Stc pay chairman and CEO congratulate Saudi leadership on Founding Day

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Updated 22 February 2022

Stc pay chairman and CEO congratulate Saudi leadership on Founding Day

stc pay Chairman Khalid bin Suleiman Al-Jasser and CEO Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Enezi, on behalf of the company’s board of directors and all its employees, congratulated King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on the occasion of Founding Day.

Al-Jasser said: “Foundation Day commemorates the establishment of the first Saudi state three centuries ago, marked by prosperity and continuous development. This day is dear to all of us because it portrays the history of the Kingdom’s successes and achievements and how it has managed to overcome the challenges through generations under wise leadership. This day represents the highest meaning of interdependence and cohesion between the leadership and the people and confirms that our country is moving forward to achieve the highest ranks in the world at an ambitious pace to secure more comprehensive achievements that keep pace with development and progress in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.”

He added: “The digital payments sector, in particular, has received considerable and unprecedented support from our wise leadership over the past period, and our precious country has become the focus of everyone’s attention worldwide with its advanced digital infrastructure, which has made Saudi Arabia the regional business hub for the region and the world.” 

Al-Enezi, meanwhile, said that Saudi Arabia is keeping pace with the global digital transformation in all fields of technology and digital payments with qualitative plans focused on the Kingdom’s digital infrastructure. This is evident to the world through significant progress in the development of financial and banking regulations and legislation, as well as the considerable development of Internet speeds and widespread availability of digital services in all fields.

“The digital payments sector is supported by wise leadership, where the focus on innovation and the adoption of modern technologies has inspired and empowered the digital skills of Saudi youth, enabling the Kingdom to strengthen its presence and be at the top of the world in this sector,” Al-Enezi added.

Both the stc pay chairman and CEO concluded by praying for King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “May God provide them with help, and reward them for the good and development of our precious Kingdom, and preserve our country’s security, peace, and stability,” they said in a statement.

Indian suspect in plot to kill Sikh separatist extradited to US

Updated 4 min 45 sec ago

Indian suspect in plot to kill Sikh separatist extradited to US

  • Man accused over murder-for-hire plot extradited from Czech Republic
  • Alleged plot targeted Sikh separatist resident in US, India denies involvement 

WASHINGTON/PRAGUE: An Indian man suspected by the US of involvement in an unsuccessful plot to kill a Sikh separatist on American soil has been extradited to the United States from the Czech Republic, the Czech justice minister said on Monday.

Nikhil Gupta has been accused by US federal prosecutors of plotting with an Indian government official to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a US. resident who advocated for a sovereign Sikh state in northern India.

Gupta traveled to Prague from India last June and was arrested by Czech authorities. Last month, a Czech court rejected his petition to avoid being sent to the US, clearing the way for the Czech justice minister to extradite him.

“On the basis of my decision on (June 3), the Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta, who is suspected of conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire with intent to cause death, was extradited to the US on Friday (June 14) for criminal prosecution,” Czech Justice Minister Pavel Blazek said on social media platform X.

The comments confirmed an earlier Reuters story reporting on the extradition that cited the federal Bureau of Prisons website and a source familiar with the matter.

An inmate search by name on the Bureau of Prisons website showed on Sunday that Gupta, 52, was being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, a federal administrative detention facility.

A US Justice Department spokesperson declined to comment. Gupta’s US-based lawyer, attorney Jeffrey Chabrowe, had no immediate comment.

Over a dozen people were killed and tens injured after a freight train smashed into the back of a stationary passenger train in India’s West Bengal state on Monday,


The discovery of alleged assassination plots against Sikh separatists in the US and Canada has tested relations with India, seen by Western nations as a counter to China’s rising global influence. India’s government denies involvement in such plots.

Canada said in September its intelligence agencies were pursuing allegations linking India’s government to the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June 2023 in Canada.

In November, US authorities said an Indian government official had directed the plot in the attempted murder of Pannun, who is a US and Canadian citizen. Gupta is accused of involvement in that plot.

Pannun told Reuters on Sunday that while the extradition was a welcome step, “Nikhil Gupta is just a foot soldier.” He alleged that those who hired Gupta were senior members of the Indian government who act on the direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

India’s government has dissociated itself from the plot against Pannun, saying it was against government policy. It has said it would formally investigate security concerns raised by Washington.

New Delhi has long complained about Sikh separatist groups outside India, viewing them as security threats. The groups have kept alive the movement for Khalistan, or the demand for an independent Sikh state to be carved out of India.

Last month, Washington said it was satisfied so far with India’s moves to ensure accountability in the alleged plots, but added that many steps still needed to be taken.

