How the Saudi Green Initiative has moved from ambition to action, two years on

As a part of the Saudi Green Initiative, the Kingdom aims to plant 10 billion trees. (Supplied)
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Updated 29 March 2023

How the Saudi Green Initiative has moved from ambition to action, two years on

  • Two-year anniversary of SGI’s launch seen as a milestone on the path to a sustainable future
  • The anniversary is being celebrated as a whole-of-society effort to usher in a greener future

JEDDAH: When one thinks of Saudi Arabia, one imagines scenes of rolling sand dunes as far as the eye can see — a vision not far from the truth in some of the more remote corners of the peninsula.

Looking closer at this vast landscape and its sprawling urban areas, however, many would be surprised by the vast green spaces now changing the face of the Kingdom, from dense forests to lush city parks.

Two years ago, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman launched one of the world’s most significant climate initiatives, which set out to enhance the quality of life while integrating environmental protection, energy transition and sustainability programs.

Green cover of Riyadh. (RCRC)

Celebrating its second anniversary, the Saudi Green Initiative, an ambitious multi-entity collaboration, has already reached several important milestones since its launch.

It has made a significant dent in its target of planting 10 billion trees across Saudi Arabia, chalking up 18 million to date.

Of the 40 million hectares of degraded land it aims to rehabilitate, 60,000 hectares have been restored, while more than 60 sites have been set aside for the sustainable planting of trees across the Kingdom.


  • 2 Years since Saudi Green Initiative was launched. 
  • 10 billion Target number of trees to be planted.
  • 18 million Trees planted in Saudi Arabia in 2022.
  • 60,000 Hectares of land rehabilitated in 2022.
  • 250,000 Cultivated shrubs in AlUla nurseries.
  • 62 Sites approved for tree planting.
  • 150,000 Homes powered by renewable energy.
  • 1,200 Endangered animals rewilded.

Historically, most resources for conservation efforts have been invested in areas considered wild and, therefore, less populated. Preserving these “untouched” places is critical for many reasons.

However, due to a noticeable increase in annual heat waves and extreme weather patterns, scientists and urban planners have turned their focus on urban areas to develop new strategies for resilient built environments.

For decades, rapid urbanization across the Kingdom and the lack of sustainable development on the ground led to polluted air, soaring temperatures, severe dust storms, and other harmful byproducts.

Saudi Green Initiative: An overview

There is a mechanism for defining specific places for afforestation and selecting suitable species for cultivation. Experts and specialists supervise the selection of planting sites before implementing, where available space and assured protection of the sites are mandatory to ensure the preservation and maintenance of trees. This is in addition to the suitability of the trees planted in these sites, whose types are chosen to make them compatible with the type of the soil in which they are planted. The National Center for Vegetation Coverage Development and Desertification Control has selected about 26 sites in various regions of the Kingdom to serve as alternative sites if the partner agencies do not have sites to implement afforestation campaigns. These sites meet all the requirements, including for protection and care.

The Environmental Awareness Initiative is one of the many efforts of the National Transformation Program to enhance and raise societal awareness of environmental issues and establish a sense of individual and collective responsibility for preserving natural resources in the Kingdom. The initiative aims to contribute to reducing pollution of all kinds and achieving environmental sustainability. This is being achieved through afforestation campaigns and directing the efforts of agencies, institutions and individuals toward afforestation. Afforestation campaigns are being launched with the private sector or environmental associations in coordination with the National Center for Plant Cover Development and Combating Desertification. The “Let’s Make It Green” campaign aims to increase the green area in the Kingdom and combat desertification, in addition to rehabilitating degraded vegetation sites and raising awareness of the importance of reducing harmful vegetation practices. The objective is to improve the quality of life in Saudi Arabia per the goals of Vision 2030.

  • Saleh Bindakhil, spokesman for Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture.

This led to the rise of the urban heat island effect — a phenomenon that occurs when cities replace land with dense concentrations of buildings, pavement, and other surfaces that absorb and retain heat.

Scientists at Nanjing and Yale Universities analyzed satellite data from across 2,000 cities around the world from 2002 to 2021. They found that cities are warming by a rate of 0.56 degrees Celsius per decade during the day and 0.43 C per decade at night.

The study compared the rise in temperatures to that of rural areas and found that urban areas are warming 29 percent faster on average.

This data should ring alarm bells for any nation with growing ambitions and growing cities.

In recent years, an international team of climate scientists, economists, and energy systems modelers have built a range of new “pathways” that examine how global society, demographics, and economics might change over the next century.

They are collectively known as the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, which analyze how the world might evolve in the absence of climate policy and how different levels of climate change mitigation could be achieved in five different ways.

According to the G20 Climate Risk Atlas, Saudi Arabia will experience severe climate impacts if it follows a high-emissions pathway. Without urgent action, the Kingdom will see an 88 percent increase in the frequency of agricultural drought by 2050.

