Egyptian hospital offers psychological support as part of coronavirus treatment

Egyptian doctors check a patient’s X-ray at the infectious diseases unit of the Imbaba Hospital in Cairo, during the novel coronavirus pandemic crisis. (AFP)
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Updated 17 June 2020

Egyptian hospital offers psychological support as part of coronavirus treatment

  • Patients suffering from anxiety, depression in quarantine

CAIRO: An Egyptian hospital meant for the quarantine of coronavirus patients is introducing a psychological support initiative as part of its treatment protocol.

Kafr El-Dawwar General Hospital is in Beheira governorate close to Alexandria, Egypt’s second largest city.

The initiative is being launched under the supervision of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and is being applied as some coronavirus patients are suffering from depression.

Dr. Yasser Zayed, the hospital’s director, said that coronavirus patients believed they had reached the “end” of their lives. “Therefore, they show severe psychological symptoms that drive them to attempt to escape from quarantine hospitals or carry out dangerous actions like smashing room windows and medical equipment.”

He underlined the importance of psychological support for coronavirus patients which, he said, was as important as the treatment itself.

Zayed added that, although the state was making huge efforts to treat coronavirus patients by allocating many government hospitals for examination and quarantine, the role of psychological support for patients inside quarantine hospitals remained low despite its crucial importance as panic increased among COVID-19 patients.

He said the initiative included providing all types of psychological support for coronavirus patients, as well as providing such support for doctors and medical teams in quarantine hospitals, as the number of infections continue to rise.

Egypt has 47,856 confirmed cases and a death toll of 1,766, according to data from the John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

“Psychological capabilities differ from one patient to another, especially coronavirus patients who believe they have reached the end of their lives as soon as they are admitted into a quarantine hospital. However, others remain strong but need some psychological support from time to time,” Zayed said. He said that the program would be applied by psychiatrists and experts assigned from specialist hospitals.

One psychiatrist assigned to work in the hospital, and who preferred to remain anonymous, said that the coronavirus patient was different from other patients. “Thus, he needs more psychological support,” the doctor told Arab News. “Moreover, medical team members have various psychological capabilities. Most patients in quarantine hospitals suffer from stress and anxiety since they are isolated from society during treatment. They are also more vulnerable and are affected by the mounting panic from this pandemic.”

He explained that the psychological state of a coronavirus patient contributed to a great extent to his or her recovery, especially because some patients suffered from severe depression and anxiety because their fear of death was such that they refused to fully adhere to treatment protocols. They should receive immediate psychological support before their condition deteriorated, he added.

The doctor called on the Ministry of Health to provide audio and visual media material to communicate with patients in quarantine hospitals as a way to facilitate the task of psychiatrists and to also maintain privacy during treatment.

“The psychological treatment of coronavirus patients is applied on two tracks - direct contact with the patient through extensive psychiatric sessions and through medication according to specialized protocols so as not to clash with the main coronavirus treatment protocol,” he added.

The General Secretariat for Psychological Health has provided psychological services coinciding with the disease’s outbreak including a hotline for consultations. 

It has assigned almost 300 specialists and employees and provided them with special training on psychological support. Staff have received 2,800 questions on the hotline, mainly dealing with stress, anxiety, depression and the fear of getting infected.

UNRWA says forced displacement has pushed over 1 million away from Rafah

Updated 5 sec ago

UNRWA says forced displacement has pushed over 1 million away from Rafah

DUBAI: Forced displacement has pushed over a million people away from the Gazan city of Rafah, the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) said on Monday.
The small city on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip had been sheltering around 1 million Palestinians who fled Israeli assaults on other parts of the enclave, aid groups said.
Since early May, Israel’s military has been carrying out what it says is a limited operation in Rafah to root out Hamas fighters and dismantle infrastructure used by the Palestinian Islamist militant group that runs Gaza.
The Israeli military has told civilians to go to an “expanded humanitarian zone” some 20 km (12 miles) away.
Many Palestinians have complained they are vulnerable to Israeli attacks wherever they go, and have been moving up and down the Gaza Strip in the past few months.
UNRWA said thousands of families now shelter in damaged and destroyed facilities in the city of Khan Younis, where the agency is providing essential services despite ‘increasing challenges’.
“Conditions are unspeakable,” the agency added.

