Arab society has time-honored bond with majestic camels

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The bond between Arabs and camels in the vast deserts of the region weaves a tale of companionship and reliance that reaches deep into antiquity. (SPA)
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The bond between Arabs and camels in the vast deserts of the region weaves a tale of companionship and reliance that reaches deep into antiquity. (SPA)
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The bond between Arabs and camels in the vast deserts of the region weaves a tale of companionship and reliance that reaches deep into antiquity. (SPA)
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Updated 09 January 2024

Arab society has time-honored bond with majestic camels

  • Saudi Arabia designated 2024 as Year of the Camel to highlight country’s proud identity and heritage
  • Islam’s sacred texts emphasize the significance of camels in lives of prophets and people

RIYADH: The bond between Arabs and camels in the vast deserts of this part of the world weaves a tale of companionship and reliance that reaches deep into antiquity.

Bedouins, the quintessential desert dwellers, found consolation and great help from these majestic creatures as they traversed the arid terrain in search of sustenance. With their resilience, camels bore the weight of countless journeys, their significance immortalized in the grand gestures of gifting them to leading figures in every age.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Otaibi, chairman of the Saudi Society for Camel Studies, says there is a profound historical connection between Arabs and these animals.

Al-Otaibi highlighted the renowned she-camel Al-Qaswa, ridden by the Prophet Muhammad. This animal is considered the second most famous after the she-camel of the Prophet Saleh, and is etched in the collective memory and identity of Arabs and Muslims.

The sacred texts also mention the significance of these animals. The Qur’an makes multiple references to these creatures, emphasizing their role as a sign of Allah’s great generosity. Various hadiths also highlight the revered status of camels in Arab society.

The Arabs’ deep-seated attachment to camels is reflected in other ways. In ancient times, Arabs used the words wealth and camels interchangeably in their vernacular.

Dr. Hind Al-Mutairi, an academic at King Saud University, explains that camels, often referred to as the “ships of the desert,” symbolize movement, work and survival in the barren and harsh environment.

These resilient creatures serve as a lifeline, protecting their owners from the perils of the unforgiving desert. The Arabs, therefore, developed an intimate bond with camels, carefully observing their well-being, strength, and unique characteristics, she said.

According to Al-Mutairi, the Arabs bestowed myriad names on camels to capture their diverse characteristics. Hundreds of names were used to describe adult camels, herds, females, males and offspring. And camels were also distinguished by weight, eyesight, milk production, and swiftness. Even camels carrying warriors or plagued by thirst were granted distinct names.

This lexicon of camel-related terms enriched the Arabic language and found expression in ancient poetry. In fact, Arabic boasts a staggering 10,046 words related to camels, as documented in the book “Camels in the Ancient Near East and the Arabian Peninsula.”

Arabic poetry has long celebrated the she-camel, held in high regard by Bedouin tribes, said Al-Mutairi.

Apart from their ability to travel vast distances with heavy loads, Al-Otaibi emphasized other benefits of camels including their meat and milk, as well as their wool to make tents. Moreover, they were given as treasured gifts to kings and distinguished leaders, symbolizing reverence and respect.

Saudi Arabia is a guardian of this proud heritage, including under the leadership of King Abdulaziz.

Al-Otaibi said: “King Abdulaziz had a deep affection for camels and cared for them. He appointed individuals to oversee them, due to their vital role in the unification process, as they formed the backbone of King Abdulaziz’s army.”

One example of the king’s interest in camels, said Al-Otaibi, was his practice of gifting valuable camel breeds to tribal leaders and loyal subjects.

These traditions continued under King Saud, King Faisal, King Khalid, King Fahd, and King Abdullah. The world-renowned Janadriyah Festival was one of the events used to showcase the bond with these animals, with races held and Saudi Arabia’s heritage highlighted.

Under the reign of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, even more prominence is accorded to these animals, with the establishment of the Camel Club, and festivals named after the two leaders.

