What We Are Reading Today: Chasing the light

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Updated 16 August 2020

What We Are Reading Today: Chasing the light

Author: Oliver Stone

This is an intimate memoir by the controversial, Oscar-winning director and screenwriter about his rarefied New York childhood, volunteering for combat, and his struggles and triumphs making such films as Platoon, Midnight Express, and Scarface.
Chasing the Light is a true insider’s look at Hollywood’s years of upheaval in the 1970s and ‘80s, said a review in goodreads.com.
“This was an excellent read with some great insight into Stone’s life, creativity, and approach to making movies,” it added.
The book “covers the first forty years of Stone’s life, specifically focusing on his tour in Vietnam and then the subsequent 20 years trying to make it in the film business, culminating with the success of Platoon,” said the review.
It added: The chapters devoted to directing Salvador and Platoon are harrowing but read like quality recovery literature.
With Chasing the Light, “the 73-year-old Oscar-winning director and screenwriter has finally found a historical figure he can portray with all the bias he desires: himself,” Benjamin Svetkey said in a review for The New York Times.

Book Review: ‘Really Very Crunchy’ by Emily Morrow

Updated 02 June 2024

Book Review: ‘Really Very Crunchy’ by Emily Morrow

Instagram sensation Emily Morrow, the creator of the viral “Really Very Crunchy” social media accounts, published a book in March titled “Really Very Crunchy: A Beginner's Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life Without Adding Them to Your Personality.”

In 240 pages, she expands on her quirky, fun and informative mission.

“Less screen time and more green time,” is what she ironically writes, knowing that the majority of the book’s readers likely picked it up due to her online presence.

Morrow guides the reader through the ins and outs of starting and maintaining what she labels a “crunchy lifestyle” or a “crunchier” life. Crunchy refers to a sustainable lifestyle that uses natural materials that were prepared in an eco-friendly way.

She splits life decisions into three main categories: crunchy, scrunchie and silky. Silky is the most convenient option, like buying a sugary snack from the supermarket, crunchy is like making something from scratch using ingredients planted in your home garden and scrunchie is the one in between, like prepping something in a semi-homemade way.

She reminds us that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to things.

“It’s important to do what’s best for you and your family and make decisions in the micro rather than in the macro,” she writes.

One of the main takeaways for me was how she tries to help you shift your mindset when it comes to shopping for clothes, food and cleaning products. It does not seem like she is trying to sell anything and it feels like she genuinely really wants you to just make better choices because she wants the world to just be better.

The book is easy to read and conversational. It is nonjudgmental and full of good advice, packed with practical tips on adjusting your lifestyle to make it a bit more holistic.

It is a wholesome guide that is more like a chat with a good friend who has done all the research and simplified it for you without being preachy.

“Little decisions overtime make a big difference,” she writes.

Indeed, perhaps choosing to read her book will make the little difference you might need to help jump start your journey to achieving a slightly less toxic and more crunchy life, today.

Morrow and her husband, Jason, have traveled the world together, creating video content for the past 15 years. Jason chimes in every so often with his own takes on certain things or to offer a bit more context — always in a lighthearted way.

The couple live in western Kentucky in the US with their two young children. Her tips are universal and could be used anywhere, at any time, for any age group.

What We Are Reading Today: ‘Totally Nonnegative Matrices’

Updated 02 June 2024

What We Are Reading Today: ‘Totally Nonnegative Matrices’

Authors: Shaun M. Fallat and Charles R. Johnson

Totally nonnegative matrices arise in a remarkable variety of mathematical applications.

This book is a comprehensive and self-contained study of the essential theory of totally nonnegative matrices, defined by the nonnegativity of all subdeterminants.

It explores methodological background, historical highlights of key ideas, and specialized topics.

What We Are Reading Today: ‘Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior’ by David Hone

Updated 02 June 2024

What We Are Reading Today: ‘Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior’ by David Hone

Our understanding of dinosaur behavior has long been hampered by the inevitable lack of evidence from animals that went extinct more than 65 million years ago and whose daily behaviors are rarely reflected by the fossil record.

Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior provides an unparalleled look at this emerging field of science, presenting the latest findings on dinosaur behavior. 

Book lovers in the Arab world spoiled for choice this summer

Updated 02 June 2024

Book lovers in the Arab world spoiled for choice this summer

  • Be it for relaxation or self-improvement, a common dilemma for readers is choosing between fiction and nonfiction
  • A significant number of readers favor nonfiction, particularly genres like self-improvement, history and biographies

DUBAI: For many, summer offers a chance to finally pick up that book that has been gathering dust on the nightstand all year. For others, it is an opportunity to branch out and expand their literary horizons.

