Heart of Arabia expedition to launch award for in-depth study of Saudi Arabia

British explorer and documentarian Harry St. John Philby captioned the picture ‘Prayer under an acacia’. He undertook an information- gathering expedition across what is now modern-day Saudi Arabia. (Photos Heart of Arabia site)
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Updated 06 January 2023

Heart of Arabia expedition to launch award for in-depth study of Saudi Arabia

  • Honors explorer Harry St. John Bridger Philby; researchers, historians, creators can apply

DIRIYAH: The Heart of Arabia expedition is set to launch an initiative, the Philby Arabia Fund, in collaboration with the Saudi British Society, that would provide an award to a researcher, creative or historian seeking to study and promote further understanding of the Kingdom.

The award honors British Arabist, explorer and writer Harry St. John Bridger Philby, who converted to Islam and took the name Abdullah. He undertook an information-gathering expedition across what is now modern-day Saudi Arabia in 1917.

The two-part, 1,300-km-journey is now being memorialized by the Heart of Arabia initiative, which aims to loosely follow Philby’s path.

A portrait of British explorer and documentrian Harry St. John Philby wearing traditional Saudi clothing.

The fund seeks to extend the legacy of the traveler and is being overseen by the Saudi British Society. It was established by Executive Director of Outward Bound Oman Mark Evans, chairman of the society, former UK Ambassador to the Kingdom Sir William Patey, and Philby’s direct descendant Mike Engelbach.

“It was fantastic that we got the support and that the Saudi British Society was so quick to get onto it,” Engelbach said.

The society is a nonprofit dedicated to perpetuating the long-standing relations between the two kingdoms, and has been a key supporter of the Heart of Arabia expedition, which was named after Philby’s book published in 1922.


• The current Philby-inspired expedition completed its first leg in November in Riyadh, with 2,500 downloads of its podcast in 52 countries and considerable site traffic.

• The group will begin the next leg of the journey to the edge of the Western coast on Jan. 16. The team includes Evans alongside Swiss photographer Ana-Maria Pavalache, regional expert Alan Morrissey, and Philby’s granddaughter, explorer Reem Philby.

• The fund encourages study of all aspects of Saudi geography, topography, geology, wildlife and culture, as Philby did, or a new field entirely.

“(The fund) is there to support anyone who’s doing something that adds to our knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially things that are connected to fill these spheres of interest,” Evans, the leader of the expedition, told Arab News.

Open to all types of studies

The fund encourages study of all aspects of Saudi geography, topography, geology, wildlife and culture, as Philby did, or a new field entirely.

The goal of the award is two-fold: The first is to spotlight the unique individual, Abdullah Philby, who played a crucial part in the evolution of the Kingdom.

The second is to challenge some of the stereotypes that foreigners have of Saudi Arabia.

While the fund has yet to outline key roles and logistics, applicants will have to apply with an overview of their objectives and budgets. The society’s board of trustees will choose a shortlist and then a winner.

The winner will be required to provide a report of the field research, with digital photos to support findings and outcomes.

“I was lucky enough to live in Riyadh in the 1990s for four years. So I know how beautiful Saudi Arabia is and how hospitable the people are. People in the West tend to be driven by headlines and don’t really look beyond (them),” Evans said.

The fund will not only highlight the diversity and culture within the region, but also the nuances of a changing region since Philby’s journey, in an effort to inspire youth globally.

Philby’s aims

“Philby was incredibly good at traveling or journeying with purpose. He didn’t do it for him. It wasn’t just a race to get from A to B, to be the first person to cross this or do that,” Evans explained.

The explorer made regular visits to London, where he presented his findings to the Royal Geographical Society. As a meticulous documentarian, he would relay details of his journey which supported the early mapping of central Arabia, making him a key figure in archiving the region’s history.

“Everything he saw in the field, everything he heard, smelled, touched; he was using his senses all the time to describe a landscape that no one else outside of Arabia had ever seen,” Evans said.

The current Philby-inspired expedition completed its first leg in November in Riyadh, with 2,500 downloads of its podcast in 52 countries and considerable site traffic.

“The plan was to build that platform of interest on leg one so that we could really go at leg two to use that platform to start to raise awareness of the Philby Arabia Fund, in the hope that we can get one or two individuals to make some serious donations to establish that fund,” Evans said.

The group will begin the next leg of the journey to the edge of the Western coast on Jan. 16. The team includes Evans alongside Swiss photographer Ana-Maria Pavalache, regional expert Alan Morrissey, and Philby’s granddaughter, explorer Reem Philby. They will be seen off by Princess Anne.

