
Ahmed Bilal Mehboob

Ahmed Bilal Mehboob is the president of Pakistan-based think tank, PILDAT.

Twitter: @ABMPildat

Latest published

Pakistan’s parliament in three years of PTI rule

Both the fifteenth National Assembly of Pakistan and the PTI-led federal government completed their three years just five days apart; the assembly on August 12 and the government on August 17, 2021.

August 31, 2021

India’s UNSC presidency and why it won’t hurt Pakistan

Ordinarily, the election of a country as President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) should be a routine affair and not merit much discussion but there are reasons that the recent election of India to this coveted position for the month of August is being debated.

August 12, 2021

Preparing to govern in Pakistan: the case for shadow cabinets

Prime Minister Imran Khan recently invited a great deal of criticism by admitting that he and his party, PTI, were not ready to govern the country when they won the election in July 2018, because his team was inexperienced and unaware of the real issues of governance. 

January 03, 2021