Lebanon’s Hariri arrives in Paris, set to hold talks with France’s Macron

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Above, police stand guard in front of a building in Paris where Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri is set to meet French President Emmanuel Macron. (AFP)
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The convoy of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri departs Le Bourget airport in Paris early November 18. (AFP)
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The convoy of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrives in Paris early November 18. (AFP)
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Updated 18 November 2017

Lebanon’s Hariri arrives in Paris, set to hold talks with France’s Macron

PARIS: Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrived in France Saturday from Saudi Arabia, where his resignation announcement two weeks ago sparked accusations that he was being held there against his will.
Hariri is in Paris at the invitation of France's President Emmanuel Macron, who is attempting to help broker a solution to a political crisis that has raised fears over Lebanon's fragile democracy.
Hariri and his wife Lara, who landed at Le Bourget airport outside the French capital at 7:00 am (0600 GMT) after flying in from Riyadh overnight, were due to meet Macron at noon.
The couple were whisked to their Paris residence in a seven-car convoy under tight security.
Hariri, a dual Saudi citizen, has been in the Saudi capital since his televised announcement there on November 4 that he was stepping down because he feared for his life, accusing Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of destabilizing his country.
Shortly before leaving Riyadh for Paris, Hariri said in a tweet addressed to German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel that it was untrue he was being held in Saudi.
“To say that I am held up in Saudi Arabia and not allowed to leave the country is a lie. I am on the way to the airport,” Hariri tweeted.

Saudi Foreign Ministry Adel Al-Jubeir said on Thursday, “accusing Saudi Arabia of holding Hariri is completely baseless. It doesn’t hold merit as Hariri is free to go anywhere he wants,” adding that Hariri has some concerns about the security situation in Lebanon.
The Saudi foreign minister said Hezbollah is disturbing regional peace and stability by supporting Houthi militias in Yemen, suppressing the will of the Syrian people and violating Lebanese law. Hezbollah must learn to “respect Lebanon’s sovereignty,” he added.

Israeli settlers in the West Bank were hit with international sanctions. It only emboldened them

Updated 11 sec ago

Israeli settlers in the West Bank were hit with international sanctions. It only emboldened them

  • Three sanctioned settlers — Levi, Federman and Elisha Yered — say the measures against them were, at most, an annoyance
  • Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right settler leader, said that sanctions are “a grave mistake by the Biden administration”

SOUTH HEBRON HILLS, West Bank: For weeks after being sanctioned by the United States, Yinon Levi struggled to pay the bills, living at his farming outpost atop a hill in the occupied West Bank. But the Israeli settler’s problems didn’t last.

When the banks froze his accounts, his community raised thousands of dollars for him, and Israel’s finance minister vowed to intervene on sanctioned settlers’ behalf. Two months after sanctions were issued, Levi was granted access to his money.

“America thought it would weaken us, and in the end, they made us stronger,” Levi, 31, told The Associated Press from his farm in the South Hebron Hills — one of dozens of unauthorized settlement outposts dotting the West Bank.

Levi is among 13 hard-line Israeli settlers — as well as two affiliated outposts and four groups — targeted by international sanctions over accusations of attacks and harassment against Palestinians in the West Bank. The measures are meant as a deterrent, and they expose people to asset freezes and travel and visa bans.

But the measures have had minimal impact, instead emboldening settlers as attacks and land-grabs escalate, according to Palestinians in the West Bank, local rights groups and sanctioned Israelis who spoke to AP.

Sanctions prohibit financial institutions and residents in the issuing country from providing funds to a person or entity. In some cases, property is seized. Even though Israeli banks aren’t obliged to freeze accounts, many do so to maintain relations with banks — particularly for US sanctions — and avoid risk.

But for sanctioned settlers, the implications didn’t last long, with communities donating money and holding fundraisers making tens of thousands of dollars. And Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right settler leader, said he’d “take care of the issue” of people being sanctioned, Levi’s father-in-law, Noam Federman, told AP.