Train crash in eastern India kills 15, injures dozens

Updated 11 min 28 sec ago

Train crash in eastern India kills 15, injures dozens

  • Accident blamed on freight driver disregarding signal
  • Incident reflects government negligence, opposition leader says

KOLKATA: A freight train smashed into the rear of a stationary passenger train in India’s West Bengal state on Monday, killing at least 15 people and injuring dozens, police said, in an accident that railway authorities blamed on driver error.

Media showed images of the pile-up, with containers from the goods train strewn nearby, and one carriage left nearly vertical after the accident, which comes just over a year after a signalling error caused one of India’s worst rail crashes.

Fifteen bodies were pulled from the mangled carriages, Abhishek Roy, a senior police official in the eastern state’s district of Darjeeling, the site of the accident, told Reuters.

Fifty-four people were injured and rescue teams from the police and national disaster response force were working to clear debris from the derailed carriages, Roy added.

The goods train hit the Kanchanjunga Express traveling to Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, from the northeastern state of Tripura, driving three carriages of the passenger train off the rails.

It was not immediately clear how many passengers were on board at the time.

Rescuers used iron rods and ropes to work free one carriage of the passenger train that had been swept upwards to lodge on the roof of the freight train by the impact of the collision.

The dead included the driver of the freight train and a guard on the passenger train, Jaya Varma Sinha, the head of the railway board that runs the countrywide network, told reporters.

The accident happened after the driver of the freight train disregarded a signal, Sinha added.

Rescue work has been completed, Sinha said, and authorities are working to restore traffic, with the damage less extensive than initially feared.

“The guard’s compartment in the passenger train was badly damaged,” she added. “There were two parcel vans attached ahead of it which reduced the extent of damage to passengers.”

Nearby residents heard a loud crash and saw the pile-up upon going to investigate, several told the ANI news agency, in which Reuters has a minority stake.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered condolences on the loss of life and said Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw was on his way to the site.

About 288 people died a year ago in the neighboring state of Odisha, in India’s worst rail crash in more than two decades, caused by a signal failure.\

Opposition parties criticized Modi’s government for its record on rail safety.

“The increase in railway accidents in the last 10 years is a direct result of the mismanagement and negligence of the Modi government, which results in loss of lives and property of passengers on a daily basis,” Modi’s main opponent and Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi said in a post on X.

Paramedics in Makkah saving lives amid scorching heat

Updated 11 min 6 sec ago

Paramedics in Makkah saving lives amid scorching heat

  • Doctor Nawaf Karshami: It’s an amazing feeling to be able to help the pilgrims that need the help, and especially the elderly persons who are unable to walk
  • Doctor Loui Al-Sulimani said that pilgrims can avoid heat exhaustion through proper hydration, self-cooling and avoiding the outdoors during peak heat hours

MAKKAH: Doctors and paramedics are saving the lives of pilgrims in Makkah amid scorching summer temperatures.

Arab News interviewed a Disaster Medical Assistant Team from the Ministry of Health. The team of doctors, who arrived from hospitals around Saudi Arabia, are putting their skills to use for Hajj.

Nawaf Karshami, a doctor and emergency medicine specialist, told Arab News that most of the pilgrim patients treated by the team are suffering from exhaustion due to high temperatures.

“We have very high degrees, especially here in Makkah. So, most of the pilgrims came in need of hydration and needed to be covered from the sun with ice bags.

“Thankfully, we did our best to help the pilgrims, to smooth the way of the pilgrims to do their Hajj and perform their Hajj. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to help the pilgrims that need the help, and especially the elderly persons who are unable to walk.”

Doctor Loui Al-Sulimani, a consultant in emergency and disaster medicine, said pilgrims can avoid heat exhaustion through proper hydration, self-cooling and avoiding the outdoors during peak heat hours.

He also advised pilgrims to “wear protective, cool clothes, and also use an umbrella and any coverage for your head.”

The unit has received many cases of foot injuries, Al-Sulimani said, adding: “Because of the hot weather, most of the cases related to the suboptimal shoes.

“We are glad that we are participating this year and the previous year, and high season, with all responding agencies here to provide the best care for our pilgrims.”

Doctor Abdulqader Salman, a doctor and emergency specialist, described the “incredible experience” of helping pilgrims.

“We did not face any difficult challenges, thank God. As the Disaster Medical Assistant Team, we really worked together to help out the pilgrims.”

Health services provided to worshipers include medical and specialized clinics, pharmacies, dialysis centers, intensive care units and isolation units, the Health Ministry said in a report quoted by the Saudi Press Agency.

The ministry also has 250 employees and health practitioners on hand to aid pilgrims, including 50 doctors specialized in intensive care, cardiology, emergency, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, family and community medicine, and fighting infections.

The Saudi health system seeks to provide the highest levels of care for pilgrims with health facilities across Makkah, Madinah and the holy sites.

Before the beginning of the Hajj season, the ministry urged people in Saudi Arabia to receive vaccinations and to register them via the Sehhaty app, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Mandatory vaccinations include a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and one of the influenza vaccines taken this year, along with a dose of the meningitis vaccine taken within the past five years.

