McCullum wants England to play aggressively in Pakistan

England's head coach Brendon McCullum walks on the pitch ahead of play on the fourth day of the third Test cricket match between England and South Africa at The Oval, in London, on September 11, 2022. (AFP)
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Updated 29 November 2022

McCullum wants England to play aggressively in Pakistan

  • Under McCullum, England showed plenty of aggression in Test cricket at home this summer
  • Visitors have plenty of flare in middle-order with the likes of Stokes, Livingstone and Brook

RAWALPINDI: England coach Brendon McCullum aims to continue playing an aggressive brand of test cricket when his team takes on Pakistan in a three-test series starting Thursday.

Under McCullum, England showed plenty of aggression in the longer format of the game at home this summer when it routed coach’s home country New Zealand 3-0 and beat South Africa 2-1.

“One of the things we try and do is respect the conditions but at the same time if we are given the opportunity to try and play aggressive and attacking cricket, we’ll try and take that option,” McCullum told reporters on Monday as England had its first training session at the Pindi Cricket Stadium — the venue for the first test.

“The guys who are in our squad, that’s how they play their cricket and that’s what gives them the most amount of freedom and the best opportunity to perform at the highest level.”

England has plenty of flare in its middle-order with the likes of captain Ben Stokes, Liam Livingstone and Harry Brook to score at a rapid pace with experienced Joe Root also showing glimpses of aggression at home in this summer.

McCullum was excited that his team will be taking up the challenge of playing in Pakistan for the first time since 2005. Only veteran James Anderson has experience of the conditions when he toured with the team 17 years ago.

“We understand the size of the challenge in front of us,” he said. “You don’t want easy challenges. You want to take on the best in their own conditions … I don’t know if we’re going to win the series. I can almost guarantee when the skipper comes in here in 48 hours’ time he’ll say there’ll be no draws in the series.

“To win away from home is the greatest accomplishment you can achieve as a test player and as a test side.”

The opener at Rawalpindi will be followed by matches at Multan (Dec. 9-13) and Karachi (Dec. 17-21), with big crowds expected for each. England drew large crowds for a seven-match series in Karachi and Lahore in September and October prior to the T20 World Cup in Australia, where it beat Pakistan in the final.

“That’s what we want from red-ball cricket all around the world, stadiums packed out and fans getting behind their local team,” McCullum said.

“We’re lucky that the crowd here is sold out and that’s kind of what we want. The skipper (Stokes) wants them to be rockstars and to be a rockstar you’ve got to play in front of the big houses. We’ve got that opportunity to do that.”

The home team will be without its key fast bowler Shaheen Afridi, who is ruled out of the series because of a knee injury, but McCullum said Pakistan still has plenty of talented players.

“He’s (Afridi) a big loss, no doubt,” McCullum said. “But one thing when you play against Pakistan, you look at their team sheet and you see talent. It’s a very good Pakistan squad, it’s well-rounded, it’s got some experience and some youth, with both batting and bowling, and they’ll be a tough challenge. We know we’ll have to play well if we’re going to be successful.”

Pakistan has plenty of surprises up in its sleeves, especially in the bowling department as it has named uncapped fast bowlers Haris Rauf, Mohammad Ali and mystery spinner Abrar Ahmed in its 18-man squad for the test series.

Unusually high temperatures in Pakistan lead to rapid melting of glaciers, threaten lives

Updated 7 sec ago

Unusually high temperatures in Pakistan lead to rapid melting of glaciers, threaten lives