In February 2023, Saudi Arabia’s government adopted the statute of the International Camel Organization, and in December last year, it designated 2024 as the Year of the Camel.

In addition, Saudi Arabia’s passport showcases imagery of a herd of camels to demonstrate the attachment citizens have to this part of their heritage.

Saudi Arabia joins 80 countries in historic deal on e-commerce

Updated 26 July 2024

Saudi Arabia joins 80 countries in historic deal on e-commerce

  • First digital global rules include recognition of e-signatures and protection against online fraud
  • The agreement also includes a component providing preferential treatment to developing countries

JEDDAH: About 80 countries including Saudi Arabia reached a historic agreement on Friday on rules governing global digital commerce, including recognition of e-signatures and protection against online fraud.

“We negotiated the first global rules on digital trade,” EU trade chief Valdis Dombrovskis said after the deal in Geneva following five years of negotiations.“This will facilitate e-transactions, boost innovation, and integrate developing countries into the digital economy,” he said.

Britain said the agreement would commit all participants to making customs documents and processes digital and recognizing e-documents and e-signatures, and put in place legal safeguards against online fraudsters and misleading claims about products.

Once in place, the deal “will make trade faster, cheaper, fairer and more secure,” Britain said in a statement.

The text of the agreement says the parties will seek to limit spam and protect personal data, as well as offer support to least-developed countries.
Ninety-one of the World Trade Organization’s 166 members took part in the negotiations, including Saudi Arabia, China, Canada, Argentina and Nigeria.
Digital commerce is growing far faster than its traditional counterpart.
The OECD group of economically developed nations says it estimated that in 2020, e-commerce already made up a quarter of global trade, making it worth just under $5 trillion.
Despite its growing importance, “no common set of global rules exist,” said British Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds.
Finalizing the negotiations “is a huge step forward in correcting that and ensuring British businesses feel the benefit.”

The talks were launched in 2019, with around 90 negotiating countries — representing 90 percent of the WTO membership — including heavy-hitters like the United States, the European Union and China.
Australia, Japan and Singapore, which have jointly been leading the Initiative on Electronic Commerce talks, presented a joint statement during a closed-door meeting at the WTO confirming that “after five years of negotiations, participants had achieved a stabilized text.”
But actual implementation of a deal could still be years off.
A small number of negotiating countries have yet to sign on, including the United States, Brazil, Indonesia and Turkiye, the declaration said.
“The text released today ... represents an important step forward for the WTO in a sector of growing importance to the global economy,” US ambassador and Deputy US Trade Representative Maria Pagan said in a statement.
But the United States considers that “the current text falls short and more work is needed,” she said, pointing in particular to an “essential security exception.”
The co-conveners of the talks have in recent months stressed the importance of landing a deal, stressing it could facilitate electronic transactions, promote digital trade and foster an open and trusted digital economy.
“This would be the first-ever set of baseline digital trade rules,” Singapore’s ambassador to the WTO Tan Hung Seng said in April.
“It would contribute to the growing e-commerce in our countries by providing greater legal predictability and certainty, against the backdrop of increasing regulatory fragmentation,” he said.
In Friday’s statement, UK Science Secretary Peter Kyle said the agreement aimed “to help people use technology safely by protecting them from fraud, while driving economic growth through the digitalization of trade so it’s faster and more secure.”

Preferential treatment

The agreement also includes a component providing preferential treatment to developing countries.
In addition to paving the way for digitalising customs documents and processes, the text also seeks to make permanent a long-held moratorium exempting electronic transactions from customs duties.
The moratorium has been in place since 1998, and has been extended at each WTO ministerial meeting since. It is currently set to expire in 2026.
“Once in force the agreement will permanently ban customs duties on digital content,” the British statement said.
The aim is to incorporate the digital trade rules into the WTO legal framework, but that would require consensus backing from all members, including those not part of the deal.
That could be tricky at a time when countries like India and South Africa are balking at what they see as a proliferation of plurilateral agreements within the WTO rather than the all-but-impossible multilateral deals backed by all members.
One solution, observers say, could be for the signatories to move the agreement to another international body. But if they do that, they would not be able to rely on the WTO’s mechanism for resolving trade disputes.