Israel recommends that its citizens avoid the Maldives

Updated 24 min 54 sec ago

Israel recommends that its citizens avoid the Maldives

JERUSALEM: Israel’s foreign ministry on Sunday recommended that Israeli citizens not travel to the Maldives after its government banned the entry of visitors with Israeli passports.
The recommendation, the Israeli ministry said, includes Israelis with dual citizenship.
“For Israeli citizens already in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, because if they find themselves in distress for any reason, it will be difficult for us to assist,” the ministry said in a statement.
Maldives President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu made the decision after a recommendation from the Cabinet, a statement from his office said.
“The Cabinet decision includes amending necessary laws to prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the Maldives and establishing a Cabinet subcommittee to oversee these efforts,” the statement added.
A total of 528 Israel nationals have visited the Maldives in the first four months of this year, dropping from 4,644 during the same period in 2023, according to Maldives government data.

Back to class — or shelters? Next school year snags Israel’s Lebanon strategy

Updated 03 June 2024

Back to class — or shelters? Next school year snags Israel’s Lebanon strategy

  • Sept 1 becomes semi-official target date for border calm
  • Israel threatens escalation, but open to mediated truce
  • Hezbollah links its attacks from Lebanon to Gaza conflict

RAMAT HASHARON, Israel: In dozens of northern Israeli towns and villages, evacuated under fire from Lebanon’s Hezbollah group in parallel with the Gaza war, officials hope daily rocket warning sirens will give way to school bells when the academic year starts on Sept 1.
That ticking clock has become a subject of open disagreement within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, testing its cohesion and credibility.
Of 60,000 civilians relocated from northern Israel at the outset of the war, 14,600 are children, scattered in temporary kindergartens and schools, or premises repurposed as makeshift day-care or classes, throughout the country’s interior.
Education Minister Yoav Kisch said Israel is spending $38 million building new kindergartens and schools just out of rocket range in the north, which can take children if their original schools are not yet safe and ready by Sept. 1.
If the new buildings turn out not to be needed, other uses can be found for them.
“I’m hoping that this investment will not be used for the kids that live on the border,” he told Reuters in an interview.
It would take at least a month to prepare the orphaned northern schools, some of which are in rubble-strewn and dilapidated communities, for next year’s intake of pupils.
“So if we are going to see a solution by Aug. 1, we know that we can start on Sept. 1,” he said. Failing that, “we’re going to shift all our focus on to the other option.”

Dislocated and hard-put to do homework at the cramped accommodation provided to their families by the state, many of the pupils from the north are slipping, teachers say. Their high-school drop-out rate can reach 5 percent, according to Kisch — around double the national average.
Some of their parents are looking to resettle permanently, giving up on ever returning to their battered hometowns.
“I’m not sure that all the citizens of Kiryat Shmona will go back to Kiryat Shmona,” said Ofer Zafrani, principal of the border city’s Danziger High School, which relocated to a row of converted offices atop a multiplex cinema outside Tel Aviv.
“We understand this is the price we need to pay,” he told Reuters as pupils milled noisily around him. “But I think that there is a limit that we passed. It’s too much.”
In the south, even in communities alongside the Gaza Strip, some Israeli families have been able to return home as their armed forces operate across the fence to suppress rocket fire. Zafrani said citizens in the north need a similar chance to go home.
“We must be back — and not only be back, but there has to be a solution for the situation for the north, like the south, so that we will feel safe,” Zafrani said.
In Gaza, eight months of Israel’s campaign to eliminate Hamas have ravaged the enclave’s education system.