Displaced Lebanese return to southern border to mourn, pray over Eid

Updated 16 min 41 sec ago

Displaced Lebanese return to southern border to mourn, pray over Eid

  • Israel and Hezbollah have traded near-daily cross-border fire since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack

NAQURA, Lebanon: Some displaced residents of southern Lebanon returned Monday to their towns for a key Muslim holiday to pray and mourn loved ones killed in months of cross-border violence between Israel and Hezbollah.
“Today is Eid Al-Adha, but it’s completely different this year,” said teacher Rabab Yazbek, 44, at a cemetery in the coastal town of Naqura, from which many residents have fled.
Every family has lost someone, “whether a relative, friend or neighbor,” Yazbek said, adding that two people she had taught had been killed.
Israel and Hezbollah, a powerful Lebanese movement allied with Hamas, have traded near-daily cross-border fire since the Palestinian militant group’s October 7 attack on Israel which triggered war in the Gaza Strip.
The violence has killed at least 473 people in Lebanon, most of them fighters but also including 92 civilians, according to an AFP tally.
Israeli authorities say at least 15 soldiers and 11 civilians have been killed in the country’s north.
At the cemetery, women in black chadors consoled each other at the shiny new graves adorned with flowers and large pictures of the dead, including Hezbollah fighters.
The Naqura municipality said it had coordinated with the Lebanese army so that residents could safely visit the cemetery and mosque for two hours for Eid Al-Adha, which for many Shiite Muslims in Lebanon began on Monday.
Residents reportedly returned to a number of south Lebanon border villages on Monday morning as part of similar initiatives.
Yellow Hezbollah flags and green ones belonging to the group’s ally the Amal movement flew at the recently established cemetery near the sea, located just a stone’s throw from the United Nations peacekeepers’ headquarters.
Lebanese soldiers accompanied the residents as they entered the town.
The army coordinates with the UN peacekeepers, who in turn communicate with the Israeli side as part of efforts to maintain calm.
In Naqura, a damaged sign reading “thank you for your visit” lay along the highway.
Amid the concrete rubble and twisted metal of one building, the shattered glass of a family photo lay scattered on the ground.
Nearby, potted plants hung from the veranda rails of another devastated structure, with a pink child’s toy car among the debris.
Rawand Yazbek, 50, was inspecting her clothing shop, whose glass store front had been destroyed, though the rest remained largely intact.
“A thousand thanks to God,” she said, grateful that not all was lost.
“As you can see... our stores are full of goods,” she said, pointing to shelves and racks of colorful clothes.
Hezbollah stepped up attacks against northern Israel last week after an Israeli strike killed a senior commander from the movement.
The Iran-backed group has not claimed any attacks since Saturday afternoon.
Lebanese official media reported Israeli bombardment in the country’s south over the weekend, as well as a deadly strike on Monday. Hezbollah said later that one of its fighters had been killed.
Like other residents who support the Hezbollah and Amal movements, Naqura municipality head Abbas Awada called attacks on the town “cowardly.”
Last week, a strike there blamed on Israel killed an employee of the area’s public water company.
More than 95,000 people in Lebanon have been displaced by the hostilities, according to the UN’s International Organization for Migration.
Tens of thousands have also been displaced on the Israeli side of the frontier.
Hezbollah lawmaker Hassan Ezzedine, among a large crowd that attended prayers at the Naqura mosque, said the turnout was a message that “this land is ours, we will not leave it.”
“We support this resistance (Hezbollah) because it’s what protects us, it’s what defends us,” he said.

Pilgrims cast stones at Jamarat on first day of Tashreeq

Updated 25 min 34 sec ago

Pilgrims cast stones at Jamarat on first day of Tashreeq

  • Numerous designated pathways across the various floors of the Jamarat facility ensured a smooth flow of pilgrims
  • Innovative, multilevel structure was engineered to distribute pilgrims efficiently during the throwing ritual

MINA: Hajj pilgrims began the ritual stoning of the devil, throwing pebbles at the Jamarat, three stone pillars, on the first day of Tashreeq, which also coincides with the second day of Eid Al-Adha.

The ritual stoning began with Jamarat Al-Oula (the small pillar), continuing with Jamarat Al-Wusta (the middle pillar) and finally Jamarat Al-Aqaba (the large pillar), following in the Prophet Muhammad’s footsteps, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Numerous designated pathways across the various floors of the Jamarat facility ensured a smooth flow of pilgrims and eased crowd management. The innovative, multilevel structure was engineered to distribute pilgrims efficiently during the throwing ritual.

Pedestrian bridges connect the Jamarat to the Al-Mashaaer Al-Mugaddassah Metro Line and surrounding pilgrim camps in Mina, allowing for safe and convenient movement, SPA reported.