Heatwaves will last longer, and the combination of sea level rise, coastal erosion, and more extreme weather events will cause chaos for Saudi Arabia’s economy, which stands to lose around 12.2 percent of its gross domestic product by 2050 if it fails to act.

Data analysis from the Climate Change Knowledge Portal’s simulations shows that a rise in temperatures in the Kingdom is evident in the coming decades.

However, research has also shown that large variations in afforestation-related climate cooling can modify local surface temperatures and reduce them.

Saudi Arabia is committed to making a sizable impact on rising temperatures through collaborations between government entities, the private sector, and local communities.


  • 2016 King Salman launches renewable energy initiative.
  • 2017 National Renewable Energy Program announced.
  • 2018 Launch of the National Environment Strategy.
  • 2019 Creation of the Special Forces for Environmental Security.
  • 2020 “Let’s Make it Green” campaign launched to halt desertification.
  • 2021 Inaugural Saudi Green Initiative Forum and Middle East Green Summit.
  • 2030 Target to plant +600 million trees, protect 30 percent of land and sea, cut CO2 emissions by 278 million tons per annum.
  • 2060 Target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

To increase vegetation in urban areas and mitigate the effects of climate change, 77 initiatives and programs were activated under the broader SGI umbrella.

The Green Saudi Cities initiative, launched by the Municipal, Rural Affairs, and Housing Ministry, aims to plant up to 32 million trees in public parks and gardens across the capital city, Riyadh.

The scheme will be conducted over three phases and will undertake new greening projects in Riyadh, equivalent to an area of 437.5 sq. km. The project is set to be completed by 2031.

The capital is also undergoing a massive overhaul as the Green Riyadh project sets out to increase the proportion of green space to 9 percent and to plant 7.5 million trees by 2030.

At the heart of it all, work is underway to establish the King Salman Park, the largest urban park project in the world, in which 11 sq. km of its planned 16.6 sq. km park will be covered in green spaces and more than a million trees.

Similarly, the “Green Qibla” initiative aims to plant 15 million trees in the holy city of Makkah. The project, led by the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites, is projected to finish by 2036.

Abdulaziz Al-Moqbel, Director of the Green Riyadh Program, participating in planting the first seedlings in the afforestation project in Al-Jazeera neighborhood (east of Riyadh) on Thursday, March 16, within the activities of “Green Riyadh” program.‎ (Supplied)

Other viable paths to increase sustainability and mirror the projected positive effects of urban greening projects and afforestation initiatives are renewable energy and the use of electric vehicles.

Efforts within cities to transform high-emissions human activities such as transportation, energy production, and waste generation are increasing as 150,000 homes are now powered by renewable energy sources.

Last month, the Kingdom’s first electric public transport bus began operating in the western city of Jeddah. Studies have shown that electric public transport, powered through renewable energy, could cut 250 million tons of carbon emissions by 2030, improve public health, and reduce noise and air pollution.

“We are working on using other alternatives for taxis and public transport, and we have various tests to use alternatives that reduce carbon emissions, as a target for the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, until we reach a 45 percent reduction in carbon emissions in transportation, leading to clean energy,” Rumaih Al-Rumaih, acting chairman of the Public Transport Authority, told Arab News.

Environmental and wildlife conservation go hand in hand in changing Saudi Arabia. (NCW)

In 2018, a European Environment Agency report titled “Electric vehicles from life cycle and circular economy perspectives,” confirmed that the greenhouse gas emissions of EVs are approximately 17-30 percent lower than the emissions of petrol and diesel cars.

Although the study referred to EVs using the EU energy mix (petroleum products including crude oil, natural gas, renewable energy, nuclear energy, and solid fossil fuels), the report also stated that EVs emit zero exhaust emissions at the street level, improving local air quality.

Using such alternatives will not bring back the lakes and grassland that once spilled across the Arabian Peninsula centuries ago. However, tree planting is widely touted as one of the most effective tools to combat the climate crisis and restore biodiversity.

Government agencies, businesses, and communities across the Kingdom have all pledged to drive forward the large-scale tree planting initiative, not only to make the Kingdom greener but to create healthy ecosystems and improve the overall quality of life.


Saudi king, crown prince offer condolences to Thai king over victims of floods and landslides

Updated 01 September 2024

Saudi king, crown prince offer condolences to Thai king over victims of floods and landslides

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent condolences to King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand over the victims of floods and landslides in various areas of the Southeast Asian nation.

Heavy rainfall since August 16 caused widespread havoc across the kingdom, leaving at least 22 people dead and 20 injured, including 13 due to a landslide in Phuket island, according to the United Nation's Relief Web news site.

The report said at least 30,000 people have been affected by floods across five provinces, including Chiang Rai, Sukhothai and Prae in northern Thailand.

