Turkey’s main opposition faces a continuous physical threat

Police officers check documents of foreign tourists at the entrance of the main shopping and pedestrian street of Istiklal?during a nation-wide weekend curfew which was imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Istanbul, Turkey December 5, 2020. (REUTERS)
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Updated 06 December 2020

Turkey’s main opposition faces a continuous physical threat

  • The CHP leader has been repeatedly criticized by Devlet Bahceli, an ally of the government, while he was also threatened to “watch his step” by Alaattin Cakici, a notorious mafia leader politically affiliated with Bahceli’s Nationalist Movement Party

ANKARA: Physical threats against Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, continue amid silence from authorities over precautions being taken for the protection of the elderly politician.

Following recent claims by the pro-government journalist Fuat Ugur, who warned about a potential assassination plot against the dissident leader, Kilicdaroglu announced on Friday during an interview that he knew he was “being followed” and his family’s telephones were being wiretapped.

“People know the places I go to, the house I stay at, the places I visit, and the people I talk with. And I am very well aware that I am being followed. My security detail is doing their best to protect me,” Kilicdaroglu said.

“There is a group that is really uneasy about me. If someone who is managing the country or a political party that backs them is attempting to silence the opposition by getting the support of a criminal network, then democracy and human rights are over at that point. It means that the authoritarian regime has gone into a process of getting more authoritarian.”


• Following recent claims by the pro-government journalist Fuat Ugur, who warned about a potential assassination plot against the dissident leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu said he knew he was ‘being followed’.

• The CHP leader has been repeatedly criticized by Devlet Bahceli, an ally of the government.

• Journalist Ugur recently wrote that Kilicdaroglu would be murdered similarly to Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, who was shot dead in Ankara in 2016 during an art exhibition.

The CHP leader has been repeatedly criticized by Devlet Bahceli, an ally of the government, while he was also threatened to “watch his step” by Alaattin Cakici, a notorious mafia leader politically affiliated with Bahceli’s Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Kilicdaroglu, who “angered” the mafia boss over his remarks about the imprisonment of political prisoners and the release of mafia bosses due to an amnesty law, recently filed a criminal complaint against Cakici after he issued the hand-written threat of physical violence, and organized a press conference.

“Turkey is experiencing that where there is no law, where there is no judiciary, the state can become an organized crime state after a period of time,” he said.

Journalist Ugur recently wrote that Kilicdaroglu would be murdered similarly to Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, who was shot dead in Ankara in 2016 during an art exhibition.

“Cakici will be held responsible for this murder. Therefore, a perception that the government ordered the assassination will be generated,” he wrote in his Nov. 28 column for a pro-government newspaper.

Netanyahu disbands his inner war cabinet, Israeli official says

Updated 3 sec ago

Netanyahu disbands his inner war cabinet, Israeli official says

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the six-member war cabinet, an Israeli official said on Monday, in a widely expected move that came after the departure from government of the centrist former general Benny Gantz.
Netanyahu is now expected to hold consultations about the Gaza war with a small group of ministers, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer who had been in the war cabinet.
The prime minister had faced demands from the nationalist-religious partners in his coalition, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, to be included in the war cabinet, a move which would have intensified strains with international partners including the United States.
The forum was formed after Gantz joined Netanyahu in a national unity government at the start of the war in October and also included Gantz’s partner Gadi Eisenkot and Aryeh Deri, head of the religious party Shas, as observers.
Gantz and Eisenkot both left the government last week, over what they said was Netanyahu’s failure to form a strategy for the Gaza war.

KSrelief project removes more mines in Yemen

Updated 17 June 2024

KSrelief project removes more mines in Yemen

  • The project removed 1,556 mines across Yemen

RIYADH: Masam, the mine-clearing project run by the Saudi aid agency KSrelief, removed and dismantled hundreds of landmines in Yemen during the second week of June, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Monday.

The project removed 1,556 mines across Yemen: 52 anti-tank mines, 1,503 items of unexploded ordnance, and one explosive device.

So far in June there have been 2,810 mines removed in Yemen, bringing to 447,668 the number of mines removed since Masam was launched.

Once fruitful, Libyan village suffers climate crisis

Updated 17 June 2024

Once fruitful, Libyan village suffers climate crisis

KABAW, Libya: In the Libyan village of Kabaw in the Nafusa Mountains, M’hamed Maakaf waters an ailing fig tree as climate change pushes villagers to forsake lands and livestock.
Once flourishing and known for its figs, olives, and almonds, fields around Kabaw, located some 200 kilometers (124 miles) southwest of Tripoli, are now mostly barren and battered by climate change-induced drought.
The area was once “green and prosperous until the beginning of the millennium,” Maakaf recalled. “People loved to come here and take walks but today it has become so dry that it’s unbearable.”
“We no longer see the green meadows we knew in the 1960s and ‘70s,” added the 65-year-old, wearing a traditional white tunic and sirwal trousers.
Kabaw, like many villages in the Nafusa Mountains, is primarily inhabited by Amazigh people, a non-Arab minority.

The old and abandoned village of Kabaw stands on arid land not far from the newer constructions in the Nafusa mountains on May 26, 2024. (AFP)

Pounded by the sun and dry winds, the mountainous area now struggles to bear fruit, facing a lack of rainfall and temperatures high above seasonal norms.
Libya — where around 95 percent of land is desert — is one of the world’s most water-scarce countries, according to the United Nations.
Its annual precipitation in coastal areas has fallen from 400 millimeters in 2019 to 200 millimeters today, with water demand higher than what is available.
The Nafusa Mountains, sitting at an altitude of almost 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) in western Libya, are home to around half a million people out of Libya’s population of seven million.
Driven out by increasing water stress, local villagers and their livestock have been gradually moving out of the Nafusa Mountains and surrounding plains.

‘How can we be patient?’

Mourad Makhlouf, mayor of Kabaw, says that drought in the last decade has pushed hundreds of families to leave for the capital Tripoli and other coastal cities, where water is easier to access.
“It’s not just about water scarcity or crops dying due to drought,” said Makhlouf. “There is a demographic and human dimension with the exodus of hundreds of families toward the capital and coastal towns.”

Sheep and goats gather in the shade under trees in an arid field in the Libyan village of Kabaw in the Nafusa mountains on May 26, 2024. (Photo by Mahmud Turkia/AFP)

Suleiman Mohammed, a local farmer, fears that climate change will soon cause everyone to leave, as “living without water is certain death.”
“How can we be patient?” he said. “It has gotten to the point where breeders sell their livestock because keeping them costs twice their value.”
Standing by a cluster of dead tree trunks, Maakaf decries the loss of “thousands of olive trees.”
“Some were 200 years old and inherited from our grandfathers,” he said.
Hoping to alleviate the burden, local authorities began selling subsidized water for 25 Libyan dinars (about $5) per 12,000 liters.
Tanker trucks make the trip between the water stations and the village, traveling up to 50 kilometers and allowing some of those in need to hold on.
“We manage to water our fields two to three times a week but water is expensive,” Maakaf said, adding that they also rely on private tanker trucks selling the same amount for up to 160 dinars.

Relief plan needed
The hydrocarbon-rich country hosts the world’s largest irrigation project, the Great Man-Made River, its main source of water supply built in the 1980s under the rule of longtime dictator Muammar Qaddafi.
Drawing fossil water from aquifers in the heart of the southern desert, the network of pipes supplies about 60 percent of the national need.
But the supplies remain insufficient amid increasing drought.

A road leading to the Libyan village of Kabaw in the Nafusa mountains, winds between arid hills on May 26, 2024.(AFP)

According to the World Resources Institute, an environmental research organization, Libya will face “extremely high” water stress by 2050.
The World Bank predicts that by 2030, the Middle East and North Africa region will fall below the “absolute water scarcity” threshold.
“Water scarcity is one of the greatest emerging threats facing Libya,” the UN Development Programme said in a study.
“The country needs to ensure equitable access to water for domestic and economic purposes.”
“Climate smart agricultural methods should reduce the overuse of water resources and... practices that contribute to soil erosion and desertification, which further impact productive sectors and food security.”
Libya signed the 2015 United Nations framework convention on climate change and ratified the Paris Climate Accord in 2021.
Yet the North African country has shown little progress toward the development of disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation strategies, as it continues to grapple with divisions and conflict after the fall of Qaddafi in 2011.
“The drought does not only concern the Nafusa Mountains, but the entire country,” said Mayor Makhlouf.
“Libya needs a relief plan, which will not be the solution to everything, but will allow us to adapt.”

Biden adviser travels to Israel for meetings to avoid escalation between Israel, Lebanon

US Senior Advisor for Energy Security Amos Hochstein. (AFP)
Updated 17 June 2024

Biden adviser travels to Israel for meetings to avoid escalation between Israel, Lebanon

  • Amos Hochstein will advance efforts to avoid further escalation along the ‘Blue Line’ between Israel and Lebanon

WASHINGTON: A senior Biden adviser will travel to Israel on Monday for meetings to avoid further escalation between Israel and Lebanon, a White House official said.
Amos Hochstein will advance efforts to avoid further escalation along the “Blue Line” between Israel and Lebanon, said the official, who did not wish to be identified.
Attacks between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah militants in Lebanon have led to worries of a deeper war across the Middle East.

Israel warns of escalation from cross-border fire from Hezbollah

Updated 17 June 2024

Israel warns of escalation from cross-border fire from Hezbollah

  • Hezbollah says it will not halt fire unless Israel stops its military offensive on Gaza

JERUSALEM: Intensified cross-border fire from Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement into Israel could trigger serious escalation, the Israeli military said on Sunday.
“Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region,” Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a video statement in English.
Iran-backed Hezbollah last week launched the largest volleys of rockets and drones yet in the eight months it has been exchanging fire with the Israeli military, in parallel with the Gaza war.
After the relatively heavy exchanges over the past week, Sunday saw a marked drop in Hezbollah fire, while the Israeli military said that it had carried out several air strikes against the group in southern Lebanon.
The US and France are working on a negotiated settlement to the hostilities along Lebanon’s southern border. Hezbollah says it will not halt fire unless Israel stops its military offensive on Gaza.
“Israel will take the necessary measures to protect its civilians — until security along our border with Lebanon is restored,” Hagari said.