Marawi prays for peace as Philippine military plans ‘final push’

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Residents gather at the Marawi campus of Mindanao State University (MSU) to commemorate Eid Al-Adha on Friday.
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Government troops march on August 30, 2017 toward Mapandi bridge after 100 days of intense fighting between soldiers and insurgents from the Maute group, who have taken over parts of Marawi city, southern Philippines. (REUTERS/Froilan Gallardo)
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An Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) and government troops stand on guard in front of damaged buildings and houses after 100 days of intense fighting between soldiers against insurgents from the Maute group, who have taken over parts of Marawi city, southern Philippines, on August 30, 2017. (REUTERS/Froilan Gallardo)
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Government troops stand on guard on August 30, 2017 in front of damaged buildings and houses after 100 days of intense fighting between soldiers against Maute group militants, who have taken over parts of Marawi city, southern Philippines. (REUTERS/Froilan Gallardo)
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Philippine soldiers on board armored personnel carriers move past damaged buildings in the Mapandi area of Marawi on the southern island of Mindanao on August 30, 2017, as fighting between government troops and pro-Daesh militants entered its 300th day. (AFP / Ferdinandh Cabrera)
Updated 01 September 2017

Marawi prays for peace as Philippine military plans ‘final push’

MANILA: Marawi residents on Friday prayed for peace during observance of Eid Al-Adha, as the military plans its final offensive to clear the city from the Daesh-inspired Maute group.

Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla, spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), said government troops temporarily ceased fire out of respect to the Muslim religious holiday.

“We paused fighting with due respect as our Muslim brothers and sisters held their morning prayers,” Padilla told Arab News.

President Rodrigo Duterte has declared Sept. 1 a regular holiday in observance of the Muslim festival.

Thousands of residents gathered at the Marawi campus of Mindanao State University (MSU) to commemorate Eid Al-Adha. Padilla said the feast was also observed in evacuation centers and safe zones in the city.

“At 6:20 a.m., we went to the MSU because the Eid prayer was performed there. It was a nice and peaceful Eid,” resident Fatheema Aisha bint Barani told Arab News, adding that after the morning prayers, airstrikes against Maute resumed. “We heard so many explosions,” she said.

Media reports quoted Muslim leaders in the area as saying turnout at the MSU was lower than usual for Eid Al-Adha due to the ongoing conflict.

Padilla said the military is “on clearing operations and final offensives,” but did not give a timeframe for the full liberation of the city from Maute.

“We don’t know how long it will take to clear the remaining areas where the enemy is holding out” in heavily fortified buildings, he added.

“We still have to clear less than 300 structures, including the most heavily built structures, and two small mosques.”

Padilla said an operation against Maute on Thursday, which left three soldiers dead and 52 others wounded, was one of the military’s toughest. Five Maute fighters were also killed.

The latest casualties raised the death toll among troops to 136 since the crisis broke out on May 23.

The military said it has retaken a strategic bridge at the Bonggolo commercial district in Marawi, which will facilitate supplies and reinforcements.

The AFP urged the public to continue showing support for government troops, and to “unceasingly pray for an early resolution of the Marawi conflict.”

An AFP statement read: “Our troops are doing their best and working overtime to end hostilities with the hope of rescuing the remaining hostages and expediting the road to normalcy of the City of Marawi.”

The AFP added: “We owe it to each and every peace-loving Filipino to liberate Marawi at the soonest possible time from the clutches of the remaining terrorists who continue to defy our laws.”

Col. Romeo Brawner, Joint Task Force Marawi deputy commander, said the final offensive must be carried out with utmost care to ensure the safety of hostages.

There are indications that Maute will use them as human shields or suicide bombers, he said, adding that troops recovered a vest packed with explosives in an area previously held by the terrorist group.

German rescue team finds 10 bodies of suspected migrants off Italy's Lampedusa island.

Updated 4 sec ago

German rescue team finds 10 bodies of suspected migrants off Italy's Lampedusa island.

ROME: Rescue workers found 10 bodies of suspected migrants below the deck of a wooden boat off Italy’s tiny Lampedusa island on Monday, the German aid group Resqship said, as the Italian coast guard searched for missing people from another vessel shipwrecked off the country's southern coast.
The crew aboard Resqship’s boat, the Nadir, “is currently caring for 51 people. The rescue came too late for 10 people,” the group said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.
“A total of 61 people were on the wooden boat, which was full of water. Our crew was able to evacuate 51 people, two of whom were unconscious – they had to be cut free with an axe,” it added. “The 10 dead are in the flooded lower deck of the boat.”
The other search and rescue operation off the Calabrian coast started following a Mayday call by a French boat, sailing about 120 miles (193.12 kilometers) from Italian shores, at the limit of the SAR areas under the jurisdiction of Greece and Italy, the Italian Coast Guard said in a statement.
After reporting the presence of the half-sunken boat, rescuers recovered 12 migrants from the vessel. The survivors were brought to the Calabrian port of Roccella Jonica, where they were disembarked and entrusted to the care of medical personnel.
One of the migrants died soon after, the coast guard said. It was not immediately clear the number of missing people from that boat.
The Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (IMRCC) of the coast guard in Rome immediately diverted two merchant vessels sailing nearby to the scene of the rescue. Assets from the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex also helped.