  • Pakistan is home to more than 7,253 glaciers, containing more glacial ice than any other country on earth outside polar regions
  • Officials, experts believe climate change is behind swift melting of glaciers that could affect regular water availability in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Unusually high temperatures in Pakistan’s northern areas have resulted in rapid melting of glaciers, officials and experts said on Friday, warning that the prolonged phenomenon could lead to water shortages and threaten lives in the longer run.
The South Asian country of 241 million is home to more than 7,253 known glaciers, and contains more glacial ice than any other country on earth outside the polar regions. Almost all these glaciers lie in the northern region of Gilgit-Baltistan and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
The glaciers are an essential source and provide around 70 percent of fresh water for Pakistan that flows into the rivers, supplying drinking water to humans, ecological habitats and for agricultural activity, and even powers electricity, according to the Green Network. But recent heatwaves and above normal temperatures are causing the snow to melt faster.
“The glaciers are our water bank and a lifeline for the whole country, but the high temperatures and climate change are resulting in their fast melting,” Dr. Zaheer Ahmed Babar, a director at the Pakistan Meteorological Department, told Arab News.
“The ratio of snow melting and subsequent water flow in the rivers are comparatively high as temperatures in the northern regions have recorded an increase of four to five degrees Celsius this month. In the longer run, if the phenomenon of high temperatures persists in the northern regions, our snow accumulation on the glaciers may lead to depletion and cause water shortages across Pakistan.”
Pakistan is currently witnessing a heatwave, with temperatures this week soaring above 52 degrees Celsius in the country’s southern regions, according to the PMD.
Babar said extreme weather patterns in Pakistan were getting prolonged with the passage of time, resulting in floods, heatwaves and a rise in seawater level, adding that the mercury was expected to drop after June 15 with the advent of the pre-monsoon rains.
Following an increased waterflow in rivers this month, the Indus River System Authority (IRSA) has increased the share of water for all provinces, bridging shortages for drinking and agriculture purposes.
“There are no water shortages now as we have been providing water to all the provinces as per their actual demand,” Khalid Idrees Rana, an operations director at IRSA, told Arab News.
“Our rivers are swelling at the moment due to the increased waterflow from the melting glaciers. The unusual high temperatures in the area are resulting in increased waterflow.”
Rana said the authority was providing 140,000 cusecs each to Punjab and Sindh provinces, 11,000 cusecs to Balochistan and 3,000 cusecs to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
“The increased waterflows in rivers are good for agriculture in the short term, but this could be dangerous in the longer term as we need a sustainable supply of water from our glaciers the whole year,” he said.
Experts have linked the increase in melting of glaciers to adverse impacts of climate change and called on people to adapt to sustainable use of water, especially in the agriculture sector, to conserve the precious resource.
“The fast glacier-melting is obviously the climate change phenomenon, and Pakistan needs to mobilize a global effort to mitigate its impacts through reduction in carbon emissions,” Dr. Qamar Zaman, a lead author of Pakistan’s national climate change policy, told Arab News.
“We need to ensure sustainable use of water by discouraging flood irrigation as the swift glaciers melting could affect regular water availability in the country.”

Voting begins in the last round of India’s election, a referendum on Modi’s decade in power

Updated 6 min 50 sec ago

Voting begins in the last round of India’s election, a referendum on Modi’s decade in power

  • The seventh round of voting in 57 constituencies across seven states, one union territory will complete polling for all 543 seats in parliament
  • If Modi wins, he’ll be only the second Indian leader to retain power for a third term after Jawaharlal Nehru, the country’s first prime minister