Smotrich said in a text-message statement that sanctions are “a grave mistake by the Biden administration.” He didn’t address questions about whether he intervened directly to unfreeze settlers’ accounts. But he said his actions to develop settlements are authorized, and the government is working with “our friends in the US” to cancel or reduce sanctions.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich,  a settler leader who lives in the West Bank, is part of the most right-wing governing coalition in Israeli history. (AP)

Israel seized the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Mideast war. Some 500,000 Israelis have settled in the West Bank; the international community largely considers their presence illegal. But under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition — the most right-wing in Israeli history, with settlers themselves in key positions — expansion has been turbocharged.

Palestinians say expanding Israeli outposts are shrinking their access to land, and settler violence against them has soared since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war with Israel. Land seized through unauthorized outposts has more than doubled since the war started, according to settlement watchdog Kerem Navot.

Palestinians living in small hamlets ringed by hilltop outposts say they fear it’s just a matter of time until they’re forced to leave their homes.

US officials have repeatedly raised concerns about surging settler violence, with President Joe Biden saying it had reached “intolerable levels” when announcing sanctions. Israel has said it’s calling for settlers to stand down and investigating violence. But rights groups accuse the government and army of complicity with the settlers.

In March, even the Israeli army complained about the extent to which the government intervenes on settlers’ behalf. An internal document, seen by AP and published by The New York Times, said the army is routinely denied authorization to act against illegal building by Israelis and regularly authorized to act against Palestinians.


Three sanctioned settlers — Levi, Federman and Elisha Yered — told AP the measures against them were, at most, an annoyance.

Levi founded Meitarim Farm in 2021 on a hill whose sloping sides give way to lowlands where Bedouin farmers graze sheep. He said he wanted to protect the area from being overtaken by Palestinians.

“Little by little, you feel when you drive on the roads that everyone is closing in on you,” he said. “They’re building everywhere, wherever they want. So you want to do something about it.”

Since then, anti-settlement activists say, more than 300 people from four nearby hamlets have been pushed off their land. Levi said the land is his and denies violently chasing anyone away.

US officials sanctioned him in February over accusations that from his outpost, he led settlers who assaulted Palestinians and Bedouins, threatened them, burned their fields and destroyed property.

Levi said his Israeli bank froze his accounts — holding nearly $95,000 — and within days, he couldn’t pay his mortgage or children’s school and activities fees.

Friends and relatives donated about $12,000 to him through April, he said, when the bank allowed him to withdraw on a controlled basis — he calls for permission and explains each transaction’s purpose.

An online fundraiser by the area’s regional council raised $140,000 for Levi from 3,000 donors worldwide. Following AP reporting on the fundraiser, the Mount Hebron Fund was also sanctioned by the US.

Since regaining access to his money, Levi said, he’s never been refused a request. The bank gave him a monthly limit of $8,000 in withdrawals, he said, but he nearly doubled that in the first few weeks.

In a clarification letter to Israel’s banks in March, the US Treasury said banks can process transactions for sanctioned people for basic needs such as food and healthcare, provided the transactions don’t involve the US financial system or US residents.

But Levi said he could buy whatever he wanted — he wouldn’t give specifics but said it wasn’t limited to “food or diapers.”

A US Treasury spokesperson didn’t respond to emailed requests for comment on Levi’s claims, sanctioned settlers and monitoring mechanisms.

The spokesperson for Bank Leumi, Levi’s bank and a major Israeli financial institution, didn’t respond to calls and messages seeking comment on the settlers’ accounts and transactions.


Local rights groups hope sanctions will be extended to Israeli government officials who they say embolden settler activity.

That would send a stronger signal of Washington’s condemnation, said Delaney Simon, of the International Crisis Group.

“Sanctions against government officials have cast a chilling effect in other countries, causing firms to shy away from doing business in those places,” she said.

Smotrich, who lives in the Kedumim settlement and was given special powers over settlement policies as part of the governing coalition agreement, told Israeli media in April that he’d take steps to help sanctioned settlers.

Levi’s father-in-law, Federman, told AP that he spoke to Smotrich directly.

“He said he will take care of it, and if necessary he will even make a law against interference of other countries in Israelis’ bank accounts,” Federman said. Shortly after, he added, his son-in-law’s account was unfrozen.