Putin extends defense ministry purge, hands job to a relative

Updated 1 min 31 sec ago

Putin extends defense ministry purge, hands job to a relative

  • More than two years into the war in Ukraine, Putin has used the changes to signal that he wants to clear out wastage and corruption

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin sacked four deputy defense ministers on Monday and appointed a relative to fill one of the resulting vacancies.
The reshuffle marked the latest stage in a radical shakeout which Putin launched in May when he unexpectedly removed his longstanding defense minister Sergei Shoigu.
More than two years into the war in Ukraine, Putin has used the changes to signal that he wants to clear out wastage and corruption in the ministry and harness Russia’s war economy more effectively to serve the needs of soldiers at the front.
In the latest changes, Putin sacked deputy defense ministers Nikolai Pankov, Ruslan Tsalikov, Tatiana Shevtsova and Pavel Popov, according to Kremlin decrees.
He appointed Anna Tsivileva, the daughter of his late cousin, as a deputy defense minister whose responsibilities will include improving social and housing support for military personnel. Her husband Sergei Tsivilev is Russia’s energy minister.
Putin had previously appointed Tsivileva as head of a state fund to support participants of Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.
Leonid Gornin, previously first deputy finance minister, will now serve as first deputy defense minister under Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, an economist with no military experience who was named last month to replace Shoigu.
Gornin’s main tasks are “to increase the transparency of financial flows and ensure efficient spending of budget funds,” the defense ministry said.
Also named as deputy defense ministers were Oleg Savelyev and Pavel Fradkov, the son of former Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov. Fradkov will oversee the management of property, land and construction relating to the military.
Another former deputy defense minister, Timur Ivanov, was arrested on April 23 and accused of bribe-taking. Since then, four other top officials at the ministry and general staff have been arrested on the same charges in the biggest corruption scandal to hit the Russian government in years.

Low snow on the Himalayas threatens water security — study

Updated 56 min 6 sec ago

Low snow on the Himalayas threatens water security — study

  • While snow levels fluctuate each year, scientists say climate change is driving erratic rainfall and shifting weather patterns
  • Snow and ice crucial water source for around 240 million people in mountainous regions, 1.65 billion people in the river valleys below

KATMANDU: Millions of people dependent on Himalayan snowmelt for water face a “very serious” risk of shortages this year after one of the lowest rates of snowfall, scientists warned Monday.

Snowmelt is the source of about a quarter of the total water flow of 12 major river basins that originate high in the region, the report said.

“This is a wake-up call for researchers, policymakers, and downstream communities,” said report author Sher Muhammad, from the Nepal-based International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).

“Lower accumulation of snow and fluctuating levels of snow pose a very serious increased risk of water shortages, particularly this year.”

Snow and ice on the Himalayas are a crucial water source for around 240 million people in the mountainous regions, as well as for another 1.65 billion people in the river valleys below, according to ICIMOD.

While snow levels fluctuate each year, scientists say climate change is driving erratic rainfall and shifting weather patterns.

The report measured “snow persistence” — the time snow remains on the ground — with levels dropping almost a fifth below normal this year across the wider Hindu Kush and Himalaya region.

“This year’s snow persistence (18.5 percent below normal) is the second-lowest in the past 22 years, narrowly trailing the record low of 19 percent set in 2018,” Muhammad told AFP.

As well as Nepal, the inter-governmental ICIMOD organization includes member countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar and Pakistan.

The report warned that ICIMOD “observations and projections indicate significant changes in the timing and intensity of stream flows,” with snow a key part.

“Snow plays a particularly important role in ensuring seasonal water availability,” it added.

The organization has been monitoring snow in the region for over two decades, noting that 2024 marked a “significant anomaly.”

The Ganges river basin, which flows through India, had the “lowest snow persistence” that ICIMOD has recorded, 17 percent below average, worse than the 15 percent in 2018.

The Helmand river basin in Afghanistan recorded its second-lowest snow persistence levels, 32 percent below normal.

The Indus river basin was down 23 percent below normal levels, while the Brahmaputra river basin, which ends in Bangladesh, had snow persistence “notably below normal” at 15 percent.

Miriam Jackson, senior cryosphere specialist at ICIMOD, urged authorities to “take proactive measures to address possible drought situations.”