During these quieter months, certain genres frequently gain popularity as readers seek out titles that match the season’s relaxed atmosphere or support their personal development goals.

Whether they are reading for relaxation or for self improvement, a common dilemma among summer readers is choosing between fiction and nonfiction.

According to author Philippe Mathijs, founder of executive and business coaching service Reach Outstanding, this choice ultimately boils down to individual taste. However, he believes “there’s a trend toward balance.

“Nonfiction satisfies curiosity and learning goals, covering topics from history to personal development, while fiction provides escapism and relaxation through imaginative storytelling,” he told Arab News.

Fiction remains a perennial year-round favorite. However, summer often sees an uptick in sales of self-help and personal development books, particularly among university students and first-time job seekers, says Mathijs.

“Self-help books offer readers practical guidance, motivation, and strategies for personal and professional growth,” he said. Such books cover a wide range of topics, from career advancement and productivity to mindfulness and relationships.

One example is Mathijs’ own latest book, “How not to be lonely at the top,” which guides readers through the unique challenges of upper-level leadership.

“Whether you’re a CEO, a manager, or a rising star in your organization, the book provides the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape,” he said.

Philippe Mathijs, founder of executive and business coaching service Reach Outstanding. (Supplied) 

Nasser Saleh, author of “Under the cover,” acknowledges that the choice between fiction and nonfiction is a common predicament for avid readers, but notes that even fictional works can open avenues to self-discovery.

“At present, fiction is the more popular option, appealing to those who enjoy escapism and compelling storytelling,” he told Arab News.

“These readers are drawn to narratives that whisk them away to different worlds, providing a break from everyday life.

“Under the cover” is a collection of short stories that explore the human experience. Saleh describes these narratives as anecdotes that “take readers on a journey into the depth of the human mind where the essence of their real lives remains concealed beneath the surface.”

Despite the appeal of fiction, Saleh recognizes a significant readership favors nonfiction — particularly genres like self-improvement, history and biographies. He attributes the growing popularity of memoirs and autobiographies to several factors.

“Authenticity and inspiration” is one reason, says Saleh, as readers are often captivated by real-life stories and personal journeys that provide valuable insights and motivation.

Backing this perspective, Shatha Al-Mutawa, founder and director of the Kutubna Cultural Center in Dubai, credits the demand for this genre to people’s innate curiosity to learn more about the lives of noteworthy individuals, regardless of time or place.

“We want to find answers for questions in our own lives in the strength and wisdom of others, and we want to see how people navigate challenges like the ones we face,” she told Arab News.

“This is an exciting time because we are seeing more women talk frankly and openly about different aspects of their lives.”

Indeed, at a time of growing openness in the region, an increasing number of Khaleeji women are now sharing intimate details of their lived experiences through writing, she said.

For example, Palestinian Kuwaiti author Shahd Al-Shammari shares passages from her own journals in her memoir “Head above water” — a book that looks at the intersection of gender, disability and nationality.

Dr. Shahd Al-Shammari. (Wikimedia Commons)

This is an example of “cultural insight” — another factor behind the growing demand for memories and autobiographies in the Arab world, says Saleh.

“Memoirs offer a glimpse into different cultures and experiences, deepening readers’ understanding of the Arab world,” he said.

Similarly, global influences have ignited an interest in memoirs and autobiographies as the success of international bestsellers encourage readers to seek out similar narratives within their own cultural context, said Saleh.

“Despite there being fewer authors from the Arab region, notable works like ‘I was born there, I was born here’ by Mourid Barghouti and ‘Baghdad burning: Girl blog from Iraq’ by Riverbend have garnered attention,” he said.

Additionally, Saleh said that realist and historical novels are another genre seeing a rise in popularity in the landscape of Arabic-language books.

He predicts that titles like “Gambling on the honor of Lady Mitzy” by Ahmed Al-Morsi, which was shortlisted last month for the International Prize for Arabic Fiction — also known as the “Arabic Booker” — will be a popular read this summer.

“The book sheds light on the difficult realities of the beginning of the 20th century that were very similar to the difficult realities that we experience today,” he said.

Book author Nasser Saleh notes that even fictional works can open avenues to self-discovery. (Linked_In)

Another favorite is “A mask the color of the sky” by Basim Khandaqji, which won the 2024 International Prize for Arabic Fiction.

“The mask in the book’s title refers to the blue identity card belonging to an Israeli person found by an archaeologist living in a refugee camp in Ramallah in the pocket of an old coat,” said Saleh.

Amid the war in Gaza, Al-Mutawa of the Kutubna Cultural Center believes this summer will see many readers gravitate toward books written by Palestinian authors.

“Even though it is difficult to export books from Palestine, authors and publishers are succeeding in bringing us new Palestinian literature,” she told Arab News.

