UK’s ethnic minority no longer at higher risk of COVID-19 deaths, latest data reveals

Early in the pandemic, deaths involving coronavirus were the highest among Bangladeshis, Black Caribbeans, and Pakistanis than among white people. (AFP/File)
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Updated 22 February 2023

UK’s ethnic minority no longer at higher risk of COVID-19 deaths, latest data reveals

  • Early in the pandemic, deaths involving coronavirus were the highest among Bangladeshis, Black Caribbeans, and Pakistanis
  • Virus had its greatest impact on frontline workers, who are disproportionately ethnic minorities, expert says

LONDON: Ethnic minorities in the UK are no longer significantly more likely to die of COVID-19, the BBC reported on Wednesday.
Early in the pandemic, deaths involving coronavirus were the highest among Bangladeshis, Black Caribbeans, and Pakistanis than among white people.
Last year, all ethnic minority mortality rates decreased.
Recent data from the Office for National Statistics has revealed that there is now no statistically significant difference in the number of COVID-19-related deaths among ethnic minorities and the white population.
The reasons for this shift are complex, with experts citing “various factors” to consider.
Dr. Veena Raleigh, an epidemiologist and senior fellow at The King’s Fund, told the BBC that at the start of the pandemic, there was little understanding of the transmission and impact of COVID-19.
“The virus had its greatest impact on people who were most vulnerable or exposed to the infection — that was older people and people working in frontline jobs, key workers in the NHS, public transport, etc.,” Raleigh said.
“And of course, ethnic minorities are disproportionately working in those roles,” the epidemiologist added.
Raleigh continued: “Initially the virus had a terrible impact in terms of mortality. But over time, we learned more about how this virus transmits. For example, various social measures to control the spread of infection were introduced, like mask-wearing and social distancing. So that helped to moderate ethnic differences.
“And then, of course, the vaccination program came in. And although vaccination rates are lower in some ethnic minority groups, nonetheless, a significant proportion of the population is vaccinated — or has some immunity because they’ve been exposed to the virus.
“All of these factors have contributed to reducing ethnic differences in COVID-19 mortality over time.”
A spokesperson for the think tank Runnymede told the BBC: “COVID-19 was not just a health crisis; it was also a social and economic crisis.
“Unequal health outcomes are not confined to COVID-19, and longstanding racial and economic inequality is at the heart of understanding the pandemic.
“It is precisely because these inequalities are so systemic and interlinked that, when crisis hit, certain communities were impacted first, the hardest and in multiple ways.”

Top Modi opponent to return to jail after India vote ends

Updated 4 sec ago

Top Modi opponent to return to jail after India vote ends

  • Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of the capital Delhi and a key opposition leader, was detained in March over a long-running corruption probe
NEW DELHI: A top opponent of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he would return to jail Sunday, the end of the bail term issued to allow him to campaign in just-concluded national elections.
Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of the capital Delhi and a key leader in an opposition alliance formed to compete against Modi in the polls, was detained in March over a long-running corruption probe.
He is among several leaders of the bloc under criminal investigation, with colleagues describing his arrest the month before general elections began as a “political conspiracy” orchestrated by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
India’s top court granted him bail last month, giving a fleeting boost to the opposition’s quixotic campaign to oust Modi, but ordered him at the same time to return to custody once voting in the six-week poll concluded.
He will hand himself into Delhi’s Tihar prison on Sunday afternoon, he said.
“I came out for election campaign for 21 days... today I will surrender by going to Tihar,” he wrote on social media.
However, he said he would first visit a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, pray at a Hindu temple and visit his party office to “meet all the workers and party leaders.”
“All of you take care of yourselves,” he added. “I will take care of you all in jail. If you are happy, then your Kejriwal will also be happy in jail.”
Kejriwal’s government was accused of corruption when it implemented a policy to liberalize the sale of liquor in 2021 and give up a lucrative government stake in the sector.
The policy was withdrawn the following year, but the resulting probe into the alleged corrupt allocation of licenses has since led to the jailing of two top Kejriwal allies.
Hindu-nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi looks set to win a third straight landslide election victory after voting ended on Saturday.
Exit polls showed he was well on track to triumph and Modi himself was certain he had prevailed, saying he was confident that “the people of India have voted in record numbers” to re-elect his government.
Results will be formally announced on Tuesday.

