TikTok flags phrases using word black as ‘inappropriate content’

TikTok algorith blocks use of the word 'black.' (File/AFP)
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Updated 12 July 2021

TikTok flags phrases using word black as ‘inappropriate content’

  • TikTok algorith blocks use of the word 'black'

LONDON: Social networking service TikTok’s algorithm recently blocked users of its Creator Marketplace from using the word black or phrases such as Black Lives Matter in bios, flagging them as “inappropriate content.”

The Creator Marketplace platform, currently still in the invite-only beta testing stage, allows creators to connect with brands for sponsorships and paid promotions.

Ziggy Tyler, a creator with more than 340,000 followers on TikTok, discovered the issue when updating his bio and was prevented from using words and phrases including black, Black Lives Matter, I am a black man, black people, black success, and pro-black.

However, when he replaced the word black with the word white the algorithm allowed him to proceed. Tyler further found that the phrases pro-white, and I am a neo-Nazi, were not flagged.

TikTok released a statement clarifying the error and claimed that the algorithm was not programmed to identify or respect word order, therefore it erroneously flagged the phrases because its hate speech detector associated the words black and audience, which contains the word die.

The censorship mirrored a type witnessed during the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, when hundreds of items of pro-Palestine content were taken down from popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement (7amleh) documented more than 700 cases of content takedown and removal of accounts that were advocating for the Palestinian cause and reporting on Israeli violence.

TikTok users expressed their outrage on the short-video sharing app and one user said: “@tiktok Every day, you give us a reason to believe that you are racist, address this.”

Another highlighted that the problem was common across all social media platforms and was not limited to TikTok.

Israel extends Al Jazeera ban by 45 days, cites security threat

Updated 09 June 2024

Israel extends Al Jazeera ban by 45 days, cites security threat

  • A Tel Aviv court last week upheld an initial 35-day ban on Al Jazeera operations in Israel
  • Israel’s Supreme Court described the measure against the Qatari-backed broadcaster channel as ‘precedent-setting’

JERUSALEM: A ban on Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel was extended for another 45 days by Israel’s telecoms regulator on Sunday after the cabinet agreed its broadcasts posed a threat to security.
A Tel Aviv court last week upheld an initial 35-day ban on Al Jazeera operations in Israel, imposed by the government on national security grounds, which ended on Saturday.
In a separate ruling on a petition by Al Jazeera against the closure, Israel’s Supreme Court described the measure against the Qatari-backed broadcaster channel as “precedent-setting.”
It gave Israel’s government until Aug. 8 to offer arguments for “why it should not be determined that the Law Preventing a Foreign Broadcaster from Harming National Security” is void.
Al Jazeera had told the court it did not incite violence or terrorism and that the ban was disproportionate, court documents showed. The channel, which has criticized Israel’s military operations in Gaza, was not immediately available for comment.
The network’s broadcasts on the cable and satellite companies and access to its websites will remain blocked, Israel’s Communications Ministry said.
“We will not allow the terrorist channel Al Jazeera to broadcast from Israel and endanger our fighters,” said Shlomo Karhi, adding that the law authorized him as communications minister to take such action against foreign broadcasters.
“In light of the seriousness of the damage to the security of the state I am convinced that the closure orders will be extended in the future as well,” he said.
Judge Shai Yaniv had said he had been provided with evidence, which he did not specify, of a long-standing and close relationship between the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas and Al Jazeera, accusing the channel of promoting Hamas’ goals.
Israeli authorities raided a Jerusalem hotel room used by Al Jazeera as its office on May 5 and said they were shutting the operation down for the duration of the Gaza war.

Arab News honored at French Senate for role in bridging communication gap

Updated 09 June 2024

Arab News honored at French Senate for role in bridging communication gap

  • “While we are fighting for the francophonie, Saudi Arabia’s offering us a gift, a tool, which is Arab News en français,” said French Senator Nathalie Goulet
  • “Regarding Franco-Saudi relations, surely the cooperation between our two countries, Saudi Arabia and France is excellent and closer than ever,” declared Saudi ambassador to France on the occasion
  • Arab News Editor-in-Chief, quoted Napoleon’s “impossible is only a word that exists in the Dictionary of Fools” in reference to the Kingdom’s transformation over the last eight years

PARIS: Arab News en français was honored at a recent ceremony for bridging the communication gap between Saudi Arabia and France.