Indian suspect in plot to kill Sikh separatist extradited to US

Updated 19 min 18 sec ago

Indian suspect in plot to kill Sikh separatist extradited to US

  • Man accused over murder-for-hire plot extradited from Czech Republic
  • Alleged plot targeted Sikh separatist resident in US, India denies involvement 

WASHINGTON/PRAGUE: An Indian man suspected by the US of involvement in an unsuccessful plot to kill a Sikh separatist on American soil has been extradited to the United States from the Czech Republic, the Czech justice minister said on Monday.

Nikhil Gupta has been accused by US federal prosecutors of plotting with an Indian government official to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a US. resident who advocated for a sovereign Sikh state in northern India.

Gupta traveled to Prague from India last June and was arrested by Czech authorities. Last month, a Czech court rejected his petition to avoid being sent to the US, clearing the way for the Czech justice minister to extradite him.

“On the basis of my decision on (June 3), the Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta, who is suspected of conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire with intent to cause death, was extradited to the US on Friday (June 14) for criminal prosecution,” Czech Justice Minister Pavel Blazek said on social media platform X.

The comments confirmed an earlier Reuters story reporting on the extradition that cited the federal Bureau of Prisons website and a source familiar with the matter.

An inmate search by name on the Bureau of Prisons website showed on Sunday that Gupta, 52, was being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, a federal administrative detention facility.

A US Justice Department spokesperson declined to comment. Gupta’s US-based lawyer, attorney Jeffrey Chabrowe, had no immediate comment.

Over a dozen people were killed and tens injured after a freight train smashed into the back of a stationary passenger train in India’s West Bengal state on Monday,


The discovery of alleged assassination plots against Sikh separatists in the US and Canada has tested relations with India, seen by Western nations as a counter to China’s rising global influence. India’s government denies involvement in such plots.

Canada said in September its intelligence agencies were pursuing allegations linking India’s government to the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June 2023 in Canada.

In November, US authorities said an Indian government official had directed the plot in the attempted murder of Pannun, who is a US and Canadian citizen. Gupta is accused of involvement in that plot.

Pannun told Reuters on Sunday that while the extradition was a welcome step, “Nikhil Gupta is just a foot soldier.” He alleged that those who hired Gupta were senior members of the Indian government who act on the direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

India’s government has dissociated itself from the plot against Pannun, saying it was against government policy. It has said it would formally investigate security concerns raised by Washington.

New Delhi has long complained about Sikh separatist groups outside India, viewing them as security threats. The groups have kept alive the movement for Khalistan, or the demand for an independent Sikh state to be carved out of India.

Last month, Washington said it was satisfied so far with India’s moves to ensure accountability in the alleged plots, but added that many steps still needed to be taken.

Train crash in eastern India kills 15, injures dozens

Updated 17 June 2024

Train crash in eastern India kills 15, injures dozens

  • Accident blamed on freight driver disregarding signal
  • Incident reflects government negligence, opposition leader says

KOLKATA: A freight train smashed into the rear of a stationary passenger train in India’s West Bengal state on Monday, killing at least 15 people and injuring dozens, police said, in an accident that railway authorities blamed on driver error.

Media showed images of the pile-up, with containers from the goods train strewn nearby, and one carriage left nearly vertical after the accident, which comes just over a year after a signalling error caused one of India’s worst rail crashes.

Fifteen bodies were pulled from the mangled carriages, Abhishek Roy, a senior police official in the eastern state’s district of Darjeeling, the site of the accident, told Reuters.

Fifty-four people were injured and rescue teams from the police and national disaster response force were working to clear debris from the derailed carriages, Roy added.

The goods train hit the Kanchanjunga Express traveling to Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, from the northeastern state of Tripura, driving three carriages of the passenger train off the rails.

It was not immediately clear how many passengers were on board at the time.

Rescuers used iron rods and ropes to work free one carriage of the passenger train that had been swept upwards to lodge on the roof of the freight train by the impact of the collision.

The dead included the driver of the freight train and a guard on the passenger train, Jaya Varma Sinha, the head of the railway board that runs the countrywide network, told reporters.

The accident happened after the driver of the freight train disregarded a signal, Sinha added.

Rescue work has been completed, Sinha said, and authorities are working to restore traffic, with the damage less extensive than initially feared.

“The guard’s compartment in the passenger train was badly damaged,” she added. “There were two parcel vans attached ahead of it which reduced the extent of damage to passengers.”

Nearby residents heard a loud crash and saw the pile-up upon going to investigate, several told the ANI news agency, in which Reuters has a minority stake.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered condolences on the loss of life and said Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw was on his way to the site.

About 288 people died a year ago in the neighboring state of Odisha, in India’s worst rail crash in more than two decades, caused by a signal failure.\

Opposition parties criticized Modi’s government for its record on rail safety.

“The increase in railway accidents in the last 10 years is a direct result of the mismanagement and negligence of the Modi government, which results in loss of lives and property of passengers on a daily basis,” Modi’s main opponent and Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi said in a post on X.