California firefighters battle wind-driven wildfire east of San Francisco

Updated 02 June 2024

California firefighters battle wind-driven wildfire east of San Francisco

  • Gusty winds have fueled the Corral Fire burning near the city of Tracy, 96 kilometers east of San Francisco
  • The blaze grew to 18 square kilometers within hours, sending dark plumes of smoke high into the sky

SAN FRANCISCO: California firefighters aided by aircraft battled a wind-driven wildfire burning Saturday in an area straddling the San Francisco Bay Area and central California, authorities said.
Gusty winds have fueled the Corral Fire burning near the city of Tracy, 96 kilometers east of San Francisco, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the city of Livermore, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire.
The blaze grew to 18 square kilometers within hours, sending dark plumes of smoke high into the sky. It was 40 percent contained, Cal Fire said.
Interstate 580, which connects the San Francisco Bay Area to San Joaquin County in central California, was closed in both directions from Corral Hollow Road to Interstate 5 due to the lack of visibility from the smoke, the California Department of Transportation said in a statement.
The San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services issued an evacuation order, pinpointing the wildfire in an area east of Interstate 580. Residents between Corral Hollow Road and Tracy Boulevard were ordered to leave their homes, with residents south of Tracy Boulevard told to be prepared for evacuation.

North Korea sends 600 more trash balloons over border, South says

Updated 02 June 2024

North Korea sends 600 more trash balloons over border, South says

  • Balloons carrying garbage such as cigarette butts, cloth, paper waste and plastic were found across Seoul overnight
  • Military monitoring the starting point and conducting aerial reconnaissance to track down and collect the balloons

SEOUL: North Korea sent some 600 balloons carrying trash into South Korea overnight, Seoul said on Sunday, in Pyongyang’s latest move to rile its rival neighbor.
The balloons carrying garbage such as cigarette butts, cloth, paper waste and plastic were found across the capital from 8 p.m. to 10 a.m. (1100 GMT on Saturday to 0100 GMT on Sunday), South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
It said the military was monitoring the starting point and conducting aerial reconnaissance to track down and collect the balloons, which have large bags of trash suspended beneath them.
North Korea on Wednesday sent hundreds of balloons carrying trash and excrement across the heavily fortified border as what it called “gifts of sincerity.” Seoul responded angrily, calling the move base and dangerous.
South Korea’s Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said during a meeting with US Defense Secretary Austin Lloyd on the sidelines of the Shangri-La security dialogue in Singapore on Sunday that the balloons violated the armistice agreement, according to South Korea’s military.
The two reaffirmed a coordinated response to any North Korean threats and provocations based on the South Korea-US alliance’s combined defense posture, it added.
Emergency alerts were issued in North Gyeongsang and Gangwon provinces and some parts of Seoul on Sunday, urging people not to come into contact with the balloons and to alert police.
South Korea’s National Security Council standing committee will meet on Sunday afternoon to discuss whether to resume blasting loudspeakers at North Korea in response to the trash balloons, Yonhap news agency reported, citing the presidential office.
South Korea stopped blaring propaganda across the border in 2018 after a rare summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After South Africa’s historic election, what now for its global role on issues like the war in Gaza?

Updated 02 June 2024

After South Africa’s historic election, what now for its global role on issues like the war in Gaza?

  • South Africa is the most visible critic of Israel’s actions in Gaza by accusing it of genocide in a case at the world court
  • The case has been largely driven by the ANC, which has long identified with the Palestinian cause

CAPE TOWN, South Africa: It was a historic day for South Africa. The political party that ended the racially divisive era of apartheid and sent global hopes soaring with a vibrant new democracy has lost its three-decade grip on power, according to election results Saturday.