The Saudi ambassador to France, Fahad Al-Ruawaily, participated in the event to celebrate four years since the launch of the French edition of Arab News and reiterated the strength of Saudi-French relations, particularly after Vision Golfe 2024.

“Regarding Franco-Saudi relations, surely the cooperation between our two countries, Saudi Arabia and France, is excellent and closer than ever. Our relations are strengthening in all areas, political, economic and cultural,” the Saudi ambassador said.

In an event attended by diplomats, senators, CEOs and intellectuals, Arab News was presented with a senatorial commemorative medal in recognition of its efforts in sharing the voice of the Arab and the francophone world.

The medal was presented by Senator Nathalie Goulet and Al-Ruwaily.

Addressing the audience, Goulet said: “While we are fighting for the francophonie, Saudi Arabia is offering us a gift, a tool, which is Arab News en français.”

Ambassador Al-RuwaiIy in his speech congratulated Arab News on the French edition’s fourth anniversary and the English edition’s upcoming 50th, describing it as “one of our best newspapers.”

Editor-in-Chief Faisal Abbas spoke of the challenges journalists and other media face both within their companies and outside, such as allocating resources to different conflicts.

“In two weeks, we celebrate the fourth anniversary of Arab News en français and in six months we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Arab News, the first English language newspaper in the Arab world,” Abbas said.

“It has been a difficult eight months in the region. But that also gives you the importance or the significance of having credible journalism, having a voice of moderation, especially in a French edition,” Abbas said.

Abbas quoted Napoleon’s “impossible is only a word that exists in the Dictionary of Fools” in reference to the Kingdom’s transformation over the past eight years.

“We went from 9% women participation in the workforce to over 36%, the target set for 2030. In eight years, we went from having almost no rights to women driving, which is the tip of the iceberg, to eight female ambassadors around the world, to the first Arab female Muslim astronaut in space and talking about Rayyanah Barnawi, who went out to the International Space Station last year,” he added.

The Arab News en français event took place on the sidelines of the second edition of Vision Golfe.

“We participated in the second edition of Gulf Vision, which symbolizes the growing and already solid cooperation between France and the Gulf countries. For Saudi Arabia, the forum was an opportunity to once again show the opportunities for development according to the roadmap, Vision 2030,” the Saudi ambassador said.


Reporters Without Borders head Christophe Deloire dies at 53

Updated 09 June 2024

Reporters Without Borders head Christophe Deloire dies at 53

  • Deloire had been battling sudden and aggressive cancer and died in Paris surrounded by loved ones, says RSF
  • Deloire had negotiated to free imprisoned journalists around the world and offered refuge to reporters under threat

PARIS: Christophe Deloire, who negotiated to free imprisoned journalists around the world and offered refuge to reporters under threat as the head of media freedom group Reporters Without Borders, died Saturday. He was 53.
Deloire had been battling sudden and aggressive cancer and died in Paris surrounded by loved ones, according to board members of Reporters Without Borders, also known by its French acronym RSF.
Deloire was ‘’a tireless defender, on every continent, of the freedom, independence and pluralism of journalism, in a context of information chaos,” RSF said in a statement.
“Journalism was his life’s struggle, which he fought with unshakeable conviction,’’ it added.
With boundless energy and a ready smile even when dishing out trenchant criticism, Deloire traveled constantly, to Ukraine, Turkiye, Africa and beyond to lobby governments and defend journalists behind bars or under threat. Press freedom activists from many countries shared tributes to his work and mourned his passing.
Deloire helped Russian broadcast journalist Marina Ovsiannikova flee Russia in a secret operation in 2022 after she came under fire for denouncing the war in Ukraine on live television. RSF also launched a program to provide protective equipment and training to Ukrainian journalists after Russia’s invasion.
Publicly and behind the scenes, Deloire worked for the release of journalist Olivier Dubois, held by Islamic extremists in Mali for two years and freed in 2023, and for other jailed reporters.
In his 12 years at the helm of RSF, he expanded the group’s reach and activism and raised its profile with governments. RSF under his watch launched the Journalism Trust Initiative, a program to certify media organizations to restore public trust in the news, and a program called Forum for Democracy aimed at heading off threats to democratic thought and freedoms.
Born May 22, 1971 in Paray-le-Monial in Burgundy, Deloire worked as an investigative reporter and led a prominent French journalism school, CFJ, before becoming director of RSF.
He is survived by his wife Perrine and their son Nathan.


