Hezbollah, militant group exchange bodies of 14 killed in Arsal fighting

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A picture released by the media office of Lebanon's Shiite militant group Hezbollah on Sunday shows an ambulance convoy of the movement carrying bodies of fighters killed in week-long clashes in the Jurud Arsal border region, as part of a ceasefire deal. (AFP / Hezbollah media office)
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A picture taken on Sunday shows an ambulance convoy of the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah movement entering the village of al-Labweh, part of the Baalbek-Hermel governorate, while returning the bodies of fighters killed in week-long clashes in the Jurud Arsal border region, as part of a ceasefire deal, amid commemorations of the fighters by locals. (AFP)
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A Hezbollah ambulance seen carrying the coffins of bodies of Nusra Front fighters in Labwe, Lebanon, on Sunday. (REUTERS/Hezbollah Media Office handout photo)
Updated 31 July 2017

Hezbollah, militant group exchange bodies of 14 killed in Arsal fighting

BEIRUT: The bodies of 14 fighters have been exchanged in northeast Lebanon under a cease-fire agreement between Hezbollah and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (JFS) militants.
The exchange included nine JFS fighters, and five Hezbollah fighters, including three killed in recent battles in Lebanon, and two killed two years ago in Syria, according to Hezbollah’s military media.
Hezbollah carried the bodies of the JFS militants in wooden coffins, transported in its ambulances to the headquarters of the Lebanese Armed Forces 9th Brigade near Arsal.
The National News Agency (NNA) reported that “the bodies of the JFS fighters were transferred from the Lebanese army barracks to a hospital in Hermel, to be placed in the hospital corpse refrigerators after medical examination, and … remain in the refrigerator until the deal is completed.”
Meanwhile, Lebanese Red Cross ambulances were waiting for the approval to enter the Wadi Hmeid region, which is outside the control of the Lebanese army, to transport the five Hezbollah fighters’ bodies.
Hezbollah’s military media reported that the delay in handing over the bodies of Hezbollah fighters was due to logistical factors, and the time needed to confirm the identity of the two Hezbollah fighters.
It is understood that the JFS militants will not carry the bodies they have retrieved from Hezbollah in convoys to Idlib. An authorized source from one of the refugee camps said that they will bury the bodies in a cemetery dedicated for displaced Syrians in Arsal.
The exchange between the two parties also included the handover of a Syrian woman, Mayada Alloush, who had been detained by the Lebanese military court, a Lebanese judicial source told Arab News.
The same source said that Alloush was arrested months ago on charges of transferring funds to JFS, which was formerly known as Al-Nusra Front and had been linked to Al-Qaeda.
Rima Karnabi, the deputy mayor of Arsal, told Arab News that Alloush, an activist from Al-Qusayr in Syria, used to visit Arsal frequently.
The exchanges on Sunday were part of the first phase of a local cease-fire agreement between Hezbollah and JFS in the barren and mountainous areas close to the Lebanese-Syrian border.
The second phase is expected to consist of moving militants and displaced people from camps in Arsal to Idlib in Syria.
Bassel Al-Hujairi, the mayor of Arsal, told Arab News that the first convoy of JFS militants and their families will head toward Idlib early on Monday morning led by JFS leader Abu Malek Al-Talli.
According to the NNA, the number of those wishing to leave the Syrian camps in Arsal and surrounding barren areas amounts to 10,700 militants and civilians.
The agency said the JFS gave the Lebanese security and international committees the names of 7,800 people wishing to go to Idlib.
According to a representative of the Union of Relief and Development Associations, 3,500 militants from Saraya Ahl Al-Sham are leaving as they had nothing to do with the cease-fire agreement, because they had refrained from fighting Hezbollah and were not classified by the Lebanese army as terrorists.