(With Agencies)

Saudi ballet star, 18, dances to inspire dreams

Updated 27 July 2024

Saudi ballet star, 18, dances to inspire dreams

  • Halaa Nagadi desires to represent Kingdom on world stage
  • Hopes others ‘embrace this beautiful and expressive art form’

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia ballet dancer Halaa Nagadi, 18, is captivating audiences with her unwavering passion and hopes others would be inspired to “embrace this beautiful and expressive art form.”

She is currently preparing for the 2024 Dubai International Dance Competition set to start on Nov. 17 that will have professional and amateur dancers participating from all over the world.

“I became interested in ballet when I was on a journey to find a dance form that truly resonated with me,” Nagadi told Arab News. “The way ballet dancers could convey such powerful emotions and narratives through their bodies was simply captivating.”

Halaa Nagadi is currently preparing for the 2024 Dubai International Dance Competition set to start on Nov. 17 that will have professional and amateur dancers participating. (Supplied)

From a young age, Nagadi was mesmerized by the graceful movements and emotive storytelling of ballet, and she has pursued her dream with determination.

“One of my greatest goals is to represent Saudi Arabia on the international ballet stage,” Nagadi said. “I want to showcase the talent and artistry that exists within our country, and inspire others to embrace this beautiful and expressive art form.”


• Though ballet may not have been a typical path for a young Saudi Arabia woman, Nagadi was undeterred.

• She immersed herself in studying ballet, first through online videos and then by seeking out local and international training opportunities.

Though ballet may not have been a typical path for a young Saudi Arabia woman, Nagadi was undeterred. She immersed herself in studying ballet, first through online videos and then by seeking out local and international training opportunities.

“Balancing my studies in tourism and event management at King Abdulaziz University with my rigorous ballet training has not been an easy task,” Nagadi revealed.

“But I’ve remained steadfast in my pursuit, spending four to eight hours each day honing my skills, whether it’s at the ballet studio or the gym, ensuring that I am constantly improving and pushing the boundaries of my craft.”

Nagadi’s journey has not been without its challenges, however. Finding suitable ballet facilities in Saudi Arabia has been a significant hurdle, and sourcing specialized equipment is proving to be an ongoing obstacle, she explained.

Undaunted, Nagadi has sought out opportunities abroad, including a summer program in Romania and a ballet performance opportunity in Turkiye.

“I also took a masterclass for professional dancers from the principal of the Royal Ballet in London,” she added.

Nagadi’s dedication and passion have not gone unnoticed locally. “I have received the support of the Saudi Ministry of Culture, who have provided me with opportunities to showcase my talents at local events, such as the Taif Rose Festival and a theatrical performance that fused Arabic music with ballet,” she said.

As Saudi Arabia’s arts and culture scene continues to evolve, the ballet talent envisions a future where the dance form will flourish and draw audiences from across the Kingdom.

“I believe the ballet scene in Saudi Arabia will only continue to grow and develop,” she said. “More and more people are becoming interested in learning and practicing this art form.”

Nagadi’s unwavering determination has not only earned her recognition within the Saudi Arabia arts community but has also inspired a new generation of young people to explore the world of ballet.

Her story is a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and a willingness to challenge societal norms, anything is possible.


Saudi Arabia’s fire forts, lava fields reflect features of the past

The black lava fields are stone volcanic structures that have transformed into natural oasis museums due to weathering. (SPA)
Updated 26 July 2024

Saudi Arabia’s fire forts, lava fields reflect features of the past

  • The most prominent volcanic sites include Hafir Kishb and Al-Malsa volcano on the northern and southern edges of Harrat Rahat in the southeast of Madinah

TAIF: Fire forts or lava fields, known in the Kingdom as harrat, are archaeological sites that reveal the past.

