
Sara Al-Mulla

Sara Al-Mulla is an Emirati civil servant with an interest in human development policy and children’s literature. She can be contacted at

Latest published

Education can empower Arab talents to advance climate agendas

The climate threats ravaging countries in the Middle East and North Africa are impacting societies, economies and life as we know it.

May 12, 2023

Greener cities are critical to regional sustainability

From megacities to metropolises, cities of all kinds are experiencing an unprecedented spectrum of threats associated with climate change, necessitating a serious debate on the importance of transitioning toward greener cities in order to remain sustainable and resilient.

June 25, 2022

Governments must work to make labor markets more resilient

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that bolstering resilience should be a priority for governments in the coming years.

May 21, 2022