She referred to books such as “Alkabsula” by Kamil Abu Hneish, which looks at the ways Palestinian political prisoners share their writings with the world.

Another title she believes will garner strong interest among readers worldwide, particularly when it is translated into English, is “Kitaba khalf alkhutut” — written by several authors from Gaza about their experiences of the ongoing war.

Similarly, Adania Shibli’s novel “Minor detail,” which recounts the harrowing events of the Nakba — or catastrophe — in 1948 Palestine, and Rashid Khalidi’s classic “Hundred year’s war on Palestine” are likely to fly off the shelves this summer as more people seek to learn about Palestine’s history, says Al-Mutawa.

“I disagree strongly with the idea that there is a scarcity of authors from the Arab region,” she said, emphasizing that the real scarcity lies in the limited media attention and public acknowledgment of the contributions made by the region’s writers.

Shatha Al-Mutawa, founder and director of the Kutubna Cultural Center in Dubai. (Kutubna Cultural Center photo)

On the flip side, for readers seeking an escape into the realm of fiction this summer, Al-Mutawa suggests exploring books like “An unsettled home” by Kuwaiti author Mai Al-Nakib.

Al-Mutawa highlights the book’s distinctive portrayal of Khaleeji women, particularly in its depiction of the relationship between people from the Gulf and India.

Another book to look out for is Saudi writer Raja Al-Sanae’s sequel to her novel “Banat Al-Riyad” (Girls of Riyadh), says Al-Mutawa.

Al-Sanae recently discussed her life and writing journey on the “Imshi maa” podcast, hinting at a sequel to the novel, which had previously garnered attention in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.

“Let’s not forget poetry, which combines fiction and nonfiction,” Al-Mutawa told Arab News.

As a passionate reader, she strongly recommends revisiting Dunya Mikhail’s “The war works hard,” while eagerly anticipating the release of the author’s newest collection, “Tablets: Secrets of the clay,” set to debut in September.

While some readers may opt to browse the shelves of bookstores for their summer reads, others may prefer the convenience of online shopping and ebooks.

Ultimately, various formats in which books are available cater to different preferences and needs, said Al-Mutawa.

For example, audiobooks are ideal for individuals with long commutes, while lightweight ebooks are convenient on the go.

For Al-Mutawa and other book enthusiasts, however, holding a physical edition in hand and turning the pages provides a sensory satisfaction that ebooks just cannot match.


Book Review: ‘When I Was Your Age’ by Kenan Thompson

Updated 01 June 2024

Book Review: ‘When I Was Your Age’ by Kenan Thompson

  • The longest-serving cast member of the variety show “Saturday Night Live” shows that while he is a ’90s child at heart, he has picked up some wisdom along the way, as a now 40-something father-of-two.

Emmy winner and actor Kenan Thompson, the longest-serving cast member of the variety show “Saturday Night Live,” has made a lot of people laugh over the decades. Now, he has moved on to a new act: writing a book.

In his 2023 memoir, “When I Was Your Age: Life Lessons, Funny Stories & Questionable Parenting Advice from a Professional Clown,” Thompson shows that while he is a ’90s child at heart, he has picked up some wisdom along the way, as a now 40-something father-of-two.

The Georgia native caught the acting bug at the age of 15 in 1994. His first job was as a cast member on Nickelodeon’s “All That.” In the same year, he also starred in the second installment of the popular “The Mighty Ducks” film franchise, playing a young hockey player. He came back later for “The Mighty Ducks 3.”

However, along with his buddy Kel Mitchell, Thompson is perhaps best known for being one half of the comedy duo Kenan and Kel, starring in the sketch comedy show “All That” from 1994-99, followed by the spinoff series “Kenan & Kel” from 1996-2000. One of their sketches, “Good Burger,” about two teens working in a fast-food joint, was turned into two feature films, one in 1997 and the most recent in 2023.

Thompson landed a coveted spot at “SNL” in 2003, where he still works today. His versatility and comedy talent led to him becoming a Hollywood Walk of Fame star in 2022.

In his memoir, he tackles serious subjects with just the right amount of humor sprinkled in — as when he describes the death of loved ones, his divorce from the mother of his two young daughters, and figuring out how to deal with the disappointing fate of former heroes, such as Bill Cosby.

He also discusses his nearly decade-long feud with Mitchell. The two are now on good terms, especially after completing the second “Good Burger” film.

“I’ve always tried to not do the Black versions of white things — because that’s what most stand-ups do … it was important to me to be different. I wanted the jokes to be stuff we could all laugh at comfortably,” Thompson writes.

He has succeeded in writing a book that can be comfortably enjoyed by all.