“There really is nothing at the moment that I’m aware of to fund research or projects like our Heart of Arabia, that adds to our understanding of deserts, but also, in particular, Saudi Arabia.

“This (fund) is something quite unique that people can apply for with the ultimate aim of doing what Philby was very good at, which was enlightening us all and helping us understand more about this beautiful country,” Evans said.

Ibn Saud’s friendship

The great legacy of Philby began 105 years ago, as he trekked through the Empty Quarter on a political mission in 1917 to meet the ruling head of the region at the time, Ibn Saud, the results of which earned him the Royal Geographical Society Founder’s Medal.

The explorer was captivated by the charisma and persona of the ruler, and the same intrigue was reciprocated, forming a friendship that lasted 36 years. Philby often attended council meetings, conducted business, and documented Riyadh. Even a century ago, the bond between Saudi and Britain stood strong.

“He saw things in black and white, and that was where he and Ibn Saud were a good match, because Ibn Saud also could see the shades of gray,” Engelbach said.

Philby was characterized as “one of its most distinguished explorers” by Laurence Kirwan, the director of the Royal Geographical Society, in 1960 upon his death.

His strength shone brightest during the long and often lonely desert journeys, focusing his skills and knowledge on harvesting the cultural treasures held within the region that contributed to unprecedented findings about Arabia and the third Saudi Kingdom.

“He was never happier than out in the desert, with as he puts it, his Arabs, guides, and his retinue,” Engelbach said.

His later years consisted of conversing with younger people about his escapades and the importance of his work, quite often sharing his thoughts and experiences with the Arab world.

“He preferred the company of young people most … He was staunchly pro-Arab … Everything was driven by the idea that the Arab countries should have the right to self-determination. He was just taken aback by the beauty of the Arabian landscape,” Engelbach said.



Pilgrims perform final rites of Hajj as Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha

Updated 5 sec ago

Pilgrims perform final rites of Hajj as Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha

  • More than 850,000 pilgrims had performed Tawaf Al-Ifadah by Sunday night in Makkah
  • The stoning is among the final rites of the Hajj, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam

MINA: More than 850,000 pilgrims had performed Tawaf Al-Ifadah by Sunday night in Makkah, the ritual marking the final days of the Hajj and the start of the Eid Al-Adha celebrations for Muslims around the world.

The long day started with masses of pilgrims embarking on a symbolic stoning of the devil in Muzdalifah under the soaring summer heat. The stoning is among the final rites of the Hajj, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

It came a day after more than 1.8 million pilgrims congregated at a sacred hill, known as Mount Arafat, outside the holy city of Makkah, which Muslim pilgrims visit to perform the annual five-day rituals of Hajj. The Tawaf Al Ifadah is performed by Hajj pilgrims after the returning from Mina.

In a press conference on Sunday night, Col. Talal bin Abdulmohsen Al-Shalhoub, spokesperson of the Saudi Ministry of Interior, said that all pilgrims safely returned to their tents in Mina after departing from Muzdalifah.

He emphasized that security forces are continuing their operations to ensure the security and safety of the Guests of Allah throughout their stay in Mina, including their rituals at the Jamarat Bridge and within the Grand Mosque.“These services encompass crowd control and management on all routes connecting their accommodations in tents, the bridge, and the Grand Mosque, as well as during their tawaf. I urge all guests to adhere strictly to the instructions governing their ritual performances,” he stated.

Pilgrims cast stones at pillars in the symbolic stoning of the devil, one of the last rites of Hajj, at the Jamarat in Mina, near the holy city of Makkah, on June 16, 2024. (SPA)

The spokesperson also advised pilgrims not to carry personal belongings when heading to the Jamarat Bridge or the Holy Mosque.

“Furthermore, I urge those intending to leave Mina on the second day of Tashreeq to follow the specified guidelines,” he added.

The days of Tashreeq are the three days that follow the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah, Eid al-Adha, and are known for the ritual of stoning the three pillars in Mina, symbolizing the rejection of temptation and evil.

However, it is permissible for pilgrims to leave Makkah before sunset on the 12th day of Dhul Hijjah.Al-Shalhoub further reported that the 911 center in the Makkah region had received a total of 78,872 calls on the 10th of Thul Hijjah, covering security reports and service inquiries, all of which were promptly addressed.

He highlighted the close monitoring by Saudi leadership of all security sectors, noting continuous enhancements in their performance each year.“Our security personnel serve as exemplary role models in fulfilling their duties and facilitating the Hajj journey for pilgrims,” he concluded.

For his part, Ayedh Al-Ghuwainem, deputy minister of Hajj and Umrah for Hajj affairs said that the organizational plans and efforts were implemented in harmony with all the participating Hajj agencies.