Qatar and Egypt plan talks with Hamas on Gaza ceasefire: White House

Updated 39 min 39 sec ago

Qatar and Egypt plan talks with Hamas on Gaza ceasefire: White House

  • Sullivan said he had spoken briefly to one of the main interlocutors, Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and that they would speak again about Gaza on Sunday while both are in Switzerland for the Ukraine conference

BUERGENSTOCK, Switzerland: White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Saturday that mediators for Qatar and Egypt plan to engage Hamas militants soon to see if there is a way to push ahead with a Gaza ceasefire proposal offered by US President Joe Biden.
Sullivan spoke to reporters on the sidelines of a Ukraine peace summit and was asked about diplomatic efforts to get an agreement for Hamas to release some hostages held since Oct. 7 in exchange for a ceasefire lasting at least six weeks.
Sullivan said he had spoken briefly to one of the main interlocutors, Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and that they would speak again about Gaza on Sunday while both are in Switzerland for the Ukraine conference.
Hamas has welcomed the ceasefire proposal, but insists any agreement must secure an end to the war, a demand Israel still rejects. Israel described Hamas’s response to the new US peace proposal as total rejection.
Sullivan said that US officials have taken a close look at Hamas’s response.
“We think some of the edits are not unexpected and can be managed. Some of them are inconsistent both with what President Biden laid out and what the UN Security Council endorsed. And we are having to deal with that reality,” he said.
He said US officials believe there remains an avenue to an agreement and that the next step will be for Qatari and Egyptian mediators to talk to Hamas and “go through what can be worked with and what really can’t be worked with.”
“We anticipate a back-and-forth between the mediators and Hamas. We’ll see where we stand at that point. We will keep consulting with the Israelis and then hopefully at some point next week we’ll be able to report to you where we think things stand and what we see as being the next step to try to bring this to closure,” he said.


Beirut airport busy with Eid visitors despite tense security situation

Updated 15 June 2024

Beirut airport busy with Eid visitors despite tense security situation

  • Motorcyclist killed in Israeli drone strike as Hezbollah keeps up retaliatory attacks
  • Festival brings challenges for Lebanese forced to flee their homes

BEIRUT: Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport witnessed an influx of arrivals on Saturday as Lebanese expatriates and tourists ignored the hostilities in the south and traveled to celebrate the Eid Al-Adha holiday.

European embassies had earlier issued warnings against visiting Lebanon because of the tense security situation, but these failed to deter expatriates and visitors, mainly from Iraq and Egypt, arriving for Eid.

On the eve of the holiday, there was a noticeable discrepancy in the prices of sacrificial animals in the Lebanese market, along with an unjustified increase in meat prices.

Majed Eid, secretary of the Syndicate of Butchers, Importers, and Traders of Live Livestock, said that imports of sacrificial animals from abroad had fallen this year compared with previous years.

The security situation in the Tyre area has led to reduced shopping activities as Eid approaches, despite the substantial influx of expatriates who typically boost commercial and economic activity there.

Tyre Traders Association Secretary Ghazwan Halawani said that the preparations for Eid seemed ordinary, with no noticeable improvement in commercial activity, sales, or market visitors.

He attributed the decline to anxiety over military operations on the border and Israeli attacks on civilians.

On the eve of Eid Al-Adha, thousands of families from the southern region headed to their villages near the border despite the hostilities.

Issa, a butcher, planned to spend the holiday with his family, even though his area had been sporadically shelled in the past few months.

“Nothing will happen to us except what God has destined for us,” he said.

The Eid holiday will be challenging for the people of the south, especially those who fled their villages eight months ago.

Eid Al-Adha presents significant challenges for the displaced southerners, with almost 100,000 people forced to leave their villages.

Nabatieh Gov. Hwaida Turk told Arab News that 65 towns in Nabatieh Governorate had been subjected to “systematic shelling and fires due to Israeli attacks.”

Some towns were almost destroyed, she said.

Turk said that residents of the front-line towns, especially in the Marjayoun and Hasbaya areas, did not return for Eid.

However, villages and towns to the rear are crowded with displaced people alongside their original inhabitants.

She said the people in the southern region tried to celebrate Eid with hope despite the difficult economic conditions.

Hezbollah kept up retaliatory attacks on Israel on Saturday, days after an airstrike killed one of its commanders.

Aerial attacks on both sides escalated, with Hezbollah saying that it carried out an attack “with a fleet of suicide drones on the Khirbet Maer base, destroying part of it.”

The attack was in response to the killing of a senior Hezbollah commander, Sami Hassan Taleb, nicknamed Abu Taleb, along with three others, in an Israeli attack on their location in Jouaiyya several days ago.

Israeli Army Radio reported that a fire erupted in the Goren settlement in western Galilee after several Hezbollah drones struck the area.