NEW DELHI: Indians began voting Saturday in the last round of a six-week-long national election that is a referendum on Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decade in power.
The election is considered one of the most consequential in India’s history. If Modi wins, he’ll be only the second Indian leader to retain power for a third term after Jawaharlal Nehru, the country’s first prime minister.
The seventh round of voting in 57 constituencies across seven states and one union territory will complete polling for all 543 seats in the powerful lower house of parliament. Nearly 970 million voters — more than 10 percent of the world’s population — were eligible to elect a new parliament for five years. More than 8,300 candidates ran for the office.
Most polls show Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party leading over the broad opposition alliance that’s challenging them, led by the Congress party. The votes will be counted Tuesday, with results expected by the end of the day.
Modi’s campaign, vying for a third-straight term, began on a platform of economic progress. He promised to uplift the poor and turn India into a developed nation by 2047. But it has turned increasingly shrill in recent weeks as he escalated polarizing rhetoric in back-to-back incendiary speeches that targeted the country’s Muslim minority, who make up 14 percent of India’s 1.4 billion people.
On Thursday, after finishing his election campaign, Modi went to meditate at a memorial site honoring a famous Hindu saint who is believed to have attained enlightenment there.
When the election kicked off in April, Modi and his BJP were widely expected to clinch another term.
Since first coming to power in 2014, Modi has enjoyed immense popularity. His supporters see him as a self-made, strong leader who has improved India’s standing in the world, and credit his pro-business policies with making the economy the world’s fifth-largest.
At the same time, his rule has seen brazen attacks and hate speech against minorities, particularly Muslims. India’s democracy, his critics say, is faltering and Modi has increasingly blurred the line between religion and state.
But as the campaign ground on, his party has faced stiff resistance from the opposition alliance and its main face, Rahul Gandhi of the Congress party. They have attacked Modi over his Hindu nationalist politics and are hoping to benefit from growing economic discontent.
Pre-poll surveys showed that voters were increasingly worried about unemployment, the rise in food prices and an overall sentiment that only a small portion of Indians have benefitted despite brisk economic growth under Modi, making the contest appear closer than initially anticipated.
In this election, Modi’s BJP — which controls much of India’s Hindi-speaking northern and central parts — sought to expand their influence by making inroads into the country’s eastern and southern states, where regional parties hold greater sway.
The BJP also banked on consolidating votes among the Hindu majority, who make up 80 percent of the population, after Modi opened a long-demanded Hindu temple on the site of a razed mosque in January. Many saw it as the unofficial start of his campaign, but analysts said the excitement over the temple may not be enough to yield votes.
Instead, Modi ramped up anti-Muslim rhetoric after voter turnout dipped slightly below 2019 figures in the first few rounds of the 2024 polls.
This was seen as a tactic to energize his core Hindu voter base. But analysts say it also reflected the lack of any big-ticket national issue to help Modi propel his BJP to electoral victory, as he has done previously.
In 2014, Modi’s status as a political outsider cracking down on deep-rooted corruption won over voters disillusioned with decades of dynastic politics. And in 2019, he swept the polls on a wave of nationalism after his government launched airstrikes into rival Pakistan in response to a suicide bombing in Kashmir that killed 40 Indian soldiers.
But things are different this time, analysts say, giving Modi’s political challengers a potential boost.
“The opposition somehow managed to derail his plan by setting the narrative to local issues, like unemployment and the economy. This election, people are voting keeping various issues in mind,” said Rasheed Kidwai, a political analyst.

Pakistan with help from Interpol arrest woman convicted of murder in Italy, police say

Updated 24 min 36 sec ago

Pakistan with help from Interpol arrest woman convicted of murder in Italy, police say

  • Nazia Shaheen was arrested in a village in Pakistan-administered Kashmir and was presented before a judge in Islamabad on Friday
  • Shaheen, her husband and an uncle were convicted of murdering Saman Abbas, a Pakistani woman who refused to marry her cousin

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani police working closely with Interpol have raided a home in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir and arrested a Pakistani woman convicted in Italy of killing her daughter, officials said Friday.
Nazia Shaheen was arrested in a village in Pakistan-administered Kashmir on Thursday and was presented before a judge in Islamabad on Friday, officials at the Federal Investigation Agency and the police said.
Islamabad police confirmed the arrest, and other Pakistani officials said that Interpol helped police in tracing the woman.
Officials say Pakistan’s government will soon start the process to extradite her to Italy, where a court last year convicted Shaheen, her husband and an uncle of murdering Saman Abbas, an 18-year-Pakistani woman.
The woman was killed after she refused her family’s demands to marry a cousin in their homeland.
Arranged marriages are the norm among many conservative Pakistanis, and hundreds of women are killed every year in so-called honor killings carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behavior.
Abbas’ body was dug up in November 2022 in an abandoned farmhouse near the fields where her father worked in northern Italy — a year and a half after she was last seen alive on surveillance video walking near the same fields with her parents. Italian police had said she was was killed by her family on May 1, 2021.
Her parents flew from Milan to Pakistan after the murder.
Since then, Pakistani police had been trying to trace Shaheen, whose husband Shabbar Abbas was arrested in Pakistan in 2022. He was later extradited to Italy, where a court convicted and sentenced him to life in prison in 2023.
Shaheen was tried in absentia and sentenced to life in prison.
Abbas’ uncle, Danish Hasnain, was handed a 14-year prison term by a court in Reggio Emilia.
Italy has already concluded that Abbas’ two cousins weren’t guilty of killing her and the were released from jail. The slain woman’s father, who was extradited from Pakistan in August, professed his innocence during a tearful statement to the court before deliberations.
The trial was the most high-profile of several criminal investigations in Italy in recent years dealing with the slaying or mistreatment of immigrant women or girls who rebelled against family insistence that they marry someone chosen for them.
After the murder of Abbas, an autopsy revealed that the young woman had a broken neck bone, possibly caused by strangulation. She had emigrated as a teenager from Pakistan to a farm town, Novellara, in Italy’s northern region of Emilia-Romagna.
Authorities in Italy have said she quickly embraced Western ways, including shedding her headscarf and dating a young man of her choice. In one social media post, she and her Pakistani boyfriend were shown kissing on a street in the regional capital, Bologna.
According to Italian investigators, that kiss enraged Abbas’ parents, who wanted her to marry a cousin in Pakistan. Abbas had reportedly told her boyfriend that she feared for her life, because of her refusal to marry an older man in her homeland.