For the first time, the African National Congress will have to form a coalition to govern South Africa, whose role on the global stage is growing as it takes Israel to court over its actions in Gaza and assumes the presidency of the Group of 20 nations late this year.
Here’s what might lie ahead for a leading voice for the developing world after the ANC lost its dominance at home.
Challenging Israel over Gaza
South Africa has become the most visible critic of Israel’s actions in Gaza by accusing it of genocide in a case at the International Court of Justice, the UN’s top court.
The case has been largely driven by the ANC, which has long identified with the Palestinian cause and sees in Gaza and the occupied West Bank uncomfortable parallels with the distant “homelands” created for South Africa’s Black people by the former white-controlled government under the brutal system of apartheid.
Israel vehemently denies the allegations of genocide. The ANC’s loss of its parliamentary majority in this week’s election made news in Israel.
The case at the world court could go on for years, meaning a new South African coalition government will inherit it. The ANC likely will form a governing deal with one or more of South Africa’s three main opposition parties — the centrist Democratic Alliance, the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters and the populist new MK Party of former President Jacob Zuma.
The Democratic Alliance, which received around 21 percent of the vote, has said it doesn’t agree with the genocide case against Israel and would rather see South Africa push for a mediated settlement in the Israel-Hamas war. The EFF is seen to be at least as pro-Palestinian as the ANC and has also accused Israel of genocide. The position of the MK Party, formed late last year, is not clear.
G20 presidency lies ahead
South Africa has long been seen as a leading representative of the African continent in the world, and on Dec. 1 it assumes the prominent presidency of the Group of 20 nations — 20 leading rich and developing nations. South Africa will take over from Brazil, which is using its presidency to push for greater representation of developing nations on the global stage.
South Africa is the only African nation in the G20. The ANC and its new governing partner or partners will need to look beyond South African politics and find a common stance on pressing global issues such as climate change, conflict and reforms of international financial institutions.
“Regardless of the electoral outcome, deep-seated elements of South African foreign policy will persist, such as championing the rights of Palestinians and calling for international institutions to reform to better reflect the priorities of African states,” Michelle Gavin wrote last month for the Council on Foreign Relations.
And then there’s Russia
South Africa’s diplomacy under the ANC has drawn attention for its historic pro-Moscow stance that continued after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago. While the United States and others in the West have long recognized the ANC’s ties to Russia — they go back to the fight against apartheid — the US-South Africa relationship was seriously strained when the ANC government allowed Russian and Chinese warships to conduct drills off its coast in early 2023.
The main opposition Democratic Alliance has been strongly critical of the ANC over its relationship with Russia, accusing it of betraying its claimed position of nonalignment and neutrality with regards to the war in Ukraine and the larger tensions between Russia and the West.
Gavin suggested that an “unstable” governing coalition could hurt South Africa as a gateway for foreign investors and “push the country even closer to Russia and China.”

A Chinese spacecraft lands on moon’s far side to collect rocks in growing space rivalry with US

Updated 02 June 2024

A Chinese spacecraft lands on moon’s far side to collect rocks in growing space rivalry with US

  • China National Space Administration said the landing module touched down in a huge crater known as the South Pole-Aitken Basin
  • The mission is the sixth in the Chang’e moon exploration program, which is named after a Chinese moon goddess

BEIJING: A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon Sunday to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights into differences between the less-explored region and the better-known near side.

The landing module touched down at 6:23 a.m. Beijing time in a huge crater known as the South Pole-Aitken Basin, the China National Space Administration said.
The mission is the sixth in the Chang’e moon exploration program, which is named after a Chinese moon goddess. It is the second designed to bring back samples, following the Chang’e 5, which did so from the near side in 2020.
The moon program is part of a growing rivalry with the US — still the leader in space exploration — and others, including Japan and India. China has put its own space station in orbit and regularly sends crews there.
The emerging global power aims to put a person on the moon before 2030, which would make it the second nation after the United States to do so. America is planning to land astronauts on the moon again — for the first time in more than 50 years — though NASA pushed the target date back to 2026 earlier this year.
US efforts to use private sector rockets to launch spacecraft have been repeatedly delayed. Last-minute computer trouble nixed the planned launch of Boeing’s first astronaut flight Saturday.
Earlier Saturday, a Japanese billionaire called off his plan to orbit the moon because of uncertainty over the development of a mega rocket by SpaceX. NASA is planning to use the rocket to send its astronauts to the moon.
In China’s current mission, the lander is to use a mechanical arm and a drill to gather up to 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of surface and underground material for about two days.
An ascender atop the lander will then take the samples in a metal vacuum container back to another module that is orbiting the moon. The container will be transferred to a re-entry capsule that is due to return to Earth in the deserts of China’s Inner Mongolia region about June 25.
Missions to the moon’s far side are more difficult because it doesn’t face the Earth, requiring a relay satellite to maintain communications. The terrain is also more rugged, with fewer flat areas to land.