As part of the escalation, Hezbollah targeted the headquarters of the air surveillance and operations management unit at the Meron base.

Israeli media outlets said that “two anti-armor missiles launched from the Meron base were targeted.”

Hezbollah said that it struck a group of Israeli soldiers at the Hadab Yaron site with a missile, killing or injuring several.

An Israeli military drone strike early on Saturday killed a motorcyclist at the Bint Jbeil–Maroun Ras intersection. Another person was injured in the resulting fire.

The outskirts of Deir Mimas and the Aaziyyeh Hill were subject to phosphorus shelling, causing fires to erupt in forests.

Israeli army spokesperson Avichay Adraee claimed that “an air force plane targeted a Hezbollah vandal in Aitaroun,” adding that “the Israeli army shelled the area with artillery.”



Palestinian teenager killed in West Bank raid

Updated 15 June 2024

Palestinian teenager killed in West Bank raid

  • Israel has killed at least 37,296 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly civilians, according to the territory’s health ministry

RAMALLAH: The Palestinian Health Ministry said Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank on Saturday, as an army official confirmed troops opened fire during a raid.
Sultan Abdul Rahman Khatatbeh, 16, was killed by Israeli fire in the northern West Bank town of Beit Furik, the ministry said in a statement published on Facebook.
Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that two others were injured when Israeli forces stormed the town east of Nablus, “firing live bullets at local residents.”


• Sultan Abdul Rahman Khatatbeh, 16, was killed by Israeli fire in the northern West Bank town of Beit Furik.

• Two others were injured when Israeli forces stormed the town east of Nablus, ‘firing live bullets at local residents.’

An Israeli military official said that troops were operating in the Nablus area when “dozens of suspects hurled rocks at Israeli security forces, who responded with riot dispersal means and live fire.”
“Hits were identified,” the official said.
The West Bank, which Israel has occupied since 1967, has seen a surge in violence for more than a year, particularly since the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza erupted on Oct. 7.
At least 546 Palestinians have been killed in the territory by Israeli troops or settlers since the Gaza war broke out, according to Palestinian officials.
At least 37,296 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military campaign, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.
Also on Saturday, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad said the only way to return Israeli hostages is through Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, ending its offensive and reaching a deal for exchanging Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.
The spokesman of Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian group, made the remarks in a video posted on Telegram.


‘Miscalculation’ could lead to wider Hezbollah-Israel conflict, say UN officials

Updated 15 June 2024

‘Miscalculation’ could lead to wider Hezbollah-Israel conflict, say UN officials

  • “The danger of miscalculation leading to a sudden and wider conflict is very real,” the two officials said
  • The United States and France are working on a negotiated settlement to the hostilities along Lebanon’s southern border

BEIRUT: There is a “very real” risk that a miscalculation along Lebanon’s southern border could trigger a wider conflict between Hezbollah and the Israeli military, two UN officials in Lebanon warned on Saturday.
The United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, and the head of UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, Aroldo Lazaro, said they were “deeply concerned” about the recent escalation along Lebanon’s border.
Iran-backed Hezbollah last week launched the largest volleys of rockets and drones yet in the eight months it has been exchanging fire with the Israeli military, in parallel with the Gaza war.
“The danger of miscalculation leading to a sudden and wider conflict is very real,” the two officials said in a written statement on Saturday.
The United States and France are working on a negotiated settlement to the hostilities along Lebanon’s southern border. Hezbollah says it will not halt fire unless Israel’s military offensive on Gaza stops.

Egyptian president tours Prophet’s biography museum

Updated 15 June 2024

Egyptian president tours Prophet’s biography museum

  • El-Sisi explored the various creative pavilions that illustrate aspects of the Prophet Muhammad’s life

RIYADH: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi visited the International Fair and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization in Madinah, Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

During his tour on Friday, El-Sisi explored the various creative pavilions that illustrate aspects of the Prophet Muhammad’s life.

He viewed the panorama of the prophet’s chamber, which showcases authentic details of its construction and development through to the modern era.

El-Sisi was also introduced to a simulation of the Prophet’s pulpit, displayed through models and smart interactive screens. The exhibition highlighted the Kingdom’s efforts in serving the Qur’an and the Two Holy Mosques.

Expressing his admiration for the exhibition and museum project, El-Sisi extended his gratitude to King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for their efforts and hospitality.