After two losses, Pakistan eye redemption in FIFA qualifier against Saudi Arabia next week

Updated 40 min 1 sec ago

After two losses, Pakistan eye redemption in FIFA qualifier against Saudi Arabia next week

  • Pakistan’s coach says players will fight till the last minute as they prepare for home fixture in Islamabad
  • Last November, Saudi Arabia thrashed Pakistan 4-0 when the two teams faced each other in Al Ahsa city

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s men’s football team coach Stephen Constantine acknowledged on Thursday Saudi Arabia is among some of the best sides in the world but vowed that his team would fight till the last minute as Pakistan seek to redeem themselves after two consecutive defeats in FIFA qualifiers.
Pakistan will face Saudi Arabia at Islamabad’s Jinnah Football Stadium on June 6. Saudi Arabia thumped them 4-0 in the first leg of the World Cup qualifying fixtures when the two Group G sides faced each other last November in Al Ahsa city. Within the next few days, Pakistan suffered a second defeat as Tajikistan cruise to 6-1 win.
The June 6 fixture against Saudi Arabia will be Pakistan’s last home match for the FIFA World Cup qualifying round.
“We are going to fight them from the first minute to the last minute because that’s what we do,” the Pakistani coach told Arab News on the sidelines of one of the practice sessions in Islamabad. “We have to fight. We have to be physical, and we have to try to keep the goals to the minimum.”
Pakistani midfielder Rahis Nabi, one of the diaspora players from Birmingham, United Kingdom, said he was optimistic to win the match against Saudi Arabia, who shocked the world by defeating Argentina 2-1 in their group stage match during the World Cup in Qatar.
“Every game is new now at the beginning,” the 25-year-old player said. “We can win any game, just depends on how we play on the night, and I do believe we can get results.”
Asked about his experience of playing for Pakistan’s national team, Nabi lauded the local players for their hard work and passion for the sport.
“I think we learned many things from each other, but I would say local players learned to be more confident,” he said.
“Maybe they don’t have the confidence that we have by playing abroad,” he continued, adding it was important to tell these players that making mistakes was okay but they had to continue trying.
Pakistan will face Tajikistan on June 11 in what will be their final away fixture of round two.
A total of 36 football squads have been split into nine groups with four teams each in the second round of qualifiers.
The winners and runners-up from each group would go through to the third round.

Pakistan says ‘expects’ full US security for cricket team at World Cup following Daesh threat

Updated 31 May 2024

Pakistan says ‘expects’ full US security for cricket team at World Cup following Daesh threat

  • The statement comes after Daesh Khorasan called for ‘lone wolf’ attack against the Pakistan-India match in New York
  • The foreign office spokesperson says Pakistani authorities are in contact with US officials to facilitate the team’s visit

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s foreign office said on Friday it expected the United States government to ensure full security for the national cricket team during the upcoming World Cup after a high-profile militant group threatened to target their match with India on June 9.

Media outlets around the world reported on the possibility of a “lone wolf” attack on the cricket stadium in New York after Daesh Khorasan released a message calling for independent attackers to act.

The 2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup is scheduled to be co-hosted by the West Indies and the US from June 1 to June 29. The Pakistan team is expected to arrive days ahead of their first match against the USA on June 6 in Dallas, Texas.

The players have just finished their tour to England where they lost the T20 series 2-0 to the home team.

Asked about their safety, foreign office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told her weekly media briefing the Pakistani authorities were in contact with the US authorities to facilitate the cricket team’s visit.

“We expect the government of the US to fully provide security to Pakistan’s cricket team and Pakistani nationals who live in the United States,” she said.

Daesh Khorasan is a regional affiliate of the Daesh group that operates primarily in Afghanistan, though it is also suspected to have a presence in Pakistan and other parts of South Asia.

The group has been involved in various attacks in Pakistan, targeting public spaces, religious minorities and government installations, contributing to regional instability.

Their operations are part of a broader campaign to establish their influence and demonstrate their reach beyond the Afghan borders.