“The stoning process occurred safely and tranquilly within just ten hours, achieving a compliance rate of 95 percent with the instructions,” he said.

He further added that the plans were designed to accommodate the diverse jurisprudential preferences of pilgrims using modern technology and preplanned schedules for grouping the pilgrims.Al-Ghuwainem stated that more than 800,000 pilgrims had arrived in Mina before dawn on Sunday, and by 8 a.m., all pilgrims had reached Mina.

On their arrival at the Jamarat Bridge, some 70 percent of the pilgrims used the first and fourth floors, while the rest of them went through the second and third floors, according to the deputy minister.

“Moreover, more than 850,000 worshippers have so far performed the Ifadah tawaf since midnight using shuttle bus services from and to the Grand Mosque,” he said.

The deputy minister added that the challenge they faced along with the concerned authorities was that most of the pilgrims preferred to go on foot, despite all the awareness campaigns and the availability of all means of transportation. He also urged the pilgrims to follow the instructions.

Saudi crown prince receives phone call from president of European Council

Charles Michel (L) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. (SPA)
Updated 17 June 2024

Saudi crown prince receives phone call from president of European Council

  • They reviewed Saudi-EU cooperation and ways to strengthen in various areas

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has received telephone call from the president of the European Council Charles Michel on Sunday.

During the conversation, they reviewed Saudi-EU cooperation and ways to strengthen in various areas.

A number of regional and international issues were also discussed as well as efforts made to achieve security and stability in the region, SPA reported.


Saudi king, crown prince congratulate South African president on re-election

King Salman (R) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. (SPA)
Updated 17 June 2024

Saudi king, crown prince congratulate South African president on re-election

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent separate cables of congratulations on Sunday to South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa on his re-election for a new term.

King Salman expressed his sincere congratulations and best wishes for success to Ramaphosa and for the progress and prosperity of his country, SPA reported.

Saudi Arabia has enjoyed excellent relations with South Africa, which have been strengthened and developed in every aspect. 




Pilgrims perform final rites of Hajj as Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha

Updated 1 min 2 sec ago

Pilgrims perform final rites of Hajj as Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha

MINA: More than 850,000 pilgrims had performed Tawaf Al-Ifadah by Sunday night in Makkah, the ritual marking the final days of the Hajj and the start of the Eid Al-Adha celebrations for Muslims around the world.

The long day started with masses of pilgrims embarking on a symbolic stoning of the devil in Muzdalifah under the soaring summer heat. The stoning is among the final rites of the Hajj, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

It came a day after more than 1.8 million pilgrims congregated at a sacred hill, known as Mount Arafat, outside the holy city of Makkah, which Muslim pilgrims visit to perform the annual five-day rituals of Hajj. The Tawaf Al Ifadah is performed by Hajj pilgrims after the returning from Mina.

In a press conference on Sunday night, Col. Talal bin Abdulmohsen Al-Shalhoub, spokesperson of the Saudi Ministry of Interior, said that all pilgrims safely returned to their tents in Mina after departing from Muzdalifah.

He emphasized that security forces are continuing their operations to ensure the security and safety of the Guests of Allah throughout their stay in Mina, including their rituals at the Jamarat Bridge and within the Grand Mosque.“These services encompass crowd control and management on all routes connecting their accommodations in tents, the bridge, and the Grand Mosque, as well as during their tawaf. I urge all guests to adhere strictly to the instructions governing their ritual performances,” he stated.

Pilgrims cast stones at pillars in the symbolic stoning of the devil, one of the last rites of Hajj, at the Jamarat in Mina, near the holy city of Makkah, on June 16, 2024. (SPA)

The spokesperson also advised pilgrims not to carry personal belongings when heading to the Jamarat Bridge or the Holy Mosque.

“Furthermore, I urge those intending to leave Mina on the second day of Tashreeq to follow the specified guidelines,” he added.

The days of Tashreeq are the three days that follow the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah, Eid al-Adha, and are known for the ritual of stoning the three pillars in Mina, symbolizing the rejection of temptation and evil.

However, it is permissible for pilgrims to leave Makkah before sunset on the 12th day of Dhul Hijjah.Al-Shalhoub further reported that the 911 center in the Makkah region had received a total of 78,872 calls on the 10th of Thul Hijjah, covering security reports and service inquiries, all of which were promptly addressed.

He highlighted the close monitoring by Saudi leadership of all security sectors, noting continuous enhancements in their performance each year.“Our security personnel serve as exemplary role models in fulfilling their duties and facilitating the Hajj journey for pilgrims,” he concluded.

For his part, Ayedh Al-Ghuwainem, deputy minister of Hajj and Umrah for Hajj affairs said that the organizational plans and efforts were implemented in harmony with all the participating Hajj agencies.