The lava fields contain features from the civilizational development of past peoples, giving hints of behaviors, culture, customs and traditions.

The black lava fields in the Kingdom, especially north of Taif — Hafir Kishb, Turbah, Al-Khurma, and Al-Muwayh — are stone volcanic structures that have transformed into natural oasis museums due to weathering.

The black lava fields are stone volcanic structures that have transformed into natural oasis museums due to weathering. (SPA)

Dr. Hammad Al-Ruwaili, a professor of history and archaeology, said that the history of volcanoes in the Kingdom dates back about 30 million years.

“They formed in two phases. The first phase coincided with the basaltic lava flows and the opening of the Red Sea, and the second phase began with volcanic activity in the Arabian Peninsula about 10 million years ago,” he added.

The most prominent volcanic sites include Hafir Kishb and Al-Malsa volcano on the northern and southern edges of Harrat Rahat in the southeast of Madinah.

Harrat Rahat is the largest volcano by area, followed by Harrat Khaybar, Harrat Al-Harrah, Harrat Nawasif and Harrat Hafir Kishb, which contains the Wahbah Crater, the deepest volcanic crater in the Kingdom with a diameter of 2 km and a depth of more than 220 meters. The site is a popular destination for locals and attracts tourists from around the world.


The most prominent volcanic sites include Hafir Kishb and Al-Malsa volcano on the northern and southern edges of Harrat Rahat in the southeast of Madinah.

In Arabic, Harrat refers to “a land with black stones that seem to have been burned by fire.” The lava fields are named after the intense heat of rocks.

Al-Ruwaili said that volcanoes are classified into several types, including domed, scoria, shield and cratered.

He added that the Hafir Kishb derives its name from Mount Kishb, located about 260 km from the northeastern part of Taif Governorate. The black mountain is visible to the right of those traveling on the Riyadh Road after Al-Muwayh. The area is mostly scattered black rocks interspersed with sandy areas known as Al-Qee’an.

Other notable areas include Dughaybjah, Khawarah, Hafar, Al-Mashubah, Qia, Mraan and Al-Muwayh.

Al-Ruwaili added that east of Hafir Kishb lies a rough harrat which is very difficult to traverse.


Two arrested in Najran over tablet smuggling

Updated 26 July 2024

Two arrested in Najran over tablet smuggling

  • Authorities arrested an Ethiopian in Al-Baha for violating border security laws and smuggling hashish

NAJRAN: Two citizens have been arrested in Najran by the General Directorate of Narcotics Control for smuggling tablets subject to the regulation of medical circulation.

Preliminary procedures were taken against them and they were subsequently referred to the Public Prosecution.

Meanwhile, authorities arrested an Ethiopian in Al-Baha for violating border security laws and smuggling hashish.

Elsewhere, a citizen was arrested in Jouf for smuggling hashish and amphetamines. Preliminary procedures were taken against him and he was referred to the Public Prosecution.


Saudi Arabia reaffirms dedication to improving labor standards

Updated 26 July 2024

Saudi Arabia reaffirms dedication to improving labor standards

  • Ahmed bin Sulaiman Al-Rajhi highlighted Saudi Arabia’s proactive measures and the impact of Vision 2030 in developing a national workforce

BRAZIL: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Ahmed bin Sulaiman Al-Rajhi led the Kingdom’s delegation at the G20 Labor and Employment Ministers’ Meeting in Fortaleza, Brazil, from July 25-26.

The event gathered together labor ministers from G20 member states, invited countries, leaders of international and regional organizations, and civil society representatives.

Al-Rajhi highlighted Saudi Arabia’s proactive measures and the impact of Vision 2030 in developing a national workforce. He outlined the Kingdom’s focus on reinforcing values, cultivating essential and future skills, advancing knowledge, and fostering a labor market that ensured decent work for all.

The minister reaffirmed Saudi Arabia’s dedication to improving labor standards and conditions, including social security measures. He emphasized the importance of empowering beneficiaries through qualification, training and employment opportunities.