Pakistan opposition party calls for nationwide protests after shooting injures ex-PM Khan 

Supporters of former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, take part in a protest near the container truck a day after the assassination attempt on Khan, at the cordoned-off site of a gun attack in Wazirabad on November 4, 2022. (AFP)
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Updated 04 November 2022

Pakistan opposition party calls for nationwide protests after shooting injures ex-PM Khan 

  • Uncertainty clouds the Pakistani capital as majority of private schools remain closed, security beefed up 
  • Top leaders of Khan’s party are expected to meet today in Lahore to decide future course of their march 

ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister Imran Khan’s party has called for a nationwide protest after the Friday prayers over a gun attack a day earlier that killed a man and injured the ex-premier among 14 others near the eastern city of Wazirabad. 

The attack occurred as Khan led his caravan through a crowd of supporters toward the capital, in a bid to pressure the government into announcing snap polls in the South Asian country. 

Soon after the shooting, Khan was whisked by his affiliates to the Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Lahore, where Dr. Faisal Sultan, who is heading a medical team treating him, told media Khan was “stable.” 

Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has said that it would hold countrywide protests on Friday against the attack on the former premier. 

“Today, after the Friday prayer, there will be a protest across the country,” Asad Umar, a close aide of Khan, said on Twitter. 

“Until Imran Khan’s demand is met, nationwide protests will continue.” 

Khan, who was ousted in a parliamentary no-trust vote in April, has been rallying supporters to Islamabad from Lahore since October 28. 

He was expected to reach the capital by November 11. 

Ali Amin Gandapur, another member of Khan’s PTI party, called for the resignation of PM Shehbaz Sharif, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah and Major General Faisal Naseer, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) director-general for counter intelligence. 

“Three people should resign starting from General Faisal followed by Shehbaz Sharif and Rana Sanaullah or we will cross everyone red lines and red zones from now onwards,” Gandapur said on Twitter. 


Khan has previously accused Naseer and the ISI’s Islamabad sector commander, Brig. Fahim Raza, of a crackdown on his party, including custodial torture of some of his affiliates. 

Uncertainty clouded the Pakistani capital on Friday as majority of private schools remained closed and switched to online classes, while security was beefed up across Islamabad to deal with any untoward situation. 

The Islamabad police said in a statement that entry to the capital’s Red Zone, which houses important buildings like parliament, Supreme Court, Prime Minister’s Secretariat and others, was closed for traffic at two points. 

They advised the public to use the Margalla Road, Ayub Chowk and Serena Chowk to travel to the Red Zone. 

The Islamabad district administration said it had created a “sub-jail/judicial lock-up” in the city to “detain or keep the miscreants who might be arrested during law-and-order situation.” 

Top PTI leaders are expected to meet Khan in Lahore on Friday to decide the future course of action regarding their march on Islamabad. 

Chaudhry Fawad Hussain, a senior party figure, said on Twitter their march would continue until the government announces elections. 

Punjab Chief Minister Pervaiz Elahi has instructed the provincial police to form a joint investigation team (JIT) to probe the attack on PTI’s caravan in Wazirabad. 

According to a press handout, officials of the counter-terrorism department will be part of the team that will investigate motives behind the incident. 

“We want to know who is behind the incident, who trained the accused, how much money was he given and where did he get it from,” the chief minister said. 

Elahi said apparently the attack involved two hitmen, not one. 

Pakistani pilgrims transition from Arafat to Muzdalifah, marking key rituals of Hajj journey

Updated 15 June 2024

Pakistani pilgrims transition from Arafat to Muzdalifah, marking key rituals of Hajj journey

  • Pilgrims attended the annual Hajj sermon in Arafat where they were urged to pray for people of Palestine
  • After spending the night in Muzdalifah, pilgrims will perform symbolic stoning of the devil in the morning