During a US congressional subcommittee meeting Tuesday with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland urged sanctions against Smotrich.

“This is in direct contradiction of US policy,” he said.

Yellen said she shared “concerns about what’s happening in the West Bank.” No action was taken in the meeting.

Britain sanctioned Federman, 55, in May over allegations that he trained settlers to commit violence against Palestinians, which he denied. He said he’d already had his wife open a separate account, after seeing others sanctioned.

He said he’s had no issues accessing money.

Israeli human rights lawyer Eitay Mack said that in addition to sanctioning settlers, the international community should target organizations funding settler expansion.

“If the international community is serious about the two-state solution, they have to tackle everything that gives the system money and legitimacy,” he said.

Activists cite groups such as Amana, which funds settlements and maintains oversight for some of Levi’s farm, according to a contract seen by AP. They also point to the group Nachala, which has a stated goal of enhancing West Bank settlement and has openly planned construction of unauthorized outposts.

Nachala is run by Daniella Weiss, a prominent figure in fringe Israeli efforts to resettle Gaza who’s regarded as the godmother of the settler movement.

“I’m not afraid of sanctions,” Weiss said. “The truth of the matter is that the United States wants us to be in Gaza because the United States does not want jihad to rule the world.”

Daniella Weiss (center), shown speaking  with another woman in Sderot, southern Israel, on May 14, is regarded as the godmother of the Israeli settler movement. (AP)


Meanwhile, Palestinians in the West Bank say sanctions are mostly futile.

Eight Palestinians in two hamlets in the South Hebron Hills told AP they’re still being pushed off their land, with several alleging Levi has threatened them since being sanctioned.

One man said that in February, while out with his sheep, Levi held him at gunpoint, recounted all the places he’d forced people away, and threatened to kill him if he returned.

“He told me, ‘I displaced people from Zanuta to ad-Dhahiriya ... I am from the family of the farm of mad people,’” said Ahmed, who spoke on condition that only his first name be used, over retaliation fears.

Levi told AP the incident never happened.

Ahmed and other Palestinians said they are verbally and physically harassed, can’t move freely, and face intimidation by settlers circling their properties on motorbikes, cars or horses and spying via drones. A drone hovered overhead while AP was on the land; Palestinians say the buzzing is used to send sheep fleeing.

The few Palestinians who’ve refused to leave the area around Levi’s farm say their land has shrunk by 95% since he established Meitarim, crippling them economically.

In recent years, settlers have changed land-grabbing tactics, anti-occupation researcher Dror Etkes said: Rather than establishing residential settlements, they’ve turned to farming outposts, which use more land for grazing animals and spark more violence because they’re spread out, with high visibility.

Etkes said there’s been a total collapse of rule of law in the territory, with the Israeli government defending settlers.

Etkes said land Levi controls has nearly doubled since the war, from about 1,000 (400 hectares) to 2,000 acres (800 hectares).

And settlers say they’ll keep expanding.

In a makeshift clubhouse on a hilltop near the settlement of Maskiyot in the northern West Bank, Elisha Yered said he’s established five outposts since 2021. The most recent was built about a month before he was sanctioned by the European Union in April.

He’s a leading figure for Hilltop Youth — a group of Jewish teenagers and young men who occupy West Bank hilltops and have been accused of attacking Palestinians and their property. Hilltop Youth was also sanctioned by the UK and the EU.

The EU order said Yered, 23, was involved in deadly attacks on Palestinians. He was accused of involvement a 19-year-old Palestinian’s death last year.

Yered told AP the incident was one of self-defense over Palestinians attacking a herder and said he had nothing to do with his death. He was arrested in the case but never charged.

Yered is also sanctioned by the UK, which said he incited religious hatred and violence and called for Palestinian displacement.

Yered said that while the sanctions initially posed challenges accessing money, friends and family supported him. His credit card remains blocked, he said, but his bank lets him withdraw with permission.

He said nothing has halted his expansion goals.

“Only settling the land will bring security,” Yered said. “Anyone who thinks this will break us is mistaken. We’ve survived harder things than this.”