PIF’s gaming entity aims to become a global games leader by 2030

Updated 01 September 2024

PIF’s gaming entity aims to become a global games leader by 2030

  • Savvy’s CEO Brian Ward sheds light on company’s achievements, future plans

RIYADH: The CEO of Savvy Gaming Group recently detailed the latest progress from its 2023 annual report and highlighted key areas of expansion in 2025.

Brian Ward told Arab News: “2025 is going to be a very exciting year for Savvy.

“First of all, on the esports side, we have the inaugural Olympic Esports Games here in Riyadh, sometime later in the second half of the year. So, a huge tournament, the first official addition to the Olympic movement since the Winter Games in 1928,” he explained.

“On the game development and publishing side, we expect to be able to announce another major investment or acquisition, hopefully in a top team or publisher that can bring another great game to our portfolio,” he said.


• The company emphasized its mission and commitment to transparency through the publication of its first inaugural annual report providing key resources for understanding Savvy’s trajectory in the gaming sector.

• On creating jobs, Ward said that the team has now doubled in size within the last year.

Savvy is one of the entities responsible for positioning the Kingdom as a major global hub for the games industry, with a mission to become a world leader by 2030.

Since its launch in September 2022 by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also the chairman of the board of Savvy Games Group, the PIF-owned company has expanded its assets on multiple fronts from human capital, acquisitions, game development, and investment.

Brian Ward, Savvy Gaming Group CEO

“I think we’ll see a lot more collaboration amongst all the stakeholders in the Kingdom toward creating great incentives to attract foreign investment and to bring jobs to Saudi Arabia, as well as training and development programs actually kicking off to help develop skills for Saudis,” Ward said.

According to the 2023 annual report published by Savvy, there are more than 21 million self-identified game players in Saudi Arabia — 70 percent of the population — with over 48 percent of these players being women.

The company emphasized its mission and commitment to transparency through the publication of its first inaugural annual report providing key resources for understanding Savvy’s trajectory in the gaming sector.

On the game development and publishing side, we expect to be able to announce another major investment or acquisition, hopefully in a top team or publisher that can bring another great game to our portfolio.

Brian Ward, Savvy Gaming Group CEO

One of the major central themes of the report is Savvy’s role in delivering Saudi Arabia’s National Gaming and Esports Strategy.

In a statement released by Savvy, the CEO said: “2023 was a transformative year for Savvy. Our investments and initiatives have expanded our global footprint and contributed to exciting developments within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and added significant shareholder value.

“I would like to extend my gratitude to our chairman for his wise counsel and leadership and our shareholder, the PIF, for their unwavering support and guidance.”

The annual report detailed how 2023 marked a major year of investment for Savvy, with the largest transaction being a $4.9 billion acquisition of Scopely, the rebranding of Savvy Games Studios to Steer Studios, and the launch of “MONOPOLY GO!”

On creating jobs, Ward said that the team has now doubled in size within the last year. Savy’s workforce now has over 3,500 employees across 22 countries with an emphasis on hiring people in key areas such as finance, strategy, legal, human resources, and communications.

When asked how Savvy aims to contribute to the Kingdom’s growing gaming sector, Ward said they are executing on three fronts: games development and publishing investment worldwide, esports development, and then Saudi Arabian ecosystem-building.

“On the KSA ecosystem-building front, our main mission, as we see it, is to help coalesce and drive further collaboration amongst local stakeholders to ensure that we have the right incentives, packages to attract foreign investment and jobs, training and development programs, coming to fruition to give Saudis the right skills to fill those jobs,” he explained.

Ward highlighted how Savvy’s local studio is doing “extremely well,” adding that “there’s about 85 or 90 people in that studio now. They’re in development of two mobile games, one of which is in soft launch and, hoping to kick off a console project with an important, local third party.”

Speaking on the recent New Global Sports Conference, Ward said it was very successful.

“We were remarking that I don’t think any of us had seen that number of senior executives from the games industry all in one place in many, many years, so super well-attended from that point.”


Al-Jouf: A fruitful fusion of local and global fruit production

Updated 31 August 2024

Al-Jouf: A fruitful fusion of local and global fruit production

  • “The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture champions cultivating specific fruit varieties through the Sustainable Agricultural Rural Development Program”

RIYADH: Every year, farmers in the region of Al-Jouf harvest fruits from more than two million trees, contributing to Al-Jouf’s reputation as the “fruit basket” of the Kingdom, according to a recent Saudi Press Agency report.

The SPA stated that the fruits of Al-Jouf are “known for their exceptional quality and taste.”

The fruit farms are also one of Al-Jouf’s major tourist attractions. (SPA)

According to the National Center for the Prevention and Control of Plant Pests and Animal Diseases statistics, the region — known for its fertile soil — is home to more than 1.3 million fruit trees, as well as 816,000 palm trees.

