos … courage against populism,” Attal said.
Macron is expected to discuss the upcoming election in a news conference scheduled for Wednesday.

Climate misinformation overshadows record floods worldwide

Updated 51 min 29 sec ago

Climate misinformation overshadows record floods worldwide

  • Experts, meanwhile, say climate change doubled the likelihood of floods in southern Brazil and worsened the intense rains caused by El Nino

WASHINGTON: Climate skeptics are scapegoating a weather modification technique known as cloud seeding to deny the role of global warming in historic floods that have recently devastated countries from Brazil to Kenya.
Record rainfall brought to some regions by the natural weather cycle El Nino matches an expected increase in extreme events, experts say.
But online, claims have repeatedly been made that geoengineering — not carbon emissions — is to blame.
“Dubai airport looks like an apocalyptic movie. Videos of the flooding are insane,” said Robby Starbuck, a conservative American commentator, to his more than 460,000 followers on X in April, after the Gulf city was hit by unprecedented downpours.
“I’ve seen some blaming climate change when the cause is actually from the use of weather modification. Cloud seeding where chemicals are sprayed in clouds to create rain caused this.”
Claims that weather had been manipulated appeared after every major flood this year, including in Zimbabwe, the United Arab Emirates and other nations. According to Google Trends data, searches for cloud seeding reached a record high after the Dubai floods in April.
“I have not agreed to our planet having cloud seeding everywhere, have you?” was typical of posts among X users in late May, blaming the recent rainfall on a “man-made climate crisis.”
Cloud seeding, which introduces tiny particles into the sky to induce rain over small geographical areas, has gained popularity worldwide as a way to combat drought and increase local water supplies.
But scientists say the technique cannot create weather — nor can it trigger rainfall at the scale observed in countries such as Germany and the United States.
“Due to the strong natural variability of clouds, there exists very little scientific proof that cloud seeding has indeed a measurable effect on precipitation,” said Andrea Flossmann, co-chair of an expert team on weather modification at the World Meteorological Organization.
Experts, meanwhile, say climate change doubled the likelihood of floods in southern Brazil and worsened the intense rains caused by El Nino.
“There’s definitely a consensus that climate change is responsible for many of these extreme weather events,” said Mariana Madruga de Brito, a Brazilian scientist from Rio Grande do Sul, the state that suffered historic flooding in May.
She told AFP she saw people posting photos of clouds on social media shortly after the floods, claiming they had been “fabricated” and questioning scientific institutions.
But she insisted cloud seeding “cannot be causing events of this magnitude.”

Di Yang, an assistant professor at the University of Wyoming, said extensive research over several decades has shown “no definitive large-scale or long-term impacts from cloud seeding.”
Still, the technique has become a recurring target for climate skeptics. AFP has debunked several false claims of weather manipulation after major floods in recent years.
Callum Hood, head of research at the Center for Countering Digital Hate, said that as severe weather events become more frequent, “climate deniers are putting extra efforts into claiming these extremes have nothing to do with climate change.”
“You see this every summer now,” he told AFP.
As more changes are recorded in seasons and ecosystems, Hood said “a slightly more conspiratorial and newer argument” is overtaking older narratives that simply deny Earth’s warming “by trying to argue that extreme weather events have this other cause, whether it’s geoengineering or something else.”
Lincoln Muniz Alves, a researcher at the Brazil National Institute for Space Research, said the dissemination of false narratives not only obstructs effective communication during environmental crises but also “reinforces the views of those who deny the reality of climate change.”
Weather modification methods are controversial in the scientific community, due in part to the potential for unintended consequences such as excess rain and pollution.
But experts say such caution should not discredit the reality of the climate crisis.
“This focus on cloud seeding misses the larger picture — for more than a century, humans have been releasing greenhouse gasses (that) have warmed the planet and made heavy rain more likely in many regions of the world,” said Edward Gryspeerdt, a research fellow at Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute.
“We are already manipulating the weather at a global scale (larger) than would ever be possible through cloud seeding.”


Putin hopes to meet Turkish President Erdogan at regional meeting

Updated 11 June 2024

Putin hopes to meet Turkish President Erdogan at regional meeting

  • “I hope that very soon, on the 3rd or 4th of July, he will be in Astana as far as I know,” Putin told visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan

MOSCOW: Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, quoted by Russian news agencies, said on Tuesday he hoped to meet Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan next month at a regional meeting in Kazakhstan.
“I hope that very soon, on the 3rd or 4th of July, he will be in Astana as far as I know,” Putin told visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, referring to the capital of the former Soviet state.
“This is part of an international event, and he and I will have an opportunity to meet and discuss all current issues.”
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a regional grouping of nations and Turkiye often takes part in meetings as a “dialogue partner.”
Erdogan has sought to maintain good relations with both Russia and Ukraine and act as an intermediary amid the more than two-year-old conflict pitting the two neighbors against each other.

Sri Lanka says Russia to stop recruiting fighters from the island

Updated 11 June 2024

Sri Lanka says Russia to stop recruiting fighters from the island

  • Moscow will accept a delegation from Sri Lanka on June 26 to “review these issues in detail

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s foreign ministry said Tuesday it had received assurances from Russia that it would stop recruiting the island nation’s citizens to fight in Ukraine following allegations thousands had been duped into combat roles.
Relatives have urged Colombo to bring back the Sri Lankans, mostly retired soldiers, at least 16 of whom have been reported killed and 37 wounded in the fighting, according to parliament, with around a dozen others reportedly held as prisoners of war in Ukraine.
Sri Lankan foreign minister Ali Sabry raised the issue with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the BRICS ministerial meeting in Moscow on Monday, the ministry said.
“At the request of minister Ali Sabry, it was also agreed that no further recruitment from Sri Lanka will be done,” the ministry said.
Moscow will accept a delegation from Sri Lanka on June 26 to “review these issues in detail and take suitable action to arrest the situation,” the ministry statement said.
Thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine since the invasion began more than two years ago, and Moscow has been on a global quest for more troops.
Sri Lanka says many of its nationals had been duped into believing they would receive high salaries, land and the right to settle in Russia in return for serving in non-combat roles, but ended up being sent to the front.
Police in the island nation have arrested two retired generals for illegally acting as recruiting agents for Russian mercenary firms.
Soldiers from Sri Lanka’s neighbors India and Nepal have also joined the fight, with several confirmed deaths.

Two Indian nationals killed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Updated 11 June 2024

Two Indian nationals killed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

  • The Indian embassy in Moscow has pressed Russian authorities for prompt repatriation of the remains
  • The foreign ministry also urged the Russian ambassador in New Delhi and authorities in Moscow to quickly release and return all Indian nationals who are with the Russian army

MOSCOW: Two Indian nationals recruited by the Russian army were recently killed in the war between Russia and Ukraine, the Indian foreign ministry said on Tuesday.
The Indian embassy in Moscow has pressed Russian authorities, including the ministry of defense, for prompt repatriation of the remains, the ministry said in a statement.
The foreign ministry also urged the Russian ambassador in New Delhi and authorities in Moscow to quickly release and return all Indian nationals who are with the Russian army, the statement added.
India demanded that there be a verified stop to any further recruitment of its nationals by the Russian army, urging Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia.
Indian police in May arrested four people linked to a network of human traffickers on suspicion of luring young men to Russia with the promise of lucrative jobs or university places only to force them to fight in the war in Ukraine.
About 35 Indian men were duped in this manner, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said in March.
New Delhi and Moscow have enjoyed a close relationship for decades and India has refused to condemn Russia over the war with Ukraine, urging the two sides to end the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.