US warns Israel of ‘massive’ impact of denying Palestinian revenue

Updated 07 June 2024

US warns Israel of ‘massive’ impact of denying Palestinian revenue

  • Israel's military earlier warned that the denial off funds to the Palestinian Authority could push the occupied West Bank into a third “intifada”
  • The World Bank has also warned that the PA's fiscal situation has "dramatically worsened" with the risk of complete collapse

WASHINGTON: The United States warned Thursday that Israel will see a "massive" negative impact if the Palestinian Authority collapses as Washington again pressed its ally to let revenue flow.

"We have made clear to the government of Israel in some very direct conversations that there is nothing that could be more counter to the strategic interests of Israel than the collapse of the Palestinian Authority," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

While acknowledging shortcomings in the Palestinian Authority, he said the Ramallah-based body had helped maintain stability in the West Bank even as war has raged in Gaza, run for years by rivals Hamas.

"If you saw the Palestinian Authority collapse and instability spread across the West Bank, it's not just a problem for the Palestinians," he said, "it is also a massive security threat for the state of Israel."

Under peace agreements in the 1990s, Israel collects money for the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited autonomy in parts of the West Bank.

Israel then disburses the money to the PA.

But Israel has been blocking revenue since Hamas on October 7 carried out its massive attack in Israel, triggering a relentless retaliatory military campaign.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is a member of the far right who advocates Jewish settlement of the West Bank.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also a long-time critic of the Palestinian Authority and of moves toward an independent Palestinian state.

The US warning followed a statement by the Israeli military that the Netanyahu government policy of cutting off funds to the PA could push the occupied West Bank into a third “intifada.”

The World Bank has also warned that the PA's fiscal situation has "dramatically worsened" with the risk of complete collapse.


Israel’s Netanyahu to address US Congress on July 24: source

Updated 07 June 2024

Israel’s Netanyahu to address US Congress on July 24: source

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation from Republican and Democratic party leaders to address lawmakers in the US Congress on July 24, a congressional source told AFP on Thursday.

The visit comes amid mounting pressure for the US ally and Hamas militants to agree to a permanent ceasefire as Israel faces growing diplomatic isolation over the rising death toll in Gaza.

Biden last week presented what he called an Israeli three-phase plan that would end the conflict, free all hostages and lead to the reconstruction of the devastated Palestinian territory without Hamas in power.

But Netanyahu's office stressed that the war sparked by the October 7 attacks would continue until Israel's “goals are achieved,” including the destruction of Hamas, which has not given its response to the plan.

The four party leaders in the US House and Senate asked Netanyahu last week to speak before a joint meeting of Congress in a letter voicing solidarity with Israel “in your struggle against terror, especially as Hamas continues to hold American and Israeli citizens captive.”

The visit comes after Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called in March for Israel to hold new elections in a rare example of strident criticism from a senior American official of the country's handling of the war in Gaza.

The rebuke from Schumer, the highest-ranking elected Jewish American in history, came amid expressions of dismay from progressive Democrats who have condemned Netanyahu over his handling of the military response and vowed to snub the right-wing leader’s speech.

The war was sparked when Hamas attacked Israel, resulting in the deaths of 1,194 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Militants also took 251 hostages, 120 of whom remain in Gaza, including 41 the army says are dead.

Israel’s retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 36,654 people in Gaza, also mostly civilians, according to the Hamas-run territory’s health ministry.

A Gaza hospital said Thursday at least 37 people had been killed in an Israeli strike on a UN-run school that the Israeli military alleged housed a Hamas compound.

US, Qatari and Egyptian mediators have resumed talks aimed at securing a truce and hostage-prisoner swap in the nearly eight-month war.

But the nation has faced a mounting diplomatic chill, with international court cases accusing it of war crimes and several European countries recognizing a Palestinian state.

US media reported on Monday that Netanyahu had agreed to visit on June 13, but his office told Israeli media the date had "not been finalized" and would not be on that date because it interferes with a Jewish holiday.