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani pilgrims began moving to Muzdalifah on Saturday evening after spending the day in Arafat, where they had gathered in the morning to attend the annual Hajj sermon and engage in prayers and self-reflection, as confirmed by the country’s Ministry of Religious Affairs.
The Day of Arafat holds tremendous significance as it commemorates the moment more than 1,400 years ago when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his Farewell Sermon, calling for unity, equality and justice among Muslims.
After spending a reflective night under the starry sky in Muzdalifah, pilgrims will move to Mina in the morning to perform the symbolic stoning of the devil at Jamarat, an act signifying the rejection of evil.
“After completing the standing at Arafat, all Pakistani government Hajj pilgrims, along with other pilgrims, set off toward Muzdalifah,” the ministry said in a statement. “The Pakistani pilgrims departed for Muzdalifah under the guidance of their sector representatives.”
“The pilgrims seemed satisfied with the arrangements made by the Saudi authorities, and they continued to congratulate each other happily after completing their stay in Arafat,” the statement added.
Earlier, pilgrims from across the world attended the Hajj sermon delivered by one of the prayer leaders of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Sheikh Maher bin Hamad Al-Muaiqly, who urged them to pray for the Palestinians who had been “harmed and hurt by their enemy.”
He noted the people of Palestine had been deprived of “food, medicine and clothing.”
Asked about their Hajj experience, Pakistani pilgrims said they were fortunate to be in Arafat to perform one of the greatest rituals in Islam.
“The experience in Mina and Arafat has remained very good,” Ilyas Kabir from DG Khan said in a video circulated by the ministry. “It is a great blessing to have the opportunity to perform Hajj. I urge the pilgrims to be patient.”
An elderly woman in a wheelchair, who said she had been performing Hajj with her son, informed that she had been praying for the entire Muslim world.
“I pray for all Muslims,” she said. “Good wishes, good intentions, especially for Palestine. May there be peace and tranquility. May Allah grant them freedom.”
The stoning ritual at Jamarat in the morning will be followed by the traditional animal sacrifice, leading to Eid Al-Adha celebrations across the world.
With input from AP

PM Sharif pledges next IMF bailout to be Pakistan’s last in 100-day progress address

Updated 41 min 57 sec ago

PM Sharif pledges next IMF bailout to be Pakistan’s last in 100-day progress address

  • The prime minister envisions leaner governance structure, promises solid results within two and a half months
  • He says the government will send 300,000 Pakistanis for IT training to China, make exports more competitive

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday vowed to make the next International Monetary Fund (IMF) program the last one needed to cure his country’s ailing economy during a televised address that summarized the 100-day progress of his administration, which came into power after the general elections in February.
Sharif delivered the speech just a few days after his government presented its first $67.76 billion federal budget, setting highly ambitious revenue generation targets without specifying significant cost-containment measures.
Pakistan is also engaged in negotiations with the IMF for a longer-term bailout of around $8 billion, following a short-term loan of $3 billion that helped the country avert a sovereign debt default in June last year. Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb announced in a post-budget news conference this week that the country was hopeful to sign a staff-level agreement with the international lending agency in July.
The prime minister said in his speech his government had taken measures to attract foreign investment and enhance trade with other countries to end the borrowing cycle and find a way out of the debt trap.
“Pakistan will gradually escape the life of debts,” he said during the address. “It is difficult, but not impossible. There are examples in the modern world where many countries approached the IMF only once, and then never returned to it for the rest of their lives.”
“We have gone there 24 or 25 times,” he continued. “Today, I promise you that, God willing, if we strictly follow our program and fully commit to the goals we have set, then this program we are taking might be the last IMF program in the history of Pakistan. After this, we will stand on our own feet and surpass our neighboring countries in the race for development.”
The prime minister said his administration had already brought down inflation from 38 to 12 percent.
Sharing his vision for rapid economic progress, he said the government would not run businesses or enterprises but facilitate the private sector to take the lead. He also noted that his administration was working toward a leaner governance structure and reduced expenses.
“It is the primary duty of my government to eliminate royal expenditures,” he said. “All such ministries and institutions that have become a burden on the nation instead of serving it, and have not only incurred unjust expenses but have also become centers of corruption, their elimination has now become inevitable,” he continued. “It is my foremost duty to abolish them. Therefore, a ministerial committee has been formed on this matter, and I assure you that, God willing, I will bring you positive results within the next two and a half months.”
Sharif said his government was working to create a business-friendly environment and had arranged for 300,000 young Pakistanis to receive information technology training in China every year.
He also noted it had brought down the power tariffs for industries by Rs10.50 per unit to bring down production costs and make Pakistani exports more competitive in international markets.

Pakistan PM advocates digital governance, eyes cost cuts and transparency with E-Office initiative

Updated 44 min 39 sec ago

Pakistan PM advocates digital governance, eyes cost cuts and transparency with E-Office initiative

  • The E-Office plan is part of a broader initiative to make the governance structure leaner and more efficient
  • The PM also held a meeting to discuss the rationalization of state expenses before the budget presentation