“The stoning process occurred safely and tranquilly within just ten hours, achieving a compliance rate of 95 percent with the instructions,” he said.

He further added that the plans were designed to accommodate the diverse jurisprudential preferences of pilgrims using modern technology and preplanned schedules for grouping the pilgrims.Al-Ghuwainem stated that more than 800,000 pilgrims had arrived in Mina before dawn on Sunday, and by 8 a.m., all pilgrims had reached Mina.

On their arrival at the Jamarat Bridge, some 70 percent of the pilgrims used the first and fourth floors, while the rest of them went through the second and third floors, according to the deputy minister.

“Moreover, more than 850,000 worshippers have so far performed the Ifadah tawaf since midnight using shuttle bus services from and to the Grand Mosque,” he said.

The deputy minister added that the challenge they faced along with the concerned authorities was that most of the pilgrims preferred to go on foot, despite all the awareness campaigns and the availability of all means of transportation. He also urged the pilgrims to follow the instructions.

Hajj pilgrims innovate for comfort amid Saudi Arabia’s efforts to beat the heat

Updated 16 June 2024

Hajj pilgrims innovate for comfort amid Saudi Arabia’s efforts to beat the heat

  • Portable fans, personal water sprinklers among useful aids in scorching conditions

ARAFAT: Pilgrims have remained inventive in their quest for comfort, despite Saudi Arabia’s diligent efforts to mitigate the sweltering heat at the holy sites.

Alongside the Kingdom’s measures — which include extensive cooling systems — pilgrims are using rechargeable and battery-powered neck and handheld fans in their determination to offset the challenging conditions brought by the summer.

A sprinkler system comprising more than 8,000  water posts has been installed at the holy sites to mitigate the high temperatures. (SPA)

The portable fans provide much-needed relief by offering personal cooling in crowded areas where air circulation may be limited. They allow pilgrims to maintain comfort and focus on their religious duties without being overly affected by the extreme temperatures, thereby enhancing their overall pilgrimage experience.

According to online retail websites, the hands-free fans range from $4 to $8, while neck fans are between $32 to $60. However, some portable waist clip fans may cost from $30 to more than $110.



Managed by the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites, the sprinkler system at the holy sites disperses 230,000 cubic meters of water through a pipe network spanning over 190,000 meters.

In accordance with the Health Ministry’s warnings and instructions, many pilgrims are also being observed using small water sprinklers to cool themselves amid the high temperatures.

A sprinkler system comprising more than 8,000  water posts has been installed at the holy sites to mitigate the high temperatures. (SPA)

A report by the National Center for Meteorology noted that temperatures reached 46 C in Arafat on Saturday. In anticipation of such conditions, a massive water sprinkler system had been installed to reduce heat and refresh the air for pilgrims.

Saleh Al-Sufiyani, a Saudi pilgrim from Taif, said that he was aware of the weather conditions in Makkah and purchased a cooling gadget for SR150 (approximately $40).

Pilgrims are using rechargeable and battery-powered neck and handheld fans in their determination to offset the challenging conditions brought by the summer. (SPA)

He added: “The device provides direct airflow to my neck and face, which are sensitive areas for cooling the body. It helps me feel more comfortable as it reduces the sensation of heat.”

Maryam Jadallah, an Egyptian pilgrim, said that she had bought her portable battery-powered fan from Jeddah after learning about the high temperatures in Makkah.

Water is sprayed on Muslim pilgrims at the rocky hill known as the Mountain of Mercy, on the Plain of Arafat, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage, near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabi, Saturday, June 15, 2024. (AP)

She added: “The fan operates quietly, allowing me to hear everything around me without disturbing my supplications.”

She stressed that cooling the body during hot weather can help prevent heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

Volunteers spray water on Muslim pilgrims during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. (AN photo by Huda Bashattah)

She said that despite having her fan with her, she often kept it off as fans and water sprinklers were installed everywhere to help the pilgrims stay cool.  

According to Kidana Development Company, a substantial sprinkler system comprising more than 8,000 water posts has been installed at the holy sites to mitigate the high temperatures.

Despite Saudi Arabia's diligent efforts to mitigate the sweltering heat in the holy sites, pilgrims remained inventive in their quest for comfort. (AN photo by Huda Bashattah)

Managed by the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites, the system disperses 230,000 cubic meters of water through a pipe network spanning over 190,000 meters. It will operate for 15 hours daily across a span of 13 days.

A recent study published by King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre revealed that heat-related deaths and strokes during Hajj have fallen by 47.6 and 74.6 percent respectively over a 40-year period because of the interventions by the Kingdom’s government.