Hamas still to give response on Gaza truce plan: Qatar

Updated 07 June 2024

Hamas still to give response on Gaza truce plan: Qatar

  • Qatar, with the United States and Egypt, has been engaged in months of negotiations over details for a ceasefire in Gaza
  • Seeking to restart talks, US President Joe Biden said last week Israel was offering a new three-stage roadmap
  • Earlier on Thursday, a senior Hamas official cast doubt on Biden's proposal as "just words said ... in a speech"

DOHA: Hamas has not given its response on a tabled plan for a ceasefire with Israel in Gaza and an exchange of hostages and prisoners, Qatar's foreign ministry spokesman said Thursday.

"Mediators have not yet received a response from the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) regarding the latest proposal," Majed al-Ansari told Qatar's state news agency.

Hamas had "indicated that it is still studying the proposal", Ansari added, explaining mediation efforts were ongoing.

Qatar, with the United States and Egypt, has been engaged in months of negotiations over details for a ceasefire in Gaza.

But except for a seven-day pause beginning in November, which led to the release of more than 100 hostages, there has been no break in the fighting.

Seeking to restart talks, US President Joe Biden said last week Israel was offering a new three-stage roadmap.

Egypt on Thursday said it had received encouraging signals from Hamas over a potential deal with Israel, according to state-linked Al-Qahera News, citing a high-level source.

The comments came a day after meetings began between Hamas representatives, Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani and Egypt's intelligence chief Abbas Kamel in Doha.

But Beirut-based senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan on Thursday cast doubt on the substance of the framework described by the US president.

"There is no proposal -- they are just words said by Biden in a speech," he said.

"So far, the Americans have not presented anything documented or written that commits them to what Biden said in his speech," he added.

Also on Thursday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry held talks in Cairo with Biden's top Middle East adviser, Brett McGurk.

Sudan army vows harsh response to RSF attack on village, UN calls for probe

Updated 07 June 2024

Sudan army vows harsh response to RSF attack on village, UN calls for probe

  • The attack was the largest in a string of dozens of attacks by RSF soldiers on small villages across the farming state
  • Local activists had claimed the army did not respond to pleas for help on Wednesday

CAIRO/DUBAI: Sudan’s army said on Thursday it would deliver a “harsh response” to an attack a day earlier on a village by the Sudanese paramilitary Rapid Support Forces that pro-democracy activists said killed more than 100 people.
The attack was the largest in a string of dozens of attacks by RSF soldiers on small villages across the farming state after it took control of the capital Wad Madani in December.
Army chief Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan’s statement followed accusations by the local activists that the army did not respond to pleas for help on Wednesday.
The army did not reply to a request for comment.
The top United Nations official in Sudan on Thursday called for an investigation into the attack in Wad Alnouri village in Gezira State in central Sudan.
“Even by the tragic standards of Sudan’s conflict, the images emerging from Wad Al-Noura are heart-breaking,” said UN Humanitarian Coordinator Clementine Nkweta-Salami in a statement.
She cited photos shared on social media by the Wad Madani Resistance Committee, which has been tracking such attacks, showing what it described as dozens of victims wrapped for burial.
The committee said on Thursday that 104 were killed and hundreds injured in Wad Alnouri and that the RSF was moving toward other villages.
“Wad Alnoura village ... witnessed a genocide on Wednesday after the RSF attacked twice,” the committee said in a statement late on Wednesday.
A telecommunications blackout prevented Reuters from reaching medics or residents to verify the details.
The RSF began fighting with the army in April 2023 after disputes over the integration of the two forces, and has since taken over the capital Khartoum and most of western Sudan. It is now seeking to advance into the center, as United Nations agencies say the people of Sudan are at “imminent risk of famine.”
In a statement on Thursday, the RSF said it had attacked army and allied militia bases around Wad Alnoura, losing eight soldiers, and noted inaccurate reports circulating about the incident.
The Wad Madani Resistance Committee accused the RSF on Wednesday of using heavy artillery against civilians, looting and driving women and children to seek refuge in the nearby town of Managil.
“The people of Wad Alnoura called on the army to rescue them, but they shamefully did not respond,” the committee said.
The army-aligned Transitional Sovereign Council condemned the attack.
“These are criminal acts that reflect the systematic behavior of these militias in targeting civilians,” it said in a statement.