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Saturday the digitization of government ministries and subordinate departments would save Pakistan billions of rupees and ensure transparency while presiding over a meeting to review the transition to electronic-office (E-Office).
This initiative is part of a broader plan to make the governance structure leaner and more efficient, held shortly after discussions on the rationalization of state expenses before Wednesday’s federal budget presentation.
“The main purpose of using E-Office is to provide the public with better services and bring transparency to the government system,” Sharif told at the meeting. “The use of paper will be minimized, which will also have positive effects on the environment. The transition to E-Office will save billions of rupees for the national treasury.”
The prime minister instructed relevant authorities to make E-Office user-friendly and secure.
He also urged speeding up progress on a cooperation agreement with the Chinese technology company Huawei in this connection, which he discussed during his recent five-day visit to China.
These meetings to reform government structure and operations come at a critical time when Pakistan faces large and persistent fiscal deficits that contribute to macroeconomic instability.
The issue is significant as the government seeks another International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout, where reducing government expenses could help reallocate funds to more pressing economic issues.

Body of one missing Japanese climber found on Spantik peak, search continues for second

Updated 15 June 2024

Body of one missing Japanese climber found on Spantik peak, search continues for second

  • The two Japanese climbers were reported missing on Monday while trying to summit the 7,027-meter peak
  • Authorities say the rescue team comprising two helicopters are ‘working tirelessly in challenging weather’

KHAPLU, Gilgit-Baltistan: The body of one of the two Japanese climbers was found at the 7,027-meter Spantik peak on Saturday, confirmed local officials, after they were reported missing by another group of mountaineers earlier in the week, prompting authorities in the northern Gilgit-Baltistan region to launch a rescue operation.
Pakistan is home to five of the world’s tallest mountains that loom above 8,000 meters, including K2 and Nanga Parbat, known for their treacherous climbs.
Spantik, more popularly called the Golden Peak, is largely viewed as more accessible and straightforward. The Japanese climbers, Ryuseki Hiraoka and Atsushi Taguchi, were attempting to summit it in the Karakoram Range when they went missing on Monday, June 10.
“The dead body of a Japanese climber has been found and the search for the other one is underway,” Naiknam Karim, CEO of Adventure Tours Pakistan, told Arab News in a text message.
The deputy commissioner of Shigar district, Wali Ullah Falahi, informed over the phone that the body of Hiraoka was traced during a helicopter search.
He added that a nine-member rescue team had also left the base camp at 5 AM to look for the missing mountaineers.
“The body was found 300 meters below Camp-3,” he added.
Earlier, a statement circulated by his office confirmed that the body had been retrieved while the search for the second climber was going on.
“The search team, comprising two Pakistan Army helicopters and crewed by high-altitude climbers and experts, has been working tirelessly in challenging weather conditions to locate the missing climbers,” it said.
The statement also noted the Pakistani authorities were keeping the Japanese embassy officials informed about the developments.
According to official figures, over 8,900 foreigners visited the remote Gilgit-Baltistan region in 2023 where the summer climbing season runs from early June to late August.

Pakistan PM Sharif conveys Eid Al-Adha greetings to Qatari emir

Updated 15 June 2024

Pakistan PM Sharif conveys Eid Al-Adha greetings to Qatari emir

  • Eid Al-Adha marks Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son on God’s command
  • The three-day event is one of the two major Muslim festivals on the Islamic calendar

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday held a telephonic conversation with Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, and conveyed him Eid Al-Adha greetings, Sharif’s office said.
Several Muslim countries, mainly in the Middle East, will celebrate the three-day Eid Al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice, this week, while others will mark the occasion on Monday. It commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail, as recounted in the Holy Qur’an.
During his conversation, the prime minister extended warm greetings and best wishes to the emir, the government, and the brotherly people of Qatar on behalf of the government and the people of Pakistan.
“The two leaders exchanged views on the importance of Eid ul Adha, which symbolizes sacrifice, compassion, and unity,” Sharif’s office said in a statement.
“Both leaders also spoke about the plight of the brave and innocent people of Palestine and urged the international community to redouble peace efforts and ensure an immediate end to violence and bloodshed in the region.”
The prime minister and the Qatari emir reaffirmed the strong bond of friendship and brotherhood between both countries and discussed ways to further strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields.
“The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for Qatar’s support and cooperation with Pakistan, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and labor,” the statement read.
“The two leaders agreed to continue to work together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and beyond.”
Sharif thanked the Qatari emir for accepting the invitation to undertake an official visit to Pakistan and said the dates of his visit would be worked out soon.
Islamabad signed several agreements and letters of intent with Qatari companies in January this year to enhance employment opportunities for Pakistani workers in Qatar.
In 2021, the Qatari government announced conditional arrival visas for Pakistani nationals, while Qatar established an air bridge and sent urgent aid to Pakistan including food, tents and hygiene kits after the 2022 floods.