The exchanges of fire on Israel’s northern front, in parallel with the war in Gaza, have so far been contained without escalating into an all-out cross-border war in Lebanon, like the one Israel last fought against Hezbollah 18 years ago.
But scores of people have been killed on both sides. On the Lebanese side, 90,000 civilians have also been evacuated, around a third of them children, most now registered in new schools, according to UN figures.
Israel has threatened possibly imminent escalation to an invasion of Lebanon — while also leaving the door open to a US- or French-mediated truce which would keep the Iranian-backed fighters away from the border.
Touring the frontier on May 23, Netanyahu said Israel has “detailed, important, even surprising plans” for driving Hezbollah back, “but we don’t let the enemy in on these plans.”
His refusal to get into details or dates was a swipe at Netanyahu’s political rival turned war cabinet partner, Benny Gantz, who has threatened to bolt the emergency coalition this week over what he says is a lack of clear strategy.
Gantz also visited the north at the same time as Netanyahu, in a separate armored cavalcade.
“I call on the government to commence preparations, already today, for us to return residents safely to their homes by September 1, whether through force or an accord,” Gantz said. “We must not allow another year to be lost in the north.”
The two fronts are intertwined, as Hezbollah says it will keep shelling as long as Israel’s war on Palestinian Hamas fighters continues. Both militant groups are allies of Iran.
Promoting a Gaza truce, US President Joe Biden has dangled a knock-on benefit of quiet in south Lebanon.
But some Israeli officials fear being boxed-in: once northern residents return, Hamas might see an opportunity to strike again, calculating that Israel will not want to retaliate lest Hezbollah attacks resume and necessitate fresh evacuations.
Meanwhile, Israeli education officials say they are also preparing for a far more disruptive scenario: full-on war with Hezbollah. That would be likely to put all of Israel under threat from the group’s rockets. Then, Kisch said, most of the country’s schools would be shuttered as civilians take shelter.
“If it will be a long process, there will be homeschooling as well,” said Kisch, who was Israel’s deputy health minister during the COVID lockdowns and remote-learning ordinances.
“But I hope that we’ll be able, with a very strong and effective war, to get this threat out of our way very fast.”

Israel says shot down surface-to-surface missile over Red Sea

Updated 03 June 2024

Israel says shot down surface-to-surface missile over Red Sea

JERUSALEM: Israel's military said it used the Arrow ballistic interceptor on Monday to shoot down a surface-to-surface missile launched in the Red Sea area, after sounding sirens in the port city of Eilat to send residents to shelters.
There was no word of any damage or casualties. The military statement did not say who might have launched the missile. Eilat has come under repeated long-range attack by Yemen's Houthi rebels in solidarity with the Hamas war in Gaza.

Israeli presumed among Hamas hostages found dead near Gaza

Updated 33 min 44 sec ago

Israeli presumed among Hamas hostages found dead near Gaza

  • Israel’s military confirms the identification of Dolev Yehud’s remains

JERUSALEM: An Israeli who went missing during the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas-led Palestinian gunmen and was presumed to have been taken hostage has been found dead in the border village where he lived, Israeli media said on Monday.

After what it described as lengthy forensics, Israel’s military confirmed the identification of the remains of Dolev Yehoud, whose surname has also been spelled Yehud in English.

A military statement said Yehoud, a 35-year-old volunteer medic, was among dozens of residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz killed in the Oct. 7 rampage in which many homes burned to the ground.

Dozens of other residents were taken by Hamas into captivity in the neighboring Hamas-run Gaza Strip. Among those was Yehoud’s sister, Arbel, 28, the family said.

Nine days after the attack, Yehoud’s wife gave birth to their fourth child.

The Hamas-led rampage, in which Israel said about 1,200 people were killed in southern Israeli communities, triggered an Israeli offensive in Gaza to try to eliminate the Islamist militant group.

A total of around 250 people, including foreign tourists and laborers as well as Israelis, were taken hostage in southern Israel on October 7. Scores were freed under a Gaza truce in late November.

Following the Yehoud announcement, the Israeli government said 120 of the Oct 7 hostages were believed to be still in Gaza. Of those, 39 have been declared dead in absentia by Israel, based on witness testimony, forensics and intelligence.