KSRelief distributes aid to quake-hit cities in Turkiye and Syria 

KSRelief distributed aid in Koylu, Adana, where over 6,000 individuals have been displaced. (SPA)
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Updated 28 February 2023

KSRelief distributes aid to quake-hit cities in Turkiye and Syria 

RIYADH: The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) distributed food and shelter aid to people affected by the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria, the Saudi Press Agency said Monday.

KSRelief distributed aid in Koylu, Adana, Türkiye, where over 6,000 individuals have been displaced. 

In Syria, KSRelief distributed 2,264 blankets and 2,264 mattresses in the Jindires town, Aleppo Governorate, in Syria, to 3,142 individuals who were affected by the recent earthquake.

Elsewhere, the Saudi charity has continued its efforts to distribute food parcels to people affected by floods and the neediest families in Afghanistan.

On Sunday, a thousand food parcels were distributed in Mihtarlam, Laghman Province, Afghanistan, benefiting 6,000 people.

In Yemen, KSRelief dismantle 882 mines planted by the Houthi militia in various Yemeni regions during the third week of February.

KSRelief has a project called “Masam” aimed at clearing Yemeni lands of mines.

Saudi leaders congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s new president

Updated 05 June 2024

Saudi leaders congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s new president

RIYADH: Saudi leaders congratulated Mexico’s new president on Tuesday, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

King Salman, and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent separate cables of congratulations to Claudia Sheinbaum who won a landslide victory in Sunday’s presidential election to become Mexico’s first woman leader.

The king and crown prince expressed their best wishes for her success, and for the Mexican people, wishing them continued progress and prosperity.

Sheinbaum has promised to continue the political course set by her populist predecessor.

— with Reuters, AP

Saudi transport authority prepares 27,000 buses for pilgrims

Updated 05 June 2024

Saudi transport authority prepares 27,000 buses for pilgrims

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Transport General Authority confirmed that over 27,000 buses are set to ferry pilgrims around the holy sites during this year’s Hajj.

The authority said more than 3,500 buses will transport pilgrims to and from the Grand Mosque via 16 routes with 11 stops and stations.

The authority also allocated 355 buses for transportation throughout Makkah and 27 buses in Madinah.

Passengers were requested to abide by rules designed to maintain a pleasant travel environment, including not smoking or eating in undesignated areas, nor engaging in loud phone conversations during transport, which may be disruptive to others.

The authority will also compensate passengers when a bus is delayed for more than an hour on rides that are more than three hours long.

When that happens, passengers will be offered free meals and refreshments, in addition to receiving information about how to make complaints and inquiries.

Authorities detain 8 suspects for transporting 28 people not permitted to perform Hajj

Updated 05 June 2024

Authorities detain 8 suspects for transporting 28 people not permitted to perform Hajj

  • Offenders stopped for breaching rules and regulations
  • Suspects will spend 15 days in detention, pay fine for each violator transported

MAKKAH: The Interior Ministry has announced that Hajj Security Forces have apprehended eight suspects at Makkah’s entrances for transporting 28 people who did not have Hajj permits, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Tuesday.
The suspects — three non-Saudis and five from the Kingdom — were stopped for breaching Hajj rules and regulations after transporting violators who had failed to obtain permits required to perform Hajj.
The General Directorate of Passports’ seasonal administrative committees issued administrative decisions against the offenders, who will each serve 15 days in prison and pay a fine of SR10,000 ($2,666) for each violator transported.
The offenders will also be named and shamed and the non-Saudis will be deported after serving their prison terms.
Authorities have also impounded three vehicles which were used to transport the violators.
The ministry has called on all citizens and expatriates to abide by Hajj rules, regulations and instructions so that all pilgrims enjoy a safe, secure and comfortable time performing Hajj rituals.

Saudi tourism minister meets with his Honduran counterpart

Updated 04 June 2024

Saudi tourism minister meets with his Honduran counterpart

Saudi Tourism Minister Ahmed Al-Khateeb met with his Honduran counterpart Yadira Gomez, the Saudi minister reported on X on Tuesday.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed ways to strengthen cooperation on tourism.

Saudi Vice Minister for Tourism Princess Haifa bint Mohammed was also present during the meeting, along with other officials.

Canadian doctor reminisces spearheading medical milestone in Riyadh in the 80s

Updated 04 June 2024

Canadian doctor reminisces spearheading medical milestone in Riyadh in the 80s

  • Dr. Andrew Padmos built and managed a hematology and oncology clinical program at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre

RIYADH: A driver of healthcare innovation, Dr. Andrew Padmos built and managed a hematology and oncology clinical program at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, establishing the first bone marrow transplant program in the Middle East during his 15-year tenure in the Kingdom that started in 1978.

“We left Canada in September of that year (1978) with two small boys, aged 2 and 4, and came to Riyadh at that time for what we thought was one or two years. We found it a marvelous place to live, to work, and to raise a family. We stayed for 15 years,” Padmos, a physician and hematologist, told Arab News.