The farms yield over 170,000 tons of fruit annually, which is sold at both local and international markets.


According to the National Center for the Prevention and Control of Plant Pests and Animal Diseases statistics, the region is home to more than 1.3 million fruit trees, as well as 816,000 palm trees.

“This supply contributes to the Kingdom’s food security, supports farmers and producers, and provides consumers with high-quality natural products,” the SPA report said.

The farms yield over 170,000 tons of fruit annually, which is sold at both local and international markets. (SPA)

Fruit harvesting takes place year-round, peaking between May and December. Fruits produced in Al-Jouf include figs, grapes, peaches, apricots, lemons, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, watermelons, plums, nectarines, pomegranates, and various berries, thanks to its favorable environmental conditions and access to fresh water in Tabarjal Governorate. Pistachios and almonds are also grown in the region.

Embracing tropical and global varieties

Their success in cultivating tropical and non-native fruits in Al-Jouf has encouraged farmers to experiment with imported crops, including passion fruits and pineapples. Trees native to Al-Jouf are also in demand overseas and are regularly exported for processing industries.

Fruit harvesting takes place year-round, peaking between May and December. (SPA)

“The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture champions cultivating specific fruit varieties through the Sustainable Agricultural Rural Development Program,” the SPA noted. “Additionally, associations and government bodies offer training programs for farmers and entrepreneurs in agricultural production, fruit cultivation, and processing industries.”

The fruit farms are also one of Al-Jouf’s major tourist attractions, the SPA said, along with, “the region’s natural beauty, moderate weather, and historical sites.”


Who’s Who: Andrew Pearcey, chief executive officer of the World Defense Show

Andrew Pearcey
Updated 31 August 2024

Who’s Who: Andrew Pearcey, chief executive officer of the World Defense Show

Andrew Pearcey is CEO of the World Defense Show, a large-scale biennial defense exhibition in Riyadh, held under the patronage of King Salman and founded by the General Authority of Military Industries under the leadership of Ahmad Al-Ohali.

Responsible for the show’s overall organization and working closely with GAMI, Pearcey led the team through two highly successful events and has ambitious plans for the third.

As CEO, Pearcey oversees a permanent multicultural, multidisciplinary team of 70 in the Riyadh head office, which expands to nearly 150 in the run-up to and during the event. Through careful selection and nurturing, he has ensured a strong and growing level of Saudization within the team and implements a robust talent development program throughout the organization.

This role builds on a 25-year career as a strategic and commercial professional, holding challenging positions in events, advertising, brand management and sponsorship, with brands ranging from telecoms to food and beverage.

Pearcey began his career in advertising, working at various agencies before joining the UK mobile operator Orange, where he managed high-profile sponsorships and events in film, music, and sport. He was part of the team that launched the EE brand and led the Football Association’s first sponsorship of Wembley Stadium. He then moved to Cheil Worldwide as a managing partner, overseeing Samsung’s global events, ensuring business growth, and delivering award-winning campaigns.

In 2015, Pearcey transitioned to the ADS Group and its subsidiary, Farnborough International, serving as an executive director on the board, working on the Farnborough International Airshow and its exhibition venue business.

In 2019, he was approached by GAMI to move to Saudi Arabia to develop and launch a new defense exhibition in Riyadh. The inaugural World Defense Show took place in March 2022 with enormous success.

Pearcey holds a degree in business studies with a major in marketing from Middlesex University in his native UK and professional qualifications from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.


Saudi Arabia arrests 20,718 illegals in one week

Saudi police have arrested hundreds of illegals breaching country’s labor law. (SPA)
Updated 31 August 2024

Saudi Arabia arrests 20,718 illegals in one week

  • Suspected violations can be reported on the toll-free number 911 in the Makkah and Riyadh regions, and 999 or 996 in other regions of Saudi Arabia

RIYADH: Saudi authorities arrested 20,718 people in one week for breaching residency, work and border security regulations, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

According to an official report, a total of 13,248 people were arrested for violations of residency laws, while 4,688 were held over illegal border crossing attempts, and a further 2,782 for labor-related issues.

The report showed that among the 744 people arrested for trying to enter the Kingdom illegally, 62 percent were Ethiopian, 37 percent Yemeni, and 1 percent were of other nationalities.

A further 69 people were caught trying to cross into neighboring countries, and 16 were held for involvement in transporting and harboring violators.

The Saudi Ministry of Interior said that anyone found to be facilitating illegal entry to the Kingdom, including providing transportation and shelter, could face imprisonment for a maximum of 15 years, a fine of up to SR1 million ($260,000), as well as confiscation of vehicles and property.

Suspected violations can be reported on the toll-free number 911 in the Makkah and Riyadh regions, and 999 or 996 in other regions of the Kingdom.