Vietnam arrests prominent journalist over Facebook posts

Updated 08 June 2024

Vietnam arrests prominent journalist over Facebook posts

BANGKOK: Authorities in Vietnam have arrested a leading independent journalist for “abusing democratic freedoms” to undermine the state by posting articles on Facebook, police announced on Saturday.
Huy Duc was detained for investigation for posts that “violate the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals,” the Ministry of Public Security said.
The 62-year-old former senior lieutenant worked for several influential newspapers in Vietnam before being fired in 2009 for criticizing the country’s former communist ally the Soviet Union.
Shortly before his arrest, Duc took aim at Vietnam’s new president To Lam, as well as Nguyen Phu Trong, the communist party general secretary and most powerful individual in the country’s political system.
Lawyer Tran Dinh Trien was held along with Duc on the same charges.
Communist one-party Vietnam has strict curbs on freedom of expression, and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) ranks it 174th out of 180 countries for press freedom, describing it as one of the world’s worst jailers of journalists.
Duc’s blog, one of the most popular in authoritarian Vietnam, was highly critical of government responses on issues including control of the media, relations with China and corruption.
Duc, whose real name is Truong Huy San, spent a year at Harvard University on a Nieman Fellowship in 2012. During his time abroad, his account of life in Vietnam after the end of the war with the United States, “The Winning Side,” was published.
RSF called for his release.
“The articles of independent journalist Huy Duc are an invaluable source of information enabling the Vietnamese public to access censored information by the Hanoi regime,” RSF Asia-Pacific Bureau Director Cedric Alviani said in a statement.
Rights campaigners say the government has in recent years stepped up a crackdown on civil society, while thousands of people, including several senior government and business leaders, have been caught up in a massive anti-graft campaign.
“No country can develop sustainably based on fear,” Duc wrote on Facebook in May.

US-made bomb used in UN-run school strike in Gaza, investigation reveals

Updated 07 June 2024

US-made bomb used in UN-run school strike in Gaza, investigation reveals

  • GBU-39 explosive deployed in attack is made by Boeing
  • The incident killed at least 45 people, mostly women and children

LONDON: A bomb used by the Israeli military to strike a UN-run school in Gaza, killing at least 45 people including women and children, was made in the US, a new investigation has revealed.

A video reviewed by the New York Times and corroborated by weapons experts showed that the remnants of the device dropped on the school in Nuseirat, central Gaza, was a GBU-39 — a bomb designed and manufactured by aviation and defense giant Boeing.

“This distinct nose is unique to the GBU-39 munition series, and, due to its solid construction, it can survive the blast intact,” Trevor Ball, a former US Army explosive ordnance disposal technician, said, adding that the damage caused to the building is evidence of the use of this type of precision-guided weapon.

A similar analysis by CNN appeared to confirm these findings.

The Israeli military confirmed it carried out Thursday’s airstrike, stating it targeted a Hamas compound operating inside the school. It added that “many measures were taken to minimize the danger of harming uninvolved individuals,” including aerial surveillance and “additional precise intelligence.”

Philippe Lazzarini, the director of UNRWA, wrote on social media that around 6,000 Palestinians had been sheltering in the school complex.

The school was also attacked in mid-May, during which the Israeli military claimed to have killed 15 Hamas militants.

Footage uploaded to Instagram and Telegram on Thursday shortly after the strike shows the nose tip of the GBU-39, along with objects such as cans of food and clothes covered in rubble near the site of the strike, suggesting the damage was recent.

In one of the videos, a man can be seen recovering body parts from the scene, holding up a severed finger to the camera.

This incident marks the second time in two weeks that separate investigations have confirmed the use of US-manufactured munitions in deadly Israeli attacks on displaced Palestinians.

In May, US-made weaponry appeared to have been used in a strike on a displacement camp in Gaza, during which at least 45 people died and more than 200 were injured after a fire broke out.

According to the New York Times, US officials have been encouraging the Israeli military for months to use GBU-39s, a lighter and more precise alternative to the heavier and more lethal 2,000-pound bombs previously used in the campaign.

“While they’re using smaller bombs, they’re still deliberately targeting where they know there are civilians,” Bryant added.

“The only thing they’ve done in going down from 2,000-pound bombs to 250-pound bombs is killing a few less civilians.”