“As a family, we felt very welcome. We were treated very well, not only by the hospital but in the community. And we felt obviously safe. Our children went to preschool at that time. Later they attended international schools,” he said.

Padmos and his wife had their third son in Saudi Arabia. Their children attended the British school in Riyadh and later the American school. 

Discussing his professional career in medicine, he described as “exciting” the work he did at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre.

“I was the only hematologist … in the hospital. In fact, I think I was the only hematologist in the Kingdom. I became very busy very quickly with patients with leukemias, lymphomas, and other disorders,” he said. “We developed, I think, sophisticated medical services.

“I was fortunate at King Faisal Specialist that we were not limited in our vision or our resources, so we were able to accommodate patients with (more) advanced medication, advanced treatment available (than) other places in the world. And we were constantly in touch with other centers of advanced medical care,” he recalled.

In 1982, Padmos spearheaded a major milestone in the Kingdom’s health sector. He approached the head of King Faisal Hospital and presented the idea of conducting life-saving bone marrow transplants within the Kingdom rather than sending patients abroad. 

“I made a point that we were sending patients out to the US and the UK for bone marrow transplantation. And the head of the hospital said, ‘If we can do it here, please go ahead and set it up.’ And nine months later, we did the first bone marrow transplant, and that would be earlier than in many countries around the world,” Padmos said.

“It was in 1983 that the first transplant was done. And, now at King Faisal Specialist, they do more than 100 a year,” he added. 

Discussing the Kingdom’s early ambitions to be a driver in healthcare development, Padmos said: “The speed of development, the enthusiasm to develop and advance medical technology was always with us. And happily, the resources were available to make it happen.”

When asked what the most significant aspect of his career in the Kingdom was, he said: “The patients probably are the most significant thing in my career, to work with so many young, old, and deserving patients. They were so gracious … They had a religious and cultural acceptance of the medical situation.”

He also acknowledged the dedicated efforts of the nurses he worked with during his tenure, who came from around the world.  

Reflecting on the accomplishments and milestones he helped achieve in healthcare, Padmos humbly added: “I was lucky to be in the right place and to be with the right leaders”

As a part of his efforts to enhance the Saudi health sector for generations to come, Padmos assisted in facilitating a training program for Saudi students to learn from leading experts in hematology and oncology in Canada.

After helping set up the program, there are now 1,000 Saudi physicians undergoing their advanced post-graduate training in Canada.

“It’s a program that’s been going now for 40 years, and many, maybe even the majority, of the advanced positions in the Kingdom are filled by Saudi physicians who trained in Canada. And I was very happy and lucky to be at the beginning of that process,” Padmos said.

The doctor commended the King Abdullah Scholarship program, which he said sent 600,000 young Saudis “out all over the world.”

He added: “(It is) probably one of the most, impressive, most extensive social engineering and transformation projects the world has ever seen, in (terms) of dedicating so much effort and so many resources to … training young people outside the country.”

Padmos left the Kingdom in 1993 and went on to become the head of the cancer center and program at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, where he worked for five years.

Within that timeframe, he made multiple visits to the Kingdom to meet with patients who wanted him to come back and reconnect.

“In 2006, I joined the Royal College of Physicians Surgeons of Canada as the chief executive, and the first people to knock on the door were from the Saudi Cultural Bureau to try and expand the number of Saudi medical trainees in Canada,” he recalled.

During that time, Padmos said there would be a greater capacity for sending Canada’s educators to Saudi Arabia to work with local hospitals.

“We started a collaboration and an accreditation. And now in several of the postgraduate programs, Saudi physicians can do their training in Saudi Arabia,” he said.

“We’ve created a bridge, a very long bridge, from Canada to Saudi Arabia, based on the same standards for specialty certification of physicians in many disciplines. And that program is continuing and growing year by year.”

Padmos highlighted the many changes he has witnessed since returning to the Kingdom in 2024 for the KSA-Canada Education Forum in Riyadh.

“The … country has entirely become more modernized and more developed,” he said. “When I came and we moved into our townhouse at King Faisal Specialist Hospital, we were at the edge of the city. It was nothing but desert and some survey blocks beyond that and to the airport — 25 km of nothing.

“Now, of course, that’s totally built up. The population is big. So dramatic changes there, dramatic changes in the capability, the confidence, and the enthusiasm of young people (who) still respect … their teachers. So, these strong cultural roots are still evident, but there is a modern overtone. More women are now advancing their careers outside of the home, in medicine, in other specialties.”

Padmos is currently working to link up Saudi and Canadian institutions for training nurses.

“There’s been a social transformation, commitment to education, to excellence, and to real enterprise that I think is so gratifying, so impressive. And I hope we can bring many more Canadians here so they can see and participate in this development process. I think it strengthens